module GpdCont.TwoCategory.Displayed.LocallyThin where

open import GpdCont.Prelude
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.Base
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.LaxFunctor using (LaxFunctor)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.Displayed.Base as Disp hiding (module TotalTwoCategory)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.Displayed.LaxFunctor using (LaxFunctorᴰ)

module _ {ℓo ℓh ℓr} (C : TwoCategory ℓo ℓh ℓr) (ℓoᴰ ℓhᴰ ℓrᴰ : Level) where
    ℓC = ℓ-of C
    ℓCᴰ : Level
    ℓCᴰ = ℓMax ℓoᴰ ℓhᴰ ℓrᴰ
    module C = TwoCategory C

  module _
    (ob[_] : C.ob  Type ℓoᴰ)
    (hom[_] : {x y : C.ob} (f : C.hom x y) (xᴰ : ob[ x ]) (yᴰ : ob[ y ])  Type ℓhᴰ)
    (rel[_] : {x y : C.ob} {f g : C.hom x y}
       {xᴰ : ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : ob[ y ]}
       (s : C.rel f g)
       (fᴰ : hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ)
       (gᴰ : hom[ g ] xᴰ yᴰ)
       Type ℓrᴰ)
      open C

      record IsLocallyThinOver (sᴰ : TwoCategoryStrᴰ C ℓoᴰ ℓhᴰ ℓrᴰ ob[_] hom[_] rel[_]) : Type (ℓ-max ℓC ℓCᴰ) where
          open module sᴰ = TwoCategoryStrᴰ sᴰ

          is-prop-relᴰ : {x y : ob} {f g : hom x y} {s : rel f g}
             {xᴰ : ob[ x ]}
             {yᴰ : ob[ y ]}
             (fᴰ : hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ)
             (gᴰ : hom[ g ] xᴰ yᴰ)
             isProp (rel[ s ] fᴰ gᴰ)

          comp-hom-assocᴰ : {x y z w : C.ob} {f : C.hom x y} {g : C.hom y z} {h : C.hom z w}
             {xᴰ : ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : ob[ y ]} {zᴰ : ob[ z ]} {wᴰ : ob[ w ]}
             (fᴰ : hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ)
             (gᴰ : hom[ g ] yᴰ zᴰ)
             (hᴰ : hom[ h ] zᴰ wᴰ)
             PathP  i  hom[ C.comp-hom-assoc f g h i ] xᴰ wᴰ)
                ((fᴰ ∙₁ᴰ gᴰ) ∙₁ᴰ hᴰ)
                (fᴰ ∙₁ᴰ (gᴰ ∙₁ᴰ hᴰ))
          comp-hom-unit-leftᴰ : {x y : C.ob} {g : C.hom x y}
             {xᴰ : ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : ob[ y ]}
             (gᴰ : hom[ g ] xᴰ yᴰ)
             PathP  i  hom[ C.comp-hom-unit-left g i ] xᴰ yᴰ)
                (id-homᴰ xᴰ ∙₁ᴰ gᴰ)

          comp-hom-unit-rightᴰ : {x y : C.ob} {f : C.hom x y}
             {xᴰ : ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : ob[ y ]}
             (fᴰ : hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ)
             PathP  i  hom[ C.comp-hom-unit-right f i ] xᴰ yᴰ)
                (fᴰ ∙₁ᴰ id-homᴰ yᴰ)

