module GpdCont.GroupAction.AssociatedBundle where

open import GpdCont.Prelude hiding (_▷_)
open import GpdCont.Univalence using (ua ; ua→ua ; ua→uaEquiv ; ua→ ; ua-gluePath)
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Base using (Action ; _⁺_ ; module ActionProperties)
open import GpdCont.Delooping using (𝔹)
open import GpdCont.Delooping.Map using (map)
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Equivariant using (isEquivariantMap[_][_,_])

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv as Equiv using (equivFun ; invEquiv ; invEquiv-is-rinv ; invEquiv-is-linv ; _∙ₑ_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels as HLevels using (hSet)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path as Path using ()
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv using (funExtEquiv)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base using (Group ; GroupStr)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms using (GroupHom)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST using (∥_∥₂)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ using (_/_)

module _ {} {G : Group } {X : hSet } (σ : Action G X) where
    module 𝔹G = GpdCont.Delooping G
    module σ = Action σ

  associatedBundle : 𝔹 G  hSet 
  associatedBundle = 𝔹G.rec→hSet X σ.action σ.pres·

  {- (Judgemental) computation rules for associated bundles. -}

  -- Over the point, the fiber of the associated bundle is the given G-set.
  associatedBundle-⋆ : associatedBundle 𝔹G.⋆  X
  associatedBundle-⋆ = refl

  -- Over a loop, the action defines the path of type X ≡ X.
  associatedBundle-loop :  g  cong (⟨_⟩  associatedBundle) (𝔹G.loop g)  ua (σ.action g)
  associatedBundle-loop g = refl

module _ {} {G H : Group } {X Y : hSet } where
    module 𝔹G = GpdCont.Delooping G

  module _ (σ : Action G X) (τ : Action H Y) (φ : GroupHom G H) where
    BundleMaps : 𝔹 G  Type _
    BundleMaps x =  associatedBundle τ (map φ x)    associatedBundle σ x 

    isSetBundleMaps :  x  isSet (BundleMaps x)
    isSetBundleMaps x = HLevels.isSet→ (str (associatedBundle σ x))

    isEquivariantMap≃BundleMapsPathP : (f :  Y    X )
       isEquivariantMap[ φ , f ][ σ , τ ]  (∀ g  PathP  i  BundleMaps (𝔹.loop g i)) f f)
    isEquivariantMap≃BundleMapsPathP f = Equiv.equivΠCod λ g 
      ((σ  g)  f  f  (τ  (φ .fst g))) ≃⟨ invEquiv funExtEquiv 
      (∀ y  ((σ  g)  f $ y)  (f  (τ  (φ .fst g)) $ y)) ≃⟨ ua→uaEquiv {α = Action.action τ (φ .fst g)} {β = Action.action σ g} 
      (PathP  i  BundleMaps (𝔹.loop g i)) f f) ≃∎

    associatedBundleMapEquiv :
      (Σ[ f  ( Y    X ) ] isEquivariantMap[ φ , f ][ σ , τ ])
      ((x : 𝔹 G)   associatedBundle τ (map φ x)    associatedBundle σ x )
    associatedBundleMapEquiv = Σ-cong-equiv-snd isEquivariantMap≃BundleMapsPathP ∙ₑ 𝔹G.elimSetEquiv isSetBundleMaps

    associatedBundleMap : (f :  Y    X )  isEquivariantMap[ φ , f ][ σ , τ ]  (x : 𝔹 G)   associatedBundle τ (map φ x)    associatedBundle σ x 
    associatedBundleMap f is-eqva = equivFun associatedBundleMapEquiv (f , is-eqva)

    {- (Judgemental) computation rules for associated bundle map -}

    -- At the point, the associated bundle map evaluates to the given equivariant map.
    associatedBundleMap-⋆ :  (f : ( Y    X )) f-eqva  associatedBundleMap f f-eqva 𝔹.⋆  f
    associatedBundleMap-⋆ _ _ = refl

