{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
module GpdCont.GroupAction.Delooping where

open import GpdCont.Prelude
open import GpdCont.Univalence using (ua ; ua→)
open import GpdCont.Connectivity using (isPathConnected)

open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Base using (Action ; _⁺_ ; module ActionProperties)
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Equivariant renaming (isEquivariantMap[_][_,_] to isEquivariantMap)
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.TwoCategory using (GroupActionᴰ ; GroupAction)
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.AssociatedBundle using (associatedBundle ; associatedBundleMap ; associatedBundleMapEquiv)
open import GpdCont.Group.TwoCategory using (TwoGroup)

open import GpdCont.SetBundle.Base using (SetBundle ; SetBundleᴰ ; SetBundleᵀ ; isLocallyGroupoidalSetBundle ; module SetBundleNotation)

import      GpdCont.Delooping as Delooping
open import GpdCont.Delooping.Functor using (module TwoFunc ; module LocalInverse)
import      GpdCont.Delooping.Map as DeloopingMap

open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.Base using (TwoCategory)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.StrictFunctor using (StrictFunctor)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.StrictFunctor.LocalFunctor as LocalFunctor using (LocalFunctor)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.LocalCategory using (LocalCategory)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.Displayed.Base using (TwoCategoryᴰ)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.Displayed.StrictFunctor using (StrictFunctorᴰ)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.Displayed.LocallyThin using (IntoLocallyThin)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.HomotopyGroupoid using (hGpdCat)

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv as Equiv using (isEquiv ; equivFun ; equivIsEquiv ; fiber ; invEq ; _∙ₑ_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels using (isOfHLevelPathP' ; isSet→ ; isSet→SquareP)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path using (compPath→Square)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport using (subst⁻ ; subst⁻-filler ; substCommSlice)
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv using (funExtEquiv ; funExtDep)
import      Cubical.Data.Sigma as Sigma
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties using (GroupHom≡)


-- Delooping of group actions into set bundles as a functor of 2-categories.
-- =========================================================================
-- We define this functor by extending the delooping-functor of groups to
-- a strict functor on total 2-categories
--    𝔹 : ∫ Group GroupActionᴰ → ∫ hGpd SetBundleᴰ
-- In particular, we only need to give the "displayed" part of the functor,
-- and since its target has locally thin displayed 2-cells, it suffices to
-- give the following data:
--  ∙ 𝔹ᴰ₀, assigning to a group action its associated bundle,
--  ∙ 𝔹ᴰ₁, assigning to an equivariant map its associated map of bundles
--  ∙ 𝔹ᴰ₂, assigning to a conjugator of actions a homotopy of bundle maps
-- ...and proofs that 𝔹 (strictly) preserves identity 2-cells and vertical composites.
module _ ( : Level) where
    module Group = TwoCategory (TwoGroup )
    module GroupAction = TwoCategory (GroupAction )
    module GroupActionᴰ = TwoCategoryᴰ (GroupActionᴰ )
    module hGpdCat = TwoCategory (hGpdCat )

    module SetBundle = SetBundleNotation 

    open Delooping.𝔹 using ( ; loop)
    𝔹 = TwoFunc.𝔹 
    module 𝔹 = StrictFunctor 𝔹

    -- To each group action, assign its associated bundle:
    𝔹ᴰ₀ :  {G}  GroupActionᴰ.ob[ G ]  SetBundle.ob[ 𝔹.₀ G ]
    𝔹ᴰ₀ (X , σ) = associatedBundle {X = X} σ

  -- Any equivariant map of group actions is exactly a map of associated bundles.
  𝔹ᴰ₁-equiv :  {G H} {φ : Group.hom G H} {Xᴳ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ G ]} {Yᴴ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ H ]}
     GroupActionᴰ.hom[ φ ] Xᴳ Yᴴ  SetBundle.hom[ 𝔹.₁ φ ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ)
  𝔹ᴰ₁-equiv {φ} {Xᴳ = _ , σ} {Yᴴ = _ , τ} = associatedBundleMapEquiv σ τ φ

