module GpdCont.Connectivity where

open import GpdCont.Prelude
open import GpdCont.SetTruncation as ST

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path as Path
open import Cubical.Functions.Surjection using (isSurjection ; isPropIsSurjection)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Properties as Nat using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties as Sigma using ()
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST using (∥_∥₂)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT using (∥_∥₁)
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as Tr using (∥_∥_)
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected as Connected

     : Level
    A B : Type 
    f : A  B

isPathConnected : (A : Type )  Type 
isPathConnected A = isContr  A ∥₂

isPropIsPathConnected : (A : Type )  isProp (isPathConnected A)
isPropIsPathConnected A = isPropIsContr

isPathConnectedFun : (f : A  B)  Type _
isPathConnectedFun {B} f = (b : B)   isPathConnected (fiber f b)

isPathConnected→merePath : isPathConnected A   (a b : A)   a  b ∥₁
isPathConnected→merePath conn a b = equivFun PathSetTrunc≃PropTruncPath $ isContr→isProp conn ST.∣ a ∣₂ ST.∣ b ∣₂

isPathConnected→isContrMerePath : isPathConnected A   (a b : A)  isContr  a  b ∥₁
isPathConnected→isContrMerePath conn a b = inhProp→isContr (isPathConnected→merePath conn a b) PT.isPropPropTrunc

isPropIsConnected :  {n : HLevel}  isProp (isConnected n A)
isPropIsConnected = isPropIsContr

isPropIsConnectedFun :  {n : HLevel} {f : A  B}  isProp (isConnectedFun n f)
isPropIsConnectedFun = isPropΠ λ _  isPropIsConnected

merelyInh≃is1Connected :  A ∥₁  isConnected 1 A
merelyInh≃is1Connected {A} =
   A ∥₁ ≃⟨ Tr.propTrunc≃Trunc1 
   A  1 ≃⟨ invEquiv $ Sigma.Σ-contractSnd  p  isContrΠ λ q  isProp→isContrPath (Tr.isOfHLevelTrunc 1) p q) 
  isConnected 1 A ≃∎

isConnectedSuc→merelyInh :  (k : HLevel)  isConnected (suc k) A   A ∥₁
isConnectedSuc→merelyInh {A} k conn-A = Tr.propTruncTrunc1Iso .Iso.inv (isConnectedSubtr 1 k conn-A' .fst) where
  conn-A' : isConnected (k + 1) A
  conn-A' = subst  ⌜·⌝  isConnected ⌜·⌝ A) (Nat.+-comm 1 k) conn-A

isSurjection≃is1ConnectedFun : (f : A  B)  isSurjection f  isConnectedFun 1 f
isSurjection≃is1ConnectedFun f = equivΠCod λ b  merelyInh≃is1Connected

pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc :  (k : HLevel)  (a : A)  ((a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b))  isConnected (suc k) A
pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc {A} k a conn-path = conn where
  is-of-hlevel-trunc : isOfHLevel (2 + k) ( A  (suc k))
  is-of-hlevel-trunc = isOfHLevelSuc (1 + k) (Tr.isOfHLevelTrunc (1 + k))

  conn : isConnected (suc k) A
  conn .fst = Tr.∣ a ∣ₕ
  conn .snd = Tr.elim
     y  is-of-hlevel-trunc Tr.∣ a  y)
     b  Tr.PathIdTruncIso k .Iso.inv (conn-path a b .fst))

merelyInh×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc :  (k : HLevel)
    A ∥₁
   ((a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b))
   isConnected (suc k) A
merelyInh×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k = PT.rec
  (isProp→ isPropIsConnected)
  (pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k)

isConnectedSuc→merelyInh×isConnectedPath : (k : HLevel)
   isConnected (suc k) A
    A ∥₁ × ((a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b))
isConnectedSuc→merelyInh×isConnectedPath k suc-conn-A .fst = isConnectedSuc→merelyInh k suc-conn-A
isConnectedSuc→merelyInh×isConnectedPath k suc-conn-A .snd = isConnectedPath k suc-conn-A

-- A type is k+1-connected whenever it is merely inhabited and has k-connected paths.
merelyInh×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc :  (k : HLevel)
   ( A ∥₁ × ((a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b)))  (isConnected (suc k) A)
merelyInh×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc k = propBiimpl→Equiv
  (isProp× PT.isPropPropTrunc $ isPropΠ2 λ a b  isPropIsConnected)
  (uncurry $ merelyInh×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k)
  (isConnectedSuc→merelyInh×isConnectedPath k)

inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc :  (k : HLevel)
    A  (suc k)
   ((a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b))
   isConnected (suc k) A
inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k = Tr.rec
  (isOfHLevelΠ (suc k) λ _  isProp→isOfHLevelSuc k isPropIsConnected)
  (pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k)

-- A type is k+1-connected whenever it is k+1-inhabited and has k-connected paths.
-- Note that the left hand side of the equivalence is not a priori a proposition.
inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc :  (k : HLevel)
   ( A  (suc k) × ((a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b)))  (isConnected (suc k) A)
inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc {A} k = equiv where
  -- The left-to-right implication has been established above.
  impl : ( A  (suc k) × ((a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b)))  (isConnected (suc k) A)
  impl = uncurry (inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k)