          -- Any pair displayed 2-cells are connected by a path.
          -- Taking all possible dependencies in the base into account,
          -- this is the generic path lemma that we end up with:
          relᴰPathP : {x y : C.ob}
             {f₀ f₁ : C.hom x y}  {f : PathP  i  C.hom x y) f₀ f₁}
             {g₀ g₁ : C.hom x y}  {g : PathP  i  C.hom x y) g₀ g₁}
             {r : C.rel f₀ g₀}
             {s : C.rel f₁ g₁}
             {xᴰ : ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : ob[ y ]}
             {fᴰ₀ : hom[ f₀ ] xᴰ yᴰ}  {fᴰ₁ : hom[ f₁ ] xᴰ yᴰ}  {fᴰ : PathP  i  hom[ f i ] xᴰ yᴰ) fᴰ₀  fᴰ₁}
             {gᴰ₀ : hom[ g₀ ] xᴰ yᴰ}  {gᴰ₁ : hom[ g₁ ] xᴰ yᴰ}  {gᴰ : PathP  i  hom[ g i ] xᴰ yᴰ) gᴰ₀  gᴰ₁}
             {rᴰ : rel[ r ] fᴰ₀ gᴰ₀}
             {sᴰ : rel[ s ] fᴰ₁ gᴰ₁}
             (p : PathP  i  rel (f i) (g i)) r s)
             PathP  i  rel[ p i ] (fᴰ i) (gᴰ i)) rᴰ sᴰ
          relᴰPathP {fᴰ} {gᴰ} {rᴰ} {sᴰ} p = isProp→PathP  i  is-prop-relᴰ {s = p i} (fᴰ i) (gᴰ i)) rᴰ sᴰ

        -- When the identification of 2-cells in the base is non-dependent,
        -- the type simplifies significantly, and we recognize that it actually
        -- identifies parallel displayed 2-cells rᴰ and sᴰ:
          relᴰ≡ : {x y : C.ob} {f g : C.hom x y} {r s : C.rel f g}
             {xᴰ : ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : ob[ y ]}
             {fᴰ : hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ}
             {gᴰ : hom[ g ] xᴰ yᴰ}
             {rᴰ : rel[ r ] fᴰ gᴰ}
             {sᴰ : rel[ s ] fᴰ gᴰ}
             (p : r  s)
             PathP  i  rel[ p i ] fᴰ gᴰ) rᴰ sᴰ
          relᴰ≡ = relᴰPathP

        relΣPathP : {x y : C.ob}
           {f₀ f₁ : C.hom x y}  {f : PathP  i  C.hom x y) f₀ f₁}
           {g₀ g₁ : C.hom x y}  {g : PathP  i  C.hom x y) g₀ g₁}
           {r : C.rel f₀ g₀}
           {s : C.rel f₁ g₁}
           {xᴰ : ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : ob[ y ]}
           {fᴰ₀ : hom[ f₀ ] xᴰ yᴰ}  {fᴰ₁ : hom[ f₁ ] xᴰ yᴰ}  {fᴰ : PathP  i  hom[ f i ] xᴰ yᴰ) fᴰ₀  fᴰ₁}
           {gᴰ₀ : hom[ g₀ ] xᴰ yᴰ}  {gᴰ₁ : hom[ g₁ ] xᴰ yᴰ}  {gᴰ : PathP  i  hom[ g i ] xᴰ yᴰ) gᴰ₀  gᴰ₁}
           {rᴰ : rel[ r ] fᴰ₀ gᴰ₀}
           {sᴰ : rel[ s ] fᴰ₁ gᴰ₁}
           (p : PathP  i  rel (f i) (g i)) r s)
           PathP  i  Σ[ r  (rel (f i) (g i)) ] rel[ r ] (fᴰ i) (gᴰ i)) (r , rᴰ) (s , sᴰ)
        relΣPathP p i .fst = p i
        relΣPathP {fᴰ} {gᴰ} {rᴰ} {sᴰ} p i .snd = relᴰPathP {fᴰ = fᴰ} {gᴰ = gᴰ} {rᴰ = rᴰ} {sᴰ = sᴰ} p i

