{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
module GpdCont.Delooping.Functor where
open import GpdCont.Prelude
open import GpdCont.Group.MapConjugator using (Conjugator ; idConjugator ; compConjugator)
open import GpdCont.Group.TwoCategory using (TwoGroup)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.Base
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.StrictFunctor using (StrictFunctor)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.HomotopyGroupoid using (hGpdCat ; isLocallyGroupoidalHGpdCat)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.LocalCategory using (LocalCategory)
open import GpdCont.TwoCategory.StrictFunctor.LocalFunctor as LocalFunctor using (LocalFunctor)
import GpdCont.Delooping as Delooping
open import GpdCont.Delooping.Map as Map using (map ; map≡ ; module MapPathEquiv)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws as GL using (compPathRefl)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms using (GroupHom ; GroupEquiv)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties renaming (compGroupHom to _∙Grp_ ; compGroupEquiv to _∙GrpE_)
open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base using (CatIso ; pathToIso)
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor.Base using (Functor)
open import Cubical.Categories.Equivalence.WeakEquivalence
module LocalInverse {ℓ} {G H : Group ℓ} where
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open module H = GroupStr (str H) using (_·_)
module G = GroupStr (str G)
𝔹G = Delooping.𝔹 G
𝔹H = Delooping.𝔹 H
module 𝔹G = Delooping G
module 𝔹H = Delooping H
unrec-fun : (f : 𝔹G → 𝔹H) → Σ[ y ∈ 𝔹H ] GroupHom G (𝔹H.π₁ y)
unrec-fun = invEq (𝔹G.recEquivHom {X = 𝔹H , 𝔹H.isGroupoid𝔹})
unmap : (f : 𝔹G → 𝔹H) (p : f 𝔹G.⋆ ≡ 𝔹H.⋆) → GroupHom G H
unmap f p using (y , φ) ← unrec-fun f = φ ∙Grp (GroupEquiv→GroupHom fixit) where
conjEquiv : GroupEquiv (𝔹H.π₁ y) (𝔹H.π₁ 𝔹H.⋆)
conjEquiv = 𝔹H.conjugatePathEquiv p
fixit : GroupEquiv (𝔹H.π₁ y) H
fixit = conjEquiv ∙GrpE 𝔹H.unloopGroupEquiv
unmap-section : (f : 𝔹G → 𝔹H) (p : f 𝔹G.⋆ ≡ 𝔹H.⋆) → map (unmap f p) ≡ f
unmap-section f p using (y , (φ , _)) ← unrec-fun f = funExt ext where
ext⋆ : 𝔹H.⋆ ≡ f 𝔹G.⋆
ext⋆ = sym p
ext-loop : ∀ g → Square (sym p) (sym p) (cong (map (unmap f p)) (𝔹G.loop g)) (φ g)
ext-loop g =
subst (λ top → Square (sym p) (sym p) top (φ g)) (top-path g) (ext-loop' g) where
_ : ∀ g → cong f (𝔹G.loop g) ≡ φ g
_ = λ g → refl
conjₚ : f 𝔹G.⋆ ≡ f 𝔹G.⋆ → 𝔹H.⋆ ≡ 𝔹H.⋆
conjₚ = sym p ∙∙_∙∙ p
