module GpdCont.Prelude where

open import GpdCont.RecordEquiv public

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
  using (const ; _∘_ ; _$_ ; curry ; uncurry ; flip)
  renaming (idfun to id)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure public using (⟨_⟩ ; str)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv using (_≃_ ; _≃⟨_⟩_) renaming (_■ to _≃∎) public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv using (equivFun ; invEq ; isEquiv ; _∙ₑ_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties using (equivAdjointEquiv ; preCompEquiv ; congEquiv)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels as HLevels using ()
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism as Isomorphism using (Iso ; _Iso⟨_⟩_) renaming (_∎Iso to _Iso∎) public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport as Transport using ()
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws

open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Base using (zero ; suc) public
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Literals public
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base using ( ; ∃-syntax ; _×_) public

import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT

module _ where
       : Level
      A B C : Type 

  infixr 9 _⋆_
  _⋆_ : (f : A  B) (g : B  C)  A  C
  (f  g) x = g (f x)
  {-# INLINE _⋆_ #-}

  the : (A : Type )  (a : A)  A
  the _ a = a

  refl′ : (x : A)  x  x
  refl′ x i = x

  flipIso :  {C : A  B  Type }  Iso ((a : A) (b : B)  C a b) ((b : B) (a : A)  C a b)
  flipIso = flip
  flipIso .Iso.inv = flip
  flipIso .Iso.rightInv _ = refl
  flipIso .Iso.leftInv _ = refl

  flipEquiv :  {C : A  B  Type }  ((a : A) (b : B)  C a b)  ((b : B) (a : A)  C a b)
  flipEquiv {C} = strictIsoToEquiv (flipIso {C = C})

module _ where
  infixr 0 _≃⟨⟩_
  _≃⟨⟩_ :  { ℓ'} (A : Type ) {B : Type ℓ'}  A  B  A  B
  A ≃⟨⟩ e = e

  infixr 0 _Iso⟨⟩_
  _Iso⟨⟩_ :  { ℓ'} (A : Type ) {B : Type ℓ'}  Iso A B  Iso A B
  A Iso⟨⟩ i = i

module LevelNumber where
  open import Agda.Primitive using (LevelUniv)
  open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
  open import Agda.Builtin.Unit
  open import Agda.Builtin.FromNat public

  ℓ# : (n : Nat)  Level
  ℓ# zero = ℓ-zero
  ℓ# (suc n) = ℓ-suc (ℓ# n)

    NumberLevel : Number Level
    NumberLevel .Number.Constraint n = 
    NumberLevel .Number.fromNat n = ℓ# n

  LevelTele : (n : Nat)  LevelUniv
  LevelTele zero = Level
  LevelTele (suc n) = Level  LevelTele n

  ℓMax : {n : Nat}  LevelTele n
  ℓMax {n = 0} = ℓ-zero
  ℓMax {n = 1} = λ   
  ℓMax {n = suc (suc n)} ℓ₀ ℓ₁ = ℓMax {n = suc n} (ℓ-max ℓ₀ ℓ₁)

ℓ-of :  {} {A : Type } (a : A)  Level
ℓ-of {} _ = 

open LevelNumber public

 : (i : I)  I
 i = i  ~ i

∂² : (i j : I)  I
∂² i j =  i   j

module _ where
       : Level
      A : Type 
      x y z w v : A

  assoc-brace : (p : x  y) (q : y  z) (r : z  w) (s : w  v)
     p  ((q  r)  s)  (p  q)  (r  s)
  assoc-brace p q r s =
    p  ((q  r)  s) ≡⟨ sym $ cong (p ∙_) (assoc q r s) 
    p  (q  (r  s)) ≡⟨ assoc p q (r  s) 
    (p  q)  (r  s) 

  reflSquare : (x : A)  Square (refl′ x) (refl′ x) (refl′ x) (refl′ x)
  reflSquare x = λ i j  x

  compSquareFiller : (p : x  y) (q : y  z) (p∙q : x  z)  Type _
  compSquareFiller {x} p q p∙q = Square p p∙q refl q

  pathComp→compSquareFiller : (p : x  y) (q : y  z)  compSquareFiller p q (p  q)
  pathComp→compSquareFiller = compPath-filler