        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ : IsTwoCategoryᴰ C _ _ _ ob[_] hom[_] rel[_] sᴰ
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.is-set-relᴰ fᴰ gᴰ = isProp→isSet $ is-prop-relᴰ fᴰ gᴰ
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.trans-assocᴰ _ _ _ = relᴰ≡ (C.trans-assoc _ _ _)
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.trans-unit-leftᴰ _ = relᴰ≡ (C.trans-unit-left _)
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.trans-unit-rightᴰ _ = relᴰ≡ (C.trans-unit-right _)
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.comp-rel-idᴰ _ _ = relᴰPathP _
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.comp-rel-transᴰ _ _ _ _ = relᴰPathP _
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.comp-hom-assocᴰ = comp-hom-assocᴰ
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.comp-hom-unit-leftᴰ = comp-hom-unit-leftᴰ
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.comp-hom-unit-rightᴰ = comp-hom-unit-rightᴰ
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.comp-rel-assocᴰ {s} {t} {u} _ _ _ = relᴰPathP (comp-rel-assoc s t u)
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.comp-rel-unit-leftᴰ {s} _ = relᴰPathP (comp-rel-unit-left s)
        toIsTwoCategoryᴰ .IsTwoCategoryᴰ.comp-rel-unit-rightᴰ {r} _ = relᴰPathP (comp-rel-unit-right r)

  record LocallyThinOver : Type (ℓ-max ℓC (ℓ-suc ℓCᴰ)) where
      ob[_] : C.ob  Type ℓoᴰ
      hom[_] : {x y : C.ob} (f : C.hom x y) (xᴰ : ob[ x ]) (yᴰ : ob[ y ])  Type ℓhᴰ
      rel[_] : {x y : C.ob} {f g : C.hom x y}
         {xᴰ : ob[ x ]}  {yᴰ : ob[ y ]}
         (s : C.rel f g)
         (fᴰ : hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ)
         (gᴰ : hom[ g ] xᴰ yᴰ)
         Type ℓrᴰ

      two-category-structureᴰ : TwoCategoryStrᴰ C _ _ _ ob[_] hom[_] rel[_]
      is-locally-thinᴰ : IsLocallyThinOver ob[_] hom[_] rel[_] two-category-structureᴰ

    open TwoCategoryStrᴰ two-category-structureᴰ public
    open IsLocallyThinOver is-locally-thinᴰ public

    toTwoCategoryᴰ : Disp.TwoCategoryᴰ C _ _ _
    toTwoCategoryᴰ .TwoCategoryᴰ.ob[_] = ob[_]
    toTwoCategoryᴰ .TwoCategoryᴰ.hom[_] = hom[_]
    toTwoCategoryᴰ .TwoCategoryᴰ.rel[_] = rel[_]
    toTwoCategoryᴰ .TwoCategoryᴰ.two-category-structureᴰ = two-category-structureᴰ
    toTwoCategoryᴰ .TwoCategoryᴰ.is-two-categoryᴰ = toIsTwoCategoryᴰ

module TotalTwoCategory
  {ℓo ℓh ℓr} (C : TwoCategory ℓo ℓh ℓr)
  {ℓoᴰ ℓhᴰ ℓrᴰ : Level} (Cᴰ : LocallyThinOver C ℓoᴰ ℓhᴰ ℓrᴰ)

    open module C = TwoCategory C
    open module Cᴰ = LocallyThinOver Cᴰ

   : TwoCategory (ℓ-max ℓo ℓoᴰ) (ℓ-max ℓh ℓhᴰ) (ℓ-max ℓr ℓrᴰ)
   = Disp.TotalTwoCategory.∫ C toTwoCategoryᴰ