  -- Even though ∥ A ∥ₖ₊₁ is not a proposition in general, we know that this is the
  -- case whenever A is k+1-connected.  We can thus prove that fibers of the above
  -- implication are contractible, since we get to assume k+1-connectivity of A:
  is-contr-fiber-impl : (suc-conn-A : isConnected (suc k) A)  isContr (fiber impl suc-conn-A)
  is-contr-fiber-impl suc-conn-A = isContrΣ
      is-contr-is-conn-path : isContr (∀ (a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b))
      is-contr-is-conn-path = inhProp→isContr (isConnectedPath k suc-conn-A) (isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isPropIsConnected)

      is-contr-trunc×conn-path : isContr ( A  (suc k) ×  (a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b))
      is-contr-trunc×conn-path = isContrΣ suc-conn-A λ _  is-contr-is-conn-path

      is-contr-impl-conn-path : (trunc×conn : ( A  suc k) × (∀ a b  isConnected k (a  b)))  isContr (impl trunc×conn  suc-conn-A)
      is-contr-impl-conn-path trunc×conn = isProp→isContrPath isPropIsConnected (impl trunc×conn) suc-conn-A

  equiv : _  _
  equiv .fst = impl
  equiv .snd .equiv-proof = is-contr-fiber-impl

isConnectedSuc→inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath :  (k : HLevel)
   (isConnected (suc k) A)
   ( A  (suc k) × ((a b : A)  isConnected k (a  b)))
isConnectedSuc→inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath k = invEq $ inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc k

isContr→isConnected : (k : HLevel)  isContr A  isConnected k A
isContr→isConnected = Tr.isContr→isContrTrunc

-- A k-connected k-type is contractible.
isOfHLevel×isConnected→isContr : (k : HLevel)
   (A : Type )
   (isOfHLevel k A)
   (isConnected k A)
   isContr A
isOfHLevel×isConnected→isContr zero A is-contr-A _ = is-contr-A
isOfHLevel×isConnected→isContr (suc k) A suc-k-level-A suc-k-conn-A = is-contr-A where
  universal-property-trunc :  A  suc k  A
  universal-property-trunc = Tr.truncIdempotent≃ (suc k) suc-k-level-A

  is-contr-A : isContr A
  is-contr-A = isOfHLevelRespectEquiv 0 universal-property-trunc suc-k-conn-A

-- For an n-connected type A and n-truncated B, the map `(λ b → (λ a → b)) : B → (A → B)` is an equivalence.
-- This is [HoTT book, Corollary 7.5.9].
conType→indMapEquiv :  {} {A : Type } (n : HLevel)
   isConnected n A
   (B : TypeOfHLevel  n)
   isEquiv  (b :  B )  λ (a : A)  b)
conType→indMapEquiv {} {A} 0 _ (B , is-contr-B) = isoToIsEquiv (isContr→Iso' is-contr-B (isContrΠ λ _  is-contr-B)  b a  b))
conType→indMapEquiv {} {A} n@(suc _) conn-A (B , lvl-B) = subst isEquiv fun-equiv≡const (equivIsEquiv fun-equiv) where
  fun-equiv : B  (A  B)
  fun-equiv =
    B ≃⟨ invEquiv $ Π-contractDom conn-A 
    ( A  n  B) ≃⟨ isoToEquiv (Tr.univTrunc n {B = B , lvl-B}) 
    (A  B) ≃∎

  fun-equiv≡const : equivFun fun-equiv   b a  b)
  fun-equiv≡const = funExt λ b  funExt λ a  transportRefl b

isConnected→constEquiv :  {} {A : Type } (n : HLevel)
   isConnected n A
   (B : TypeOfHLevel  n)
    B   (A   B )
isConnected→constEquiv n conn-A B .fst = λ b a  b
isConnected→constEquiv n conn-A B .snd = conType→indMapEquiv n conn-A B

isPathConnected→isEquivConst :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
   isPathConnected A
   isSet B
   isEquiv  (b : B)  λ (a : A)  b)
isPathConnected→isEquivConst {A} {B} conn-A is-set-B = subst isEquiv fun-equiv≡const (equivIsEquiv fun-equiv) where
  fun-equiv : B  (A  B)
  fun-equiv =
    B ≃⟨ invEquiv $ Π-contractDom conn-A 
    ( A ∥₂  B) ≃⟨ ST.setTruncUniversal is-set-B 
    (A  B) ≃∎

  fun-equiv≡const : equivFun fun-equiv   b a  b)
  fun-equiv≡const = funExt λ b  funExt λ _  transportRefl b

isPathConnected→constEquiv :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
   isPathConnected A
   isSet B
   B  (A  B)
isPathConnected→constEquiv conn-A is-set-B .fst = _
isPathConnected→constEquiv conn-A is-set-B .snd = isPathConnected→isEquivConst conn-A is-set-B

-- In a path connected space, all loop spaces are merely equivalent
isConnected→mereLoopSpaceEquiv : isPathConnected A  (a b : A)   (a  a)  (b  b) ∥₁
isConnected→mereLoopSpaceEquiv conn-A a b = do
  -- Since A is connected, there merely is a path a ≡ b
  a≡b  isPathConnected→merePath conn-A a b
  -- Conjugation by a path induces an equivance of loop spaces
  return $ conjEquiv a≡b
    open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
    conjEquiv : (p : a  b)  (a  a)  (b  b)
    conjEquiv p = doubleCompPathEquiv p p