  PathCompFiller : (p : x  y) (q : y  z)  Type _
  PathCompFiller {x} {z} p q = Σ[ r  x  z ] compSquareFiller p q r

  pathComp→PathCompFiller : {p : x  y} {q : y  z}  PathCompFiller p q
  pathComp→PathCompFiller .fst = _
  pathComp→PathCompFiller .snd = pathComp→compSquareFiller _ _

  congPathCompFiller :  {B : Type } (f : A  B) {p : x  y} {q : y  z}  PathCompFiller p q  PathCompFiller (cong f p) (cong f q)
  congPathCompFiller f (r , is-filler) .fst = cong f r
  congPathCompFiller f (r , is-filler) .snd = λ i j  f (is-filler i j)

  isPropCompSquareFiller :  (p : x  y) (q : y  z)  isProp (PathCompFiller p q)
  isPropCompSquareFiller p q = compPath-unique refl p q

  isContrCompSquareFiller :  (p : x  y) (q : y  z)  isContr (Σ[ r  x  z ] compSquareFiller p q r)
  isContrCompSquareFiller p q .fst = p  q , pathComp→compSquareFiller p q
  isContrCompSquareFiller p q .snd = isPropCompSquareFiller p q _

  coerceCompSquareFiller : {p : x  y} {q : y  z} {r : x  z}
     (H : p  q  r)
     compSquareFiller p q r
  coerceCompSquareFiller {p} {q} H = subst (compSquareFiller p q) H $ pathComp→compSquareFiller p q

  compSquareFillerUnique : {p : x  y} {q : y  z} {r : x  z}
     compSquareFiller p q r
     p  q  r
  compSquareFillerUnique sq = cong fst (isContrCompSquareFiller _ _ .snd (_ , sq))

  compSquarePFiller :  {ℓA ℓB} {A : Type ℓA} {B : A  Type ℓB}
      {x y z : A} {p : x  y} {q : y  z} {p∙q : x  z}
     (sq : compSquareFiller p q p∙q)
     (sec : (a : A)  B a)
     (sec-path :  {x y : A}  (p : x  y)  PathP  i  B (p i)) (sec x) (sec y))
     Type ℓB
  compSquarePFiller {B} {x} {p} {q} {p∙q} sq sec sec-path = SquareP  i j  B (sq i j)) (sec-path p) (sec-path p∙q) (refl {x = sec x}) (sec-path q)

  module _ {A : Type } {x y z w : A} {p : x  y} {q : y  z} {r : x  w} {s : w  z} (sq : Square p s r q) where
    SquareDiag : x  z
    SquareDiag i = sq i i

    diagFiller : compSquareFiller p q SquareDiag
    diagFiller i j = sq (j  i) j

    diagFiller' : compSquareFiller r s SquareDiag
    diagFiller' i j = sq j (j  i)

    SquareDiag≡pathComp : SquareDiag  p  q
    SquareDiag≡pathComp = sym $ compSquareFillerUnique diagFiller

    SquareDiag≡pathComp' : SquareDiag  r  s
    SquareDiag≡pathComp' = sym $ compSquareFillerUnique diagFiller'

  module DoubleCompPathP {} (A : (i j : I)  Type )
    {a₀₀ : A i0 i0} {a₀₁ : A i0 i1} {a₁₀ : A i1 i0} {a₁₁ : A i1 i1}
    (p : PathP  i  A i i0) a₀₀ a₁₀)
    (q : PathP  j  A i0 j) a₀₀ a₀₁)
    (r : PathP  i  A i i1) a₀₁ a₁₁)
    doubleCompPathP-faces : (i j : I)  Partial ( j) (A i j)
    doubleCompPathP-faces i j (j = i0) = p i
    doubleCompPathP-faces i j (j = i1) = r i