-- For defining lax functors into locally thin displayed 2-categories,
-- one can get away with verifying a lot less properties: one needs to
-- provide the usual stuff (actions on {0,1,2}-cells) and data of the
-- laxity constraints.
-- All other properties are (dependendent) paths between 2-cells, and
-- those always exists, since the target 2-cells are propositons>
-- `IntoLocallyThin` contains the data of a functor into some locally thin `Dᴰ`.
module _
  {ℓoC ℓoCᴰ ℓoD ℓoDᴰ}
  {ℓhC ℓhCᴰ ℓhD ℓhDᴰ}
  {ℓrC ℓrCᴰ ℓrD ℓrDᴰ}
  {C : TwoCategory ℓoC ℓhC ℓrC}
  {D : TwoCategory ℓoD ℓhD ℓrD}
  (F : LaxFunctor C D)
  (Cᴰ : TwoCategoryᴰ C ℓoCᴰ ℓhCᴰ ℓrCᴰ)
  (Dᴰ : LocallyThinOver D ℓoDᴰ ℓhDᴰ ℓrDᴰ)
       : Level
       = ℓMax ℓoC ℓoCᴰ ℓoD ℓoDᴰ ℓhC ℓhCᴰ ℓhD ℓhDᴰ ℓrC ℓrCᴰ ℓrD ℓrDᴰ
      module C = TwoCategory C
      module D = TwoCategory D
      open module F = LaxFunctor F hiding ( ;  ; )
      module Cᴰ = TwoCategoryᴰ Cᴰ
      module Dᴰ = LocallyThinOver Dᴰ

    record IntoLocallyThin : Type  where
        F-obᴰ : {x : C.ob}
           Cᴰ.ob[ x ]  Dᴰ.ob[ F.₀ x ]
        F-homᴰ : {x y : C.ob} {f : C.hom x y}
           {xᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ y ]}
           Cᴰ.hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ  Dᴰ.hom[ F.₁ f ] (F-obᴰ xᴰ) (F-obᴰ yᴰ)
        F-relᴰ : {x y : C.ob} {f g : C.hom x y} {r : C.rel f g}
           {xᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ y ]}
           {fᴰ : Cᴰ.hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ}
           {gᴰ : Cᴰ.hom[ g ] xᴰ yᴰ}
           Cᴰ.rel[ r ] fᴰ gᴰ  Dᴰ.rel[ F.₂ r ] (F-homᴰ fᴰ) (F-homᴰ gᴰ)

       = F-obᴰ
       = F-homᴰ
       = F-relᴰ

      -- Displayed laxity constraints
        -- Lax functoriality
        F-trans-laxᴰ : {x y z : C.ob} {f : C.hom x y} {g : C.hom y z}
           {xᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ y ]} {zᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ z ]}
           (fᴰ : Cᴰ.hom[ f ] xᴰ yᴰ)
           (gᴰ : Cᴰ.hom[ g ] yᴰ zᴰ)
           Dᴰ.rel[ F-trans-lax f g ]
            ((F-homᴰ fᴰ) Dᴰ.∙₁ᴰ (F-homᴰ gᴰ))
            (F-homᴰ (fᴰ Cᴰ.∙₁ᴰ gᴰ))

        F-id-laxᴰ : {x : C.ob} (xᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ x ])
           Dᴰ.rel[ F-id-lax x ] (Dᴰ.id-homᴰ (F-obᴰ xᴰ)) (F-homᴰ (Cᴰ.id-homᴰ xᴰ))

      -- The induced displayed functor has all of its coherence conditions on 2-cells
      -- satisfied by the path lemma in Dᴰ: parallel displayed 2-cells are identical.
      toLaxFunctorᴰ : LaxFunctorᴰ F Cᴰ (Dᴰ.toTwoCategoryᴰ)
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-obᴰ = F-obᴰ
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-homᴰ = F-homᴰ
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-relᴰ = F-relᴰ
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-rel-idᴰ = Dᴰ.relᴰ≡ F-rel-id
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-rel-transᴰ _ _ = Dᴰ.relᴰ≡ (F-rel-trans _ _)
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-trans-laxᴰ = F-trans-laxᴰ
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-trans-lax-naturalᴰ _ _ = Dᴰ.relᴰ≡ (F-trans-lax-natural _ _)
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-id-laxᴰ = F-id-laxᴰ
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-assocᴰ _ _ _ = Dᴰ.relᴰPathP (F-assoc _ _ _)
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-unit-leftᴰ _ = Dᴰ.relᴰPathP (F-unit-left _)
      toLaxFunctorᴰ .LaxFunctorᴰ.F-unit-rightᴰ _ = Dᴰ.relᴰPathP (F-unit-right _)