    𝔹ᴰ₁ :  {G H} {φ : Group.hom G H} {Xᴳ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ G ]} {Yᴴ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ H ]}
       GroupActionᴰ.hom[ φ ] Xᴳ Yᴴ
       SetBundle.hom[ 𝔹.₁ φ ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ)
    𝔹ᴰ₁ = equivFun 𝔹ᴰ₁-equiv

    𝔹ᴰ₁⁻¹ :  {G H} {φ : Group.hom G H} {Xᴳ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ G ]} {Yᴴ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ H ]}
       SetBundle.hom[ 𝔹.₁ φ ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ)
       GroupActionᴰ.hom[ φ ] Xᴳ Yᴴ
    𝔹ᴰ₁⁻¹ = invEq 𝔹ᴰ₁-equiv

  isEquiv-𝔹ᴰ₁ :  {G H} {φ : Group.hom G H} {Xᴳ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ G ]} {Yᴴ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ H ]}
     isEquiv (𝔹ᴰ₁ {G} {H} {φ} {Xᴳ} {Yᴴ})
  isEquiv-𝔹ᴰ₁ = equivIsEquiv 𝔹ᴰ₁-equiv

    -- Path lemma characterizing displayed homotopies of set bundle maps
    -- with a delooping in their codomain.  Such homotopies are defined
    -- pointwise in the delooping; and since the target is a proposition
    -- (SetBundleᴰ is locally thin), it suffices to give the homotopy on
    -- the point.
    module _
      {G} {Y} {f g : hGpdCat.hom (𝔹.₀ G) Y} {r : hGpdCat.rel f g}
      {Xᴳ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ G ]}
      (yᴰ : SetBundle.ob[ Y ])
      {fᴰ : SetBundle.hom[ f ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) yᴰ}
      {gᴰ : SetBundle.hom[ g ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) yᴰ}
      open Delooping G using (elimPropEquiv)
        isProp𝔹ᴰ₁PathP :  x  isProp (PathP  i   yᴰ (r i x)    𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ x ) (fᴰ x) (gᴰ x))
        isProp𝔹ᴰ₁PathP x = isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSet→ is-set-𝔹ᴰ₀) _ _ where
          is-set-𝔹ᴰ₀ : isSet  𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ x 
          is-set-𝔹ᴰ₀ = str $ 𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ x

        𝔹ᴰ₁-PathPEquiv :
          (PathP  i   yᴰ (r i )    𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ  ) (fᴰ ) (gᴰ ))
          (∀ x  PathP  i   yᴰ (r i x)    𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ x ) (fᴰ x) (gᴰ x))
        𝔹ᴰ₁-PathPEquiv = elimPropEquiv isProp𝔹ᴰ₁PathP

        𝔹ᴰ₁-PathP≃SetBundleRel : (PathP  i   yᴰ (r i )    𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ  ) (fᴰ ) (gᴰ ))  (SetBundle.rel[_] {yᴰ = yᴰ} r fᴰ gᴰ)
        𝔹ᴰ₁-PathP≃SetBundleRel = 𝔹ᴰ₁-PathPEquiv ∙ₑ funExtEquiv
        {-# INJECTIVE_FOR_INFERENCE 𝔹ᴰ₁-PathP≃SetBundleRel #-}

        𝔹ᴰ₁PathP : (p⋆ : PathP  i   yᴰ (r i )    𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ  ) (fᴰ ) (gᴰ ))
           SetBundle.rel[_] {yᴰ = yᴰ} r fᴰ gᴰ
        𝔹ᴰ₁PathP = equivFun 𝔹ᴰ₁-PathP≃SetBundleRel

  -- A conjugator relating two equivariant maps is exactly a homotopy of associated bundle maps.
  -- We define the map underlying this equivalence to be the action of 𝔹 on 2-cells.
  module _
    {G H} {φ ψ : Group.hom G H}
    {r : Group.rel φ ψ}
    {Xᴳ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ G ]}
    {Yᴴ @ (Y , τ) : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ H ]}
    {fᴰ @ (f , _) : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ φ ] Xᴳ Yᴴ}
    {gᴰ @ (g , _) : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ ψ ] Xᴳ Yᴴ}