    doubleCompPathP : PathP  j  A i1 j) a₁₀ a₁₁
    doubleCompPathP j = comp  i  A i j) {φ = j  ~ j}
       i  doubleCompPathP-faces i j)
      (q j)

    doubleCompPathP-filler : SquareP A q doubleCompPathP p r
    doubleCompPathP-filler i j = fill  i  A i j) {φ =  j}
       i  doubleCompPathP-faces i j)
      (inS (q j)) i

    DoubleCompPathPFiller : Type _
    DoubleCompPathPFiller = Σ[ s  PathP  j  A i1 j) a₁₀ a₁₁ ] SquareP A q s p r

    doubleCompPathP→DoubleCompPathPFiller : DoubleCompPathPFiller
    doubleCompPathP→DoubleCompPathPFiller .fst = doubleCompPathP
    doubleCompPathP→DoubleCompPathPFiller .snd = doubleCompPathP-filler

    isPropDoubleCompPathPFiller : isProp DoubleCompPathPFiller
    isPropDoubleCompPathPFiller (s₀ , s₀-filler) (s₁ , s₁-filler) = λ t  lid-path t , filler-path t where
      cube-faces : (t i j : I)  Partial ( t   j) (A i j)
      cube-faces t i j (t = i0) = s₀-filler i j
      cube-faces t i j (t = i1) = s₁-filler i j
      cube-faces t i j (j = i0) = p i
      cube-faces t i j (j = i1) = r i

      cube : (t i j : I)  A i j
      cube t i j = fill  i  A i j) {φ =  t   j}  i  cube-faces t i j) (inS (q j)) i

      lid-path : s₀  s₁
      lid-path t j = cube t i1 j

      filler-path : PathP  t  SquareP A q (lid-path t) p r) s₀-filler s₁-filler
      filler-path t i j = cube t i j

    isContrDoubleCompPathPFiller : isContr DoubleCompPathPFiller
    isContrDoubleCompPathPFiller = HLevels.inhProp→isContr

  open DoubleCompPathP public

  module _
    { ℓ'} {A : Type } (B : A  Type ℓ')
    {x y : A} (p : x  y)
    {x' : B x} {y' : B y}
    (p' : PathP  i  B (p i)) x' y')
    rCancelP' : PathP  j  PathP  i  B (rCancel p j i)) x' x') (compPathP' {B = B} {p = p} {q = sym p} p' (symP p')) (refl′ x')
    rCancelP' j i =
      comp  k  B (rCancel-filler p k j i))
         k  λ where
          (i = i0)  x'
          (i = i1)  p' (~ k  ~ j)
          (j = i1)  x'
        (p' (i  ~ j))

  module _
    { ℓ'} {A : Type } (B : A  Type ℓ')
    {x y : A} (p : x  y)
    {x' : B x} {y' : B y}
    (p' : PathP  i  B (p i)) x' y')
    lCancelP' : PathP  j  PathP  i  B (lCancel p j i)) y' y') (compPathP' {B = B} {p = sym p} {q = p} (symP p') p') (refl′ y')
    lCancelP' = rCancelP' B (sym p) (symP p')

  module _
    { ℓ'} {A : Type } (B : A  Type ℓ')
    {x y z w : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z) (r : z  w)
    {x' : B x} {y' : B y} {z' : B z} {w' : B w}
    (p' : PathP  i  B (p i)) x' y')
    (q' : PathP  i  B (q i)) y' z')
    (r' : PathP  i  B (r i)) z' w')
    doubleCompPathP'-base : (i j : I)  Type ℓ'
    doubleCompPathP'-base i j = B (doubleCompPath-filler p q r j i)