_ : ∀ g → cong (map $ unmap f p) (𝔹G.loop g) ≡ 𝔹H.loop (𝔹H.unloop (conjₚ (φ g)))
_ = λ g → refl
top-path : ∀ g → conjₚ (φ g) ≡ cong (map $ unmap f p) (𝔹G.loop g)
top-path g = loop-retract $ conjₚ (φ g) where
loop-retract : ∀ h → h ≡ 𝔹H.loop (𝔹H.unloop h)
loop-retract h = sym (retEq 𝔹H.ΩDelooping≃ h)
ext-loop' : ∀ g → Square (sym p) (sym p) ((sym p) ∙∙ (φ g) ∙∙ p) (φ g)
ext-loop' g i j = doubleCompPath-filler (sym p) (φ g) p (~ j) i
ext : ∀ x → map (unmap f p) x ≡ f x
ext = 𝔹G.elimSet (λ x → 𝔹H.isGroupoid𝔹 _ (f x)) ext⋆ ext-loop
conjugateSection-map : (f : 𝔹G → 𝔹H) → f 𝔹G.⋆ ≡ 𝔹H.⋆ → Σ[ φ ∈ GroupHom G H ] map φ ≡ f
conjugateSection-map f p .fst = unmap f p
conjugateSection-map f p .snd = unmap-section f p
isSurjection-map : (f : 𝔹G → 𝔹H) → ∃[ φ ∈ GroupHom G H ] map φ ≡ f
isSurjection-map f = do
p ← 𝔹H.merePath (f 𝔹G.⋆) 𝔹H.⋆
return $ conjugateSection-map f p
module TwoFunc (ℓ : Level) where
G H K L : Group ℓ
φ ψ ρ : GroupHom G H
module TwoGroup = TwoCategory (TwoGroup ℓ)
module hGpdCat = TwoCategory (hGpdCat ℓ)
𝔹-ob : TwoGroup.ob → hGpdCat.ob
𝔹-ob G .fst = Delooping.𝔹 G
𝔹-ob G .snd = Delooping.isGroupoid𝔹
𝔹-hom : {G H : TwoGroup.ob} → TwoGroup.hom G H → hGpdCat.hom (𝔹-ob G) (𝔹-ob H)
𝔹-hom φ = Map.map φ
module _ {G H : TwoGroup.ob}
{φ₀₀ φ₀₁ φ₁₀ φ₁₁ : hGpdCat.hom (𝔹-ob G) (𝔹-ob H)}
{𝔹φ₀₋ : φ₀₀ ≡ φ₀₁}
{𝔹φ₁₋ : φ₁₀ ≡ φ₁₁}
{𝔹φ₋₀ : φ₀₀ ≡ φ₁₀}
{𝔹φ₋₁ : φ₀₁ ≡ φ₁₁}
module 𝔹G = Delooping G
module 𝔹H = Delooping H
𝔹-hom-SquareEquiv :
Square (𝔹φ₀₋ ≡$ 𝔹G.⋆) (𝔹φ₁₋ ≡$ 𝔹G.⋆) (𝔹φ₋₀ ≡$ 𝔹G.⋆) (𝔹φ₋₁ ≡$ 𝔹G.⋆) ≃ Square 𝔹φ₀₋ 𝔹φ₁₋ 𝔹φ₋₀ 𝔹φ₋₁
𝔹-hom-SquareEquiv = 𝔹G.elimPropEquiv (λ x → 𝔹H.isPropDeloopingSquare) ∙ₑ funExtSquareEquiv
𝔹-hom-Square :
(sq : Square (𝔹φ₀₋ ≡$ 𝔹G.⋆) (𝔹φ₁₋ ≡$ 𝔹G.⋆) (𝔹φ₋₀ ≡$ 𝔹G.⋆) (𝔹φ₋₁ ≡$ 𝔹G.⋆))
→ Square 𝔹φ₀₋ 𝔹φ₁₋ 𝔹φ₋₀ 𝔹φ₋₁
𝔹-hom-Square = equivFun 𝔹-hom-SquareEquiv
𝔹-rel : {G H : TwoGroup.ob} {φ ψ : TwoGroup.hom G H} → TwoGroup.rel φ ψ → hGpdCat.rel (𝔹-hom φ) (𝔹-hom ψ)
𝔹-rel {φ} {ψ} = map≡ φ ψ
𝔹-rel-id : 𝔹-rel (TwoGroup.id-rel φ) ≡ refl
𝔹-rel-id {φ} = Map.map≡-id-refl φ
𝔹-rel-trans : (h₁ : TwoGroup.rel φ ψ) (h₂ : TwoGroup.rel ψ ρ) → 𝔹-rel (compConjugator h₁ h₂) ≡ 𝔹-rel h₁ ∙ 𝔹-rel h₂
𝔹-rel-trans {φ} {ψ} {ρ} = Map.map≡-comp-∙ φ ψ ρ
𝔹-hom-id : (G : TwoGroup.ob) → hGpdCat.id-hom (𝔹-ob G) ≡ 𝔹-hom (TwoGroup.id-hom G)
𝔹-hom-id G = sym (Map.map-id G)
𝔹-hom-comp : {G H K : TwoGroup.ob} (φ : TwoGroup.hom G H) (ψ : TwoGroup.hom H K)
→ (𝔹-hom φ hGpdCat.∙₁ 𝔹-hom ψ) ≡ 𝔹-hom (φ TwoGroup.∙₁ ψ)
𝔹-hom-comp φ ψ = sym (Map.map-comp φ ψ)