    -- Some `r` is a conjugator of `f` and `g` iff and only if it identifies it identifies
    -- them as a permutation of their domain.
    𝔹ᴰ₂-equiv : (GroupActionᴰ.rel[ r ] fᴰ gᴰ)  (SetBundle.rel[_] {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ} (𝔹.₂ {f = φ} {g = ψ} r) (𝔹ᴰ₁ fᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₁ gᴰ))
    𝔹ᴰ₂-equiv =
      (GroupActionᴰ.rel[ r ] fᴰ gᴰ) ≃⟨ ActionProperties.uaExtEquiv τ {f₀ = f} {f₁ = g} (r .fst) 
      (PathP  i   𝔹ᴰ₀ {H} Yᴴ (𝔹.₂ {f = φ} {g = ψ} r i )    𝔹ᴰ₀ {G} Xᴳ  ) f g) ≃⟨ 𝔹ᴰ₁-PathP≃SetBundleRel {f = 𝔹.₁ φ} {g = 𝔹.₁ ψ} {r = 𝔹.₂ r} (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ) 
      (SetBundle.rel[_] {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ} (𝔹.₂ r) (𝔹ᴰ₁ fᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₁ gᴰ)) ≃∎

    𝔹ᴰ₂ : GroupActionᴰ.rel[ r ] fᴰ gᴰ  SetBundle.rel[_] {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ} (𝔹.₂ {f = φ} {g = ψ} r) (𝔹ᴰ₁ fᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₁ gᴰ)
    𝔹ᴰ₂ = equivFun 𝔹ᴰ₂-equiv

    isEquiv-𝔹ᴰ₂ : isEquiv 𝔹ᴰ₂
    isEquiv-𝔹ᴰ₂ = equivIsEquiv 𝔹ᴰ₂-equiv

    𝔹-rel-id :  {x y : Group.ob} {f : Group.hom x y} {xᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ y ]}
       (fᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ)
       PathP  i  SetBundle.rel[_] {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ yᴰ} (𝔹.F-rel-id {f = f} i) (𝔹ᴰ₁ fᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₁ fᴰ))
          (𝔹ᴰ₂ {r = Group.id-rel f} (GroupActionᴰ.id-relᴰ fᴰ))
          (SetBundle.id-relᴰ {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ yᴰ} (𝔹ᴰ₁ fᴰ))
    𝔹-rel-id {f} {yᴰ} fᴰ = SetBundle.relᴰ≡ {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ yᴰ} (𝔹.F-rel-id {f = f})

    𝔹-rel-trans :  {x y} {f g h : Group.hom x y} {r : Group.rel f g} {s : Group.rel g h}
       {xᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ y ]}
       {fᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ}
       {gᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ g ] xᴰ yᴰ}
       {hᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ h ] xᴰ yᴰ}
       (rᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.rel[ r ] fᴰ gᴰ)
       (sᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.rel[ s ] gᴰ hᴰ)
       PathP  i  SetBundle.rel[_] {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ yᴰ} (𝔹.F-rel-trans r s i) (𝔹ᴰ₁ fᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₁ hᴰ))
          (𝔹ᴰ₂ (GroupActionᴰ.transᴰ {r = r} {s = s} {fᴰ = fᴰ} {gᴰ = gᴰ} {hᴰ = hᴰ} rᴰ sᴰ))
          (SetBundle.transᴰ {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ yᴰ} {gᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₁ gᴰ} (𝔹ᴰ₂ rᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₂ sᴰ))
    𝔹-rel-trans {r} {s} {yᴰ} rᴰ sᴰ = SetBundle.relᴰ≡ {r = 𝔹.₂ (r Group.∙ᵥ s)} {s = 𝔹.₂ r hGpdCat.∙ᵥ 𝔹.₂ s} {yᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ yᴰ} (𝔹.F-rel-trans r s)