    doubleCompPathP'-faces : (i j : I)  Partial ( i) (B (doubleCompPath-filler p q r j i))
    doubleCompPathP'-faces i j (i = i0) = p' (~ j)
    doubleCompPathP'-faces i j (i = i1) = r' j

    doubleCompPathP' : PathP  i  B ((p ∙∙ q ∙∙ r) i)) x' w'
    doubleCompPathP' i = comp
      (doubleCompPathP'-base i)
      (doubleCompPathP'-faces i)
      (q' i)

    doubleCompPathP'-filler : PathP  j  PathP  i  (B (doubleCompPath-filler p q r j i))) (p' (~ j)) (r' j)) q' doubleCompPathP'
    doubleCompPathP'-filler j i = fill
      (doubleCompPathP'-base i)
      (doubleCompPathP'-faces i)
      (inS (q' i))

    compPath≡Square : {a b c d : A} {p : a  c} {q : b  d} {r : a  b} {s : c  d}
       (p  s  r  q)  (Square r s p q)
    compPath≡Square {A} {a} {d} {p} {q} {r} {s} = goal where
      open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
      open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

      goal : (p  s  r  q)  (Square r s p q)
      goal =
        (p  s  r  q)                     ≡⟨ ua (strictIsoToEquiv symIso) 
        (r  q  p  s)                     ≡⟨ ua (congEquiv (compPathlEquiv (sym p))) 
        (sym p  (r  q)  sym p  (p  s)) ≡[ i ]⟨ sym p  (r  q)  assoc (sym p) p s i 
        (sym p  (r  q)  (sym p  p)  s) ≡[ i ]⟨ sym p  (r  q)  lCancel p i  s 
        (sym p  (r  q)  refl  s)        ≡[ i ]⟨ sym p  (r  q)  lUnit s (~ i) 
        (sym p  (r  q)  s)               ≡⟨ cong (_≡ s) $ sym (doubleCompPath-elim' (sym p) r q) 
        (sym p ∙∙ r ∙∙ q  s)               ≡⟨ sym (PathP≡doubleCompPathˡ p r s q) 
        (Square r s p q) 

  compPath≃Square : {a b c d : A} {p : a  c} {q : b  d} {r : a  b} {s : c  d}
     (p  s  r  q)  (Square r s p q)
  compPath≃Square {p} {q} {r} {s} = pathToEquiv compPath≡Square where
    open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence using (pathToEquiv)

  substCodomain :  {ℓ′ ℓ″} {x y : A} (B : A  Type ℓ′) {C : Type ℓ″} (p : x  y) (f : B x  C)
     subst  a  B a  C) p f  f  subst B (sym p)
  substCodomain {A} {x} B {C} = J  y p  (f : B x  C)  subst  a  B a  C) p f  f  subst B (sym p)) goal
    where module _ (f : B x  C) where
      B→C = λ a  B a  C

      step₁ : subst B→C refl f  f
      step₁ = substRefl {B = B→C} f

      step₂ : f  f  subst B refl
      step₂ = funExt λ a  cong f $ sym (substRefl {B = B} a)

      goal : subst  a  B a  C) refl f  f  subst B refl
      goal = step₁  step₂

  preCompAdjointEquiv :  { ℓ′ ℓ″} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ′} {C : Type ℓ″}
     (e : A  B)
     (f : A  C)
     (g : B  C)
     (g  f  invEq e)  (g  equivFun e  f)
  preCompAdjointEquiv e f g = equivAdjointEquiv (preCompEquiv e) {a = g} {b = f}

  doubleCompPath-cancel : {x y z w : A} (p : x  y) (q : z  w) (r : y  w)  sym p ∙∙ (p ∙∙ r ∙∙ sym q) ∙∙ q  r
  doubleCompPath-cancel {A} {x} {y} {z} {w} p q r = λ i j  hcomp {φ = ∂² i j} (sides i j) (base i j) where