module 𝔹-assoc {G H K L : TwoGroup.ob} (φ* @ (φ , _) : TwoGroup.hom G H) (ψ* @ (ψ , _) : TwoGroup.hom H K) (ρ* @ (ρ , _) : TwoGroup.hom K L) where
module 𝔹G = Delooping G
module 𝔹L = Delooping L
assoc-hom : (𝔹-hom φ* ⋆ 𝔹-hom ψ*) ⋆ 𝔹-hom ρ* ≡ 𝔹-hom ((φ* TwoGroup.∙₁ ψ*) TwoGroup.∙₁ ρ*)
assoc-hom = funExt (𝔹G.elimSet (λ _ → str (𝔹-ob L) _ _) refl λ g j i → 𝔹L.loop (ρ (ψ (φ g))) j)
filler-left-lid : ((map φ* ⋆ map ψ*) ⋆ 𝔹-hom ρ*) ≡ map ((φ* TwoGroup.∙₁ ψ*) TwoGroup.∙₁ ρ*)
filler-left-lid = funExt (𝔹G.elimSet (λ _ → str (𝔹-ob L) _ _) refl λ g j i → 𝔹L.loop (ρ (ψ (φ g))) j)
filler-right-lid : map φ* ⋆ (map ψ* ⋆ map ρ*) ≡ map (φ* TwoGroup.∙₁ (ψ* TwoGroup.∙₁ ρ*))
filler-right-lid = funExt (𝔹G.elimSet (λ _ → str (𝔹-ob L) _ _) refl λ g j i → 𝔹L.loop (ρ (ψ (φ g))) j)
[φ⋆ψ]⋆ρ = cong (λ - → hGpdCat._∙₁_ {x = 𝔹-ob G} - (𝔹-hom ρ*)) (𝔹-hom-comp φ* ψ*)
φ⋆[ψ⋆ρ] = cong (λ - → hGpdCat._∙₁_ {z = 𝔹-ob L} (𝔹-hom φ*) -) (𝔹-hom-comp ψ* ρ*)
filler-left : PathCompFiller (cong (_⋆ (𝔹-hom ρ*)) (𝔹-hom-comp φ* ψ*)) (𝔹-hom-comp (φ* TwoGroup.∙₁ ψ*) ρ*)
filler-left .fst = filler-left-lid
filler-left .snd = 𝔹-hom-Square (reflSquare 𝔹L.⋆)
{-# INJECTIVE_FOR_INFERENCE filler-left #-}
filler-right : PathCompFiller (cong ((𝔹-hom φ*) ⋆_) (𝔹-hom-comp ψ* ρ*)) (𝔹-hom-comp φ* (ψ* TwoGroup.∙₁ ρ*))
filler-right .fst = filler-right-lid
filler-right .snd = 𝔹-hom-Square (reflSquare 𝔹L.⋆)
{-# INJECTIVE_FOR_INFERENCE filler-right #-}
assoc : PathP
(λ i → hGpdCat.comp-hom-assoc (𝔹-hom φ*) (𝔹-hom ψ*) (𝔹-hom ρ*) i ≡ 𝔹-hom (TwoGroup.comp-hom-assoc φ* ψ* ρ* i))
assoc = 𝔹-hom-Square (reflSquare 𝔹L.⋆)
module 𝔹-unit-left {G H : TwoGroup.ob} (φ : TwoGroup.hom G H) where
module 𝔹H = Delooping H
filler-lid : map φ ≡ map ((TwoGroup.id-hom G) TwoGroup.∙₁ φ)
filler-lid = cong map (sym $ TwoGroup.comp-hom-unit-left φ)
filler : PathCompFiller (cong (_⋆ 𝔹-hom φ) (𝔹-hom-id G)) (𝔹-hom-comp (TwoGroup.id-hom G) φ)
filler .fst = filler-lid
filler .snd = 𝔹-hom-Square (reflSquare 𝔹H.⋆)
unit-left : PathP (λ i → hGpdCat.comp-hom-unit-left (𝔹-hom φ) i ≡ 𝔹-hom (TwoGroup.comp-hom-unit-left φ i))
(refl′ (𝔹-hom φ))
unit-left = 𝔹-hom-Square (reflSquare 𝔹H.⋆)
module 𝔹-unit-right {G H : TwoGroup.ob} (φ : TwoGroup.hom G H) where
module 𝔹H = Delooping H
filler-lid : map φ ≡ map (φ TwoGroup.∙₁ (TwoGroup.id-hom H))
filler-lid = cong map (sym $ TwoGroup.comp-hom-unit-right φ)
filler : PathCompFiller (cong ((𝔹-hom φ) hGpdCat.∙₁_) (𝔹-hom-id H)) (𝔹-hom-comp φ (TwoGroup.id-hom H))
filler .fst = filler-lid
filler .snd = 𝔹-hom-Square (reflSquare 𝔹H.⋆)