    -- Up to a path, 𝔹ᴰ preserves composition of displayed 1-cells...
    𝔹-hom-comp :  {x y z} {f : Group.hom x y} {g : Group.hom y z}
       {xᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ y ]} {zᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ z ]}
       (fᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ) (gᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ g ] yᴰ zᴰ)
       PathP  i  SetBundle.hom[ 𝔹.F-hom-comp f g i ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ xᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ zᴰ))
        (SetBundle.comp-homᴰ {f = 𝔹.₁ f} {g = 𝔹.₁ g} {zᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀ zᴰ} (𝔹ᴰ₁ fᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₁ gᴰ))
        (𝔹ᴰ₁ (fᴰ GroupActionᴰ.∙₁ᴰ gᴰ))
    𝔹-hom-comp {x = G} {z = K} {f} {g} {xᴰ} {zᴰ} fᴰ gᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₁PathP (𝔹ᴰ₀ zᴰ) refl

    -- ...and displayed identity 1-cells:
    𝔹-hom-id :  {x} (xᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ x ])
       PathP  i  SetBundle.hom[ 𝔹.F-hom-id x i ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ xᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ xᴰ))
        (SetBundle.id-homᴰ (𝔹ᴰ₀ xᴰ))
        (𝔹ᴰ₁ (GroupActionᴰ.id-homᴰ xᴰ))
    𝔹-hom-id {x} xᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₁PathP (𝔹ᴰ₀ xᴰ) refl

  𝔹ᴰ : StrictFunctorᴰ 𝔹 (GroupActionᴰ ) (SetBundleᴰ )
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-obᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₀
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-homᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₁
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-relᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₂
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-rel-idᴰ = 𝔹-rel-id
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-rel-transᴰ = 𝔹-rel-trans
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-hom-compᴰ = 𝔹-hom-comp
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-hom-idᴰ = 𝔹-hom-id
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-assoc-filler-leftᴰ fᴰ gᴰ hᴰ = doubleCompPathP→DoubleCompPathPFiller _ _ _ _
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-assoc-filler-rightᴰ fᴰ gᴰ hᴰ = doubleCompPathP→DoubleCompPathPFiller _ _ _ _
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-assocᴰ {f} {g} {h} {xᴰ} {wᴰ} fᴰ gᴰ hᴰ = isSet→SquareP  i j  SetBundle.isSetHomᴰ (𝔹.F-assoc f g h i j) (𝔹ᴰ₀ xᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ wᴰ)) _ _ _ _
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-unit-left-fillerᴰ fᴰ = doubleCompPathP→DoubleCompPathPFiller _ _ _ _
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-unit-leftᴰ {f} {xᴰ} {yᴰ} fᴰ = isSet→SquareP  i j  SetBundle.isSetHomᴰ (𝔹.F-unit-left f i j) (𝔹ᴰ₀ xᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ yᴰ)) _ _ _ _
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-unit-right-fillerᴰ fᴰ = doubleCompPathP→DoubleCompPathPFiller _ _ _ _
  𝔹ᴰ .StrictFunctorᴰ.F-unit-rightᴰ {f} {xᴰ} {yᴰ} fᴰ = isSet→SquareP  i j  SetBundle.isSetHomᴰ (𝔹.F-unit-right f i j) (𝔹ᴰ₀ xᴰ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ yᴰ)) _ _ _ _

  ActionDelooping : StrictFunctor (GroupAction ) (SetBundle )
  ActionDelooping = StrictFunctorᴰ.toTotalFunctor 𝔹ᴰ

    module ∫𝔹ᴰ = StrictFunctor ActionDelooping

    module ActionDelooping where
      open StrictFunctor ActionDelooping public
      open LocalFunctor ActionDelooping public

  isConnectedDeloopingBase : (σ : GroupAction.ob)  isPathConnected  SetBundle.Base (∫𝔹ᴰ.₀ σ) 
  isConnectedDeloopingBase (G , (X , σ)) = Delooping.isConnectedDelooping G

  isLocallyFullyFaithfulDelooping : ActionDelooping.isLocallyFullyFaithful
  isLocallyFullyFaithfulDelooping σ τ f@(φ , _) g@(ψ , _) = goal where
    ∫𝔹₁ = StrictFunctor.F-hom ActionDelooping