    r′ : x  z
    r′ = p ∙∙ r ∙∙ sym q

    r″ : y  w
    r″ = sym p ∙∙ r′ ∙∙ q

    base : PathP  i  p i  q i) r′ r
    base i j = doubleCompPath-filler p r (sym q) (~ i) j

    left : PathP  j  r′ j  r″ j) p q
    left j k = doubleCompPath-filler (sym p) r′ q k j

    right : PathP  j  r j  r j) (refl′ y) (refl′ w)
    right j k = r j

    sides : (i j k : I)  Partial (∂² i j) A
    sides i j k (i = i0) = left j k
    sides i j k (i = i1) = right j k
    sides i j k (j = i0) = p (i  k)
    sides i j k (j = i1) = q (i  k)

  module _ {x y z w : A} (p : x  y) (q : z  w) where
    doubleCompPathIso : Iso (x  z) (y  w)
    doubleCompPathIso = sym p ∙∙_∙∙ q
    doubleCompPathIso .Iso.inv = p ∙∙_∙∙ sym q
    doubleCompPathIso .Iso.rightInv = doubleCompPath-cancel p q
    doubleCompPathIso .Iso.leftInv = doubleCompPath-cancel (sym p) (sym q)

    doubleCompPathEquiv : (x  z)  (y  w)
    doubleCompPathEquiv .fst = sym p ∙∙_∙∙ q
    doubleCompPathEquiv .snd = Isomorphism.isoToIsEquiv doubleCompPathIso

module _ {ℓA ℓB ℓC} {A : Type ℓA} {B : Type ℓB} {C : Type ℓC}
  (_□_ : A  B  C)
      cong-□ :  {x y u v}  x  y  u  v  x  u  y  v
      cong-□ p q = cong₂ _□_ p q

    module _
      {x₁ y₁ z₁ w₁ : A}
      {x₂ y₂ z₂ w₂ : B}
      (p₁ : x₁  y₁) (q₁ : y₁  z₁) (r₁ : z₁  w₁)
      (p₂ : x₂  y₂) (q₂ : y₂  z₂) (r₂ : z₂  w₂)
        cong₂-∙∙-filler : (k j i : I)  C
        cong₂-∙∙-filler k j i = hfill sides base k where
          φ = i  ~ i  j  ~ j

          sides : (k : I)  Partial φ C
          sides k (i = i0) = p₁ (~ k)  p₂ (~ k)
          sides k (i = i1) = r₁ k  r₂ k
          sides k (j = i0) = doubleCompPath-filler p₁ q₁ r₁ k i  doubleCompPath-filler p₂ q₂ r₂ k i
          sides k (j = i1) = doubleCompPath-filler (cong-□ p₁ p₂) (cong-□ q₁ q₂) (cong-□ r₁ r₂) k i

          base : C [ φ  sides i0 ]
          base = inS (q₁ i  q₂ i)

        cong₂-∙∙ : cong₂ _□_ (p₁ ∙∙ q₁ ∙∙ r₁) (p₂ ∙∙ q₂ ∙∙ r₂)  cong₂ _□_ p₁ p₂ ∙∙ cong₂ _□_ q₁ q₂ ∙∙ cong₂ _□_ r₁ r₂
        cong₂-∙∙ j i = cong₂-∙∙-filler i1 j i

    cong₂-∙ : {x₁ y₁ z₁ : A} {x₂ y₂ z₂ : B}
      (p₁ : x₁  y₁) (q₁ : y₁  z₁)
      (p₂ : x₂  y₂) (q₂ : y₂  z₂)
       cong₂ _□_ (p₁  q₁) (p₂  q₂)  cong₂ _□_ p₁ p₂  cong₂ _□_ q₁ q₂
    cong₂-∙ p₁ q₁ p₂ q₂ = cong₂-∙∙ refl p₁ q₁ refl p₂ q₂