unit-right : PathP (λ i → hGpdCat.comp-hom-unit-right (𝔹-hom φ) i ≡ 𝔹-hom (TwoGroup.comp-hom-unit-right φ i))
(refl′ (𝔹-hom φ))
unit-right = 𝔹-hom-Square (reflSquare 𝔹H.⋆)
𝔹 : StrictFunctor (TwoGroup ℓ) (hGpdCat ℓ)
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-ob = 𝔹-ob
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-hom = 𝔹-hom
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-rel = 𝔹-rel
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-rel-id = 𝔹-rel-id
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-rel-trans = 𝔹-rel-trans
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-hom-comp = 𝔹-hom-comp
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-hom-id = 𝔹-hom-id
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-assoc-filler-left = 𝔹-assoc.filler-left
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-assoc-filler-right = 𝔹-assoc.filler-right
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-assoc = 𝔹-assoc.assoc
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-unit-left-filler = 𝔹-unit-left.filler
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-unit-left = 𝔹-unit-left.unit-left
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-unit-right-filler = 𝔹-unit-right.filler
𝔹 .StrictFunctor.F-unit-right = 𝔹-unit-right.unit-right
module 𝔹 = StrictFunctor 𝔹
isLocallyFullyFaithfulDelooping : LocalFunctor.isLocallyFullyFaithful 𝔹
isLocallyFullyFaithfulDelooping G H = goal where module _ (φ ψ : TwoGroup.hom G H) where
goal : isEquiv 𝔹-rel
goal = equivIsEquiv (MapPathEquiv.map≡Equiv φ ψ)
localDeloopingEmbedding : {G H : TwoGroup.ob} (φ ψ : TwoGroup.hom G H)
→ TwoGroup.rel φ ψ ≃ hGpdCat.rel (𝔹.₁ φ) (𝔹.₁ ψ)
localDeloopingEmbedding = LocalFunctor.localEmbedding 𝔹 isLocallyFullyFaithfulDelooping
isLocallyEssentiallySurjectiveDelooping : LocalFunctor.isLocallyEssentiallySurjective 𝔹
isLocallyEssentiallySurjectiveDelooping G H = goal where module _ (f : ⟨ 𝔹-ob G ⟩ → ⟨ 𝔹-ob H ⟩) where
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
goal : ∃[ φ ∈ GroupHom G H ] CatIso (LocalCategory _ (𝔹-ob G) (𝔹-ob H)) (map φ) f
goal = do
(φ , section-f-mapφ) ← LocalInverse.isSurjection-map f
∃-intro φ $ pathToIso section-f-mapφ
isLocallyWeakEquivalenceDelooping : LocalFunctor.isLocallyWeakEquivalence 𝔹
isLocallyWeakEquivalenceDelooping G H .isWeakEquivalence.fullfaith = isLocallyFullyFaithfulDelooping G H
isLocallyWeakEquivalenceDelooping G H .isWeakEquivalence.esssurj = isLocallyEssentiallySurjectiveDelooping G H