    ∫𝔹₂ : GroupAction.rel f g  SetBundle.rel (∫𝔹₁ f) (∫𝔹₁ g)
    ∫𝔹₂ = StrictFunctor.F-rel ActionDelooping {f = f} {g = g}

    ∫𝔹₂-equiv : GroupAction.rel f g  SetBundle.rel (∫𝔹₁ f) (∫𝔹₁ g)
    ∫𝔹₂-equiv = Sigma.Σ-cong-equiv
      (TwoFunc.localDeloopingEmbedding  φ ψ)
       λ (r : Group.rel φ ψ)  𝔹ᴰ₂-equiv {r = r}

    goal : isEquiv ∫𝔹₂
    goal = equivIsEquiv ∫𝔹₂-equiv

  module _
    {G H : Group.ob}
    (Xᴳ @ (X , σ) : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ G ])
    (Yᴴ @ (Y , τ) : GroupActionᴰ.ob[ H ])
    (f : hGpdCat.hom (𝔹.₀ G) (𝔹.₀ H))
    (fᴰ : SetBundle.hom[ f ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ))
    (φ : Group.hom G H)
    (φ-sec : 𝔹.₁ φ  f)
    𝔹ᴰ₁-sectionOver : Σ[ φᴰ  GroupActionᴰ.hom[ φ ] Xᴳ Yᴴ ] PathP  i  SetBundle.hom[ φ-sec i ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ)) (𝔹ᴰ₁ φᴰ) fᴰ
    𝔹ᴰ₁-sectionOver = goal where
      fᴰ′ : SetBundle.hom[ 𝔹.₁ φ ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ)
      fᴰ′ = subst  φ  SetBundle.hom[ φ ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ)) (sym φ-sec) fᴰ

      fᴰ′-filler : PathP  i  SetBundle.hom[ φ-sec (~ i) ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ)) fᴰ fᴰ′
      fᴰ′-filler = subst-filler  φ  SetBundle.hom[ φ ] (𝔹ᴰ₀ Xᴳ) (𝔹ᴰ₀ Yᴴ)) (sym φ-sec) fᴰ

      φᴰ : GroupActionᴰ.hom[ φ ] Xᴳ Yᴴ
      φᴰ = 𝔹ᴰ₁⁻¹ fᴰ′

      φᴰ-sec : fᴰ′  𝔹ᴰ₁ φᴰ
      φᴰ-sec = sym (Equiv.secEq (𝔹ᴰ₁-equiv {Xᴳ = Xᴳ} {Yᴴ = Yᴴ}) fᴰ′)

      goal : Σ _ _
      goal .fst = φᴰ
      goal .snd = symP (subst (PathP _ fᴰ) φᴰ-sec fᴰ′-filler)

  isEssentiallySurjectiveDelooping : ActionDelooping.isLocallyEssentiallySurjective
  isEssentiallySurjectiveDelooping Xᴳ@(G , (X , σ)) Yᴴ@(H , (Y , τ)) = goal
    where module _ (f* @ (f , fᴰ) : SetBundle.hom (ActionDelooping.₀ Xᴳ) (ActionDelooping.₀ Yᴴ)) where
    open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
    open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base using (CatIso ; pathToIso)
    goal : ∃[ φ*  GroupAction.hom Xᴳ Yᴴ ] CatIso (LocalCategory _ (∫𝔹ᴰ.₀ Xᴳ) (∫𝔹ᴰ.₀ Yᴴ)) (∫𝔹ᴰ.₁ φ*) f*
    goal = do
      (φ , φ-sec)  LocalInverse.isSurjection-map f
      let (φᴰ , φᴰ-sec) = 𝔹ᴰ₁-sectionOver (X , σ) (Y , τ) f fᴰ φ φ-sec
      ∃-intro (φ , φᴰ) $ pathToIso $ Sigma.ΣPathP (φ-sec , φᴰ-sec)

  isLocallyWeakEquivalenceDelooping : ActionDelooping.isLocallyWeakEquivalence
  isLocallyWeakEquivalenceDelooping =