    -- Over a loop, the associated bundle map computes to the self-identification
    -- of an equivariant map with itself over the witness* of it being equivariant.
    associatedBundleMap-loop :  (f : ( Y    X )) (f-eqva : isEquivariantMap[ φ , f ][ σ , τ ])
        (g :  G )
       Path (PathP _ f f)
          (cong (associatedBundleMap f f-eqva) (𝔹G.loop g))
          (ua→ua (funExt⁻ (f-eqva g)))
    associatedBundleMap-loop _ _ g = refl

module _ {} {G : Group } {X : hSet } (σ : Action G X) where
    module G = GroupStr (str G)
    𝔹G = GpdCont.Delooping.𝔹 G
    module 𝔹G = GpdCont.Delooping G
    open module σ = Action σ using (_▷_)

    -- Total space of the associated bundle (Symmetry 4.7.13)
    ∫σ : Type _
    ∫σ = Σ[ x  𝔹G ]  associatedBundle σ x 

  _∼_ : (x y :  X )  Type 
  x  y = ∃[ g   G  ] g  x  y

  Orbits : Type _
  Orbits =  X  / _∼_

  isSetOrbits : isSet Orbits
  isSetOrbits = SQ.squash/

    ∼-intro-right : (g :  G ) (x :  X )  x  (g  x)
    ∼-intro-right g x = ∃-intro g goal where
      goal : g  x  g  x
      goal = refl

  associatedBundleComponents→Orbits : (x : 𝔹G)   associatedBundle σ x   Orbits
  associatedBundleComponents→Orbits = 𝔹G.elimSet  x  HLevels.isSet→ isSetOrbits) f⋆ f-loop where
    f⋆ :  X   Orbits
    f⋆ = SQ.[_]

    f-rel :  g x  x  (σ  g) x
    f-rel = ∼-intro-right

    f-loop :  g  PathP  i  ua (σ.action g) i  Orbits) f⋆ f⋆
    f-loop g = ua→ λ x  SQ.eq/ _ _ (f-rel g x)

  Orbits→associatedBundleComponents : Orbits   Σ[ x  𝔹G ]  associatedBundle σ x  ∥₂
  Orbits→associatedBundleComponents = SQ.rec ST.isSetSetTrunc rep rep-well-defined where
    rep :  X    Σ[ x  𝔹G ]  associatedBundle σ x  ∥₂
    rep x = ST.∣ 𝔹G.⋆ , x ∣₂

    rep-well-defined : (x y :  X )  x  y  rep x  rep y
    rep-well-defined x y = ∃-rec (ST.isSetSetTrunc (rep x) (rep y)) goal where
      glue-σ : {g :  G }  g  x  y  PathP  i  ua (σ.action g) i) x y
      glue-σ {g} p = ua-gluePath (σ.action g) p

      goal : (g :  G )  g  x  y  ST.∣ 𝔹G.⋆ , x ∣₂  ST.∣ (𝔹G.⋆ , y) ∣₂
      goal g p = cong ST.∣_∣₂ $ ΣPathP (𝔹G.loop g , glue-σ p)

  associatedBundleComponents-Orbits-Iso : Iso  Σ[ x  𝔹G ]  associatedBundle σ x  ∥₂ Orbits
  associatedBundleComponents-Orbits-Iso = ST.rec isSetOrbits $ uncurry associatedBundleComponents→Orbits
  associatedBundleComponents-Orbits-Iso .Iso.inv = Orbits→associatedBundleComponents
  associatedBundleComponents-Orbits-Iso .Iso.rightInv = SQ.elimProp  orbit  isSetOrbits _ orbit) λ _  refl
  associatedBundleComponents-Orbits-Iso .Iso.leftInv = ST.elim  comp  ST.isSetPathImplicit) $ uncurry goal where
    goal : (x : 𝔹G)  (y :  associatedBundle σ x )  Orbits→associatedBundleComponents (associatedBundleComponents→Orbits x y)  ST.∣ x , y ∣₂
    goal = 𝔹G.elimProp  x  HLevels.isPropΠ λ y  ST.isSetSetTrunc _ _) λ _  refl

  associatedBundleComponents≃Orbits :  Σ[ x  𝔹G ]  associatedBundle σ x  ∥₂  Orbits
  associatedBundleComponents≃Orbits = isoToEquiv associatedBundleComponents-Orbits-Iso