module _
  {ℓA ℓB} {A : Type ℓA} {B : A  (i j : I)  Type ℓB}
  {f₀₀ :  a  B a i0 i0}
  {f₀₁ :  a  B a i0 i1}
  {f₀₋ : PathP  j   a  B a i0 j) f₀₀ f₀₁}
  {f₁₀ :  a  B a i1 i0}
  {f₁₁ :  a  B a i1 i1}
  {f₁₋ : PathP  j   a  B a i1 j) f₁₀ f₁₁}
  {f₋₀ : PathP  i   a  B a i i0) f₀₀ f₁₀}
  {f₋₁ : PathP  i   a  B a i i1) f₀₁ f₁₁} where

  funExtSquare :
      (f : (a : A)  SquareP (B a)  j  f₀₋ j a)  j  f₁₋ j a)  i  f₋₀ i a)  i  f₋₁ i a))
     SquareP  i j  (a : A)  B a i j) f₀₋ f₁₋ f₋₀ f₋₁
  funExtSquare f i j a = f a i j

  funExtSquare⁻ :
      (sq : SquareP  i j  (a : A)  B a i j) f₀₋ f₁₋ f₋₀ f₋₁)
     ((a : A)  SquareP (B a)  j  f₀₋ j a)  j  f₁₋ j a)  i  f₋₀ i a)  i  f₋₁ i a))
  funExtSquare⁻ sq a i j = sq i j a

  funExtSquareEquiv :
    ((a : A)  SquareP (B a)  j  f₀₋ j a)  j  f₁₋ j a)  i  f₋₀ i a)  i  f₋₁ i a))
    (SquareP  i j  (a : A)  B a i j) f₀₋ f₁₋ f₋₀ f₋₁)
  unquoteDef funExtSquareEquiv = defStrictEquiv funExtSquareEquiv funExtSquare funExtSquare⁻

isGroupoid→isPropSquare :  {ℓA} {A : Type ℓA} (_ : isGroupoid A)
  {a₀₀ a₀₁ : A} {a₀₋ : a₀₀  a₀₁}
  {a₁₀ a₁₁ : A} {a₁₋ : a₁₀  a₁₁}
  {a₋₀ : a₀₀  a₁₀} {a₋₁ : a₀₁  a₁₁}
   isProp (Square a₀₋ a₁₋ a₋₀ a₋₁)
isGroupoid→isPropSquare gpd-A sq₁ sq₂ = HLevels.isGroupoid→isGroupoid' gpd-A sq₁ sq₂ refl refl refl refl

isProp∃ :  { ℓ'} (A : Type ) (B : A  Type ℓ')  isProp (∃[ a  A ] B a)
isProp∃ A B = PT.isPropPropTrunc {A = Σ A B}

module _ where
       ℓᴰ : Level
      A A′ A″ : Type 
      B : A  Type ℓᴰ
      B′ : A′  Type ℓᴰ
      B″ : A″  Type ℓᴰ

  ∃-intro : (a : A) (b : B a)  ∃[ a  A ] B a
  ∃-intro a b = PT.∣ a , b ∣₁

  ∃-elim :  {ℓP} {P :  A B  Type ℓP}
     (∀ x  isProp (P x))
     (∀ a (b : B a)  P $ ∃-intro a b)
     (x :  A B)  P x
  ∃-elim is-prop-P f = PT.elim is-prop-P (uncurry f)

  ∃-rec :  {ℓP} {P : Type ℓP}  isProp P  (∀ a  B a  P)  ( A B)  P
  ∃-rec is-prop-P f = PT.rec is-prop-P (uncurry f)

  ∃-map : (f : A  A′)  (g :  {a} (b : B a)  B′ (f a))   A B   A′ B′
  ∃-map f g = λ { (a , b)  f a , g b }

  ∃-map2 : (f : A  A′  A″) (g :  {a a′}  B a  B′ a′  B″ (f a a′))   A B   A′ B′   A″ B″
  ∃-map2 f g = PT.map2 λ { (a , b) (a′ , b′)  f a a′ , g b b′ }