{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
module GpdCont.QuotientContainer.DeloopingEval where

open import GpdCont.Prelude hiding (Lift)
open import GpdCont.Equiv using (equivAdjointEquivExtDomain)
open import GpdCont.Univalence as UA using (ua ; ua→ ; ua→⁻)
open import GpdCont.HomotopySet using (_→Set_)
open import GpdCont.SetTruncation using (setTruncEquiv ; setTruncateFstΣ≃)
open import GpdCont.SetQuotients using (map ; relBiimpl→QuotIso)

open import GpdCont.QuotientContainer.Base using (QCont)

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties using (preCompEquiv ; congEquiv)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv
import      Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties as Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT using ()
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST using (∥_∥₂)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ using (_/_)

-- Each endo-map on hGroupoids can be truncated to one on hSets.
Tr :  {} (F : hGroupoid   hGroupoid )  (hSet   hSet )
Tr F (X , is-set-X) .fst =   F (X , isSet→isGroupoid is-set-X)  ∥₂
Tr F (X , is-set-X) .snd = ST.isSetSetTrunc

module _ {} (Q : QCont ) where
  open import GpdCont.Polynomial using (Polynomial)
  import      GpdCont.Delooping as Delooping
  open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Base
  open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Pi using (preCompAction)
  open import GpdCont.GroupAction.AssociatedBundle using (associatedBundle ; _∼_ ; Orbits ; associatedBundleComponents≃Orbits)
  open import GpdCont.QuotientContainer.Delooping using () renaming (QContDelooping to 𝔹)
  open import GpdCont.QuotientContainer.Eval using (⟦_⟧-to-Σ ; LabelEquiv) renaming (⟦_⟧ to ⟦_⟧/ ; ⟦_⟧ᵗ to ⟦_⟧/ᵗ)
  open import GpdCont.SymmetricContainer.Base using (SymmetricContainer)
  open import GpdCont.SymmetricContainer.Eval using (⟦_⟧)

    module Q = QCont Q
    module 𝔹Q = SymmetricContainer (𝔹 Q)

    𝔹Symm : (s : Q.Shape)  Type _
    𝔹Symm s = Delooping.𝔹 (Q.SymmGroup s)

    module 𝔹Symm {s} = Delooping (Q.SymmGroup s)

  LiftEvalEquiv : (X : hSet )   Tr  𝔹 Q  X     Q ⟧/ X 
  LiftEvalEquiv X =
     Tr  𝔹 Q  X  ≃⟨⟩
     Polynomial 𝔹Q.Shape 𝔹Q.Pos  X  ∥₂ ≃⟨ setTruncEquiv (_ ≃Σ) 
     Σ[ x  Σ Q.Shape 𝔹Symm ] (𝔹Q.Pos x   X ) ∥₂                                          ≃⟨ setTruncEquiv Σ-assoc-≃ 
     Σ[ s  Q.Shape ] Σ[ x  𝔹Symm s ] (𝔹Q.Pos (s , x)   X ) ∥₂                           ≃⟨ setTruncateFstΣ≃ Q.is-set-shape 
    Σ[ s  Q.Shape ]  Σ[ x  𝔹Symm s ] (𝔹Q.Pos (s , x)   X ) ∥₂                           ≃⟨⟩
    Σ[ s  Q.Shape ]  Σ[ x  𝔹Symm s ] ( associatedBundle (Q.symmAction s) x    X ) ∥₂  ≃⟨ Σ₂≃ assoc-bundle-equiv 
    Σ[ s  Q.Shape ]  Σ[ x  𝔹Symm s ] ( associatedBundle (σ* s) x ) ∥₂                    ≃⟨ Σ₂≃ component-equiv 
    Σ[ s  Q.Shape ] Orbits (σ* s)                                                            ≃⟨ Σ₂≃ quotients-equiv 
    Σ[ s  Q.Shape ] ((Q.Pos s   X ) / LabelEquiv Q s  X )                               ≃⟨ invEquiv ( Q ⟧-to-Σ .RecordToΣ.equivΣ) 
     Q ⟧/ᵗ  X  ≃∎
    where module _ (s : Q.Shape) where
      open Sigma using (Σ-assoc-≃) renaming (Σ-cong-equiv-snd to Σ₂≃) public

      σ = Q.symmAction

      σ* : Action (Q.SymmGroup s) (Q.PosSet s →Set X)
      σ* = preCompAction (σ s) X

      -- The connected components of the the total space of the bundle associated to σ*
      -- are exactly the σ*-orbits:
      component-equiv :  Σ[ x  𝔹Symm s ] ( associatedBundle σ* x ) ∥₂  Orbits σ*
      component-equiv = associatedBundleComponents≃Orbits σ*

      assoc-bundle-fun : (x : 𝔹Symm s)  ( associatedBundle (σ s) x    X )   associatedBundle σ* x 
      assoc-bundle-fun = 𝔹Symm.elimSet  x  isSet→ (str $ associatedBundle σ* x)) (id _) on-loops where
        on-loops : (g : Q.Symm s)  PathP
           i  (ua (g .fst) i   X )  ua (preCompEquiv {C =  X } (invEquiv (g .fst))) i)
          (id (Q.Pos s   X ))
          (id (Q.Pos s   X ))
        on-loops g = funExtNonDep pᴰ
          where module _ {q₀ q₁ : Q.Pos s   X } (qᴰ : PathP  i  ua (g .fst) i   X ) q₀ q₁) where
          g* : (Q.Pos s   X )  (Q.Pos s   X )
          g* = preCompEquiv (invEquiv $ g .fst)

          q : q₀  q₁  equivFun (g .fst)
          q = funExt (ua→⁻ qᴰ)

          p : q₀  invEq (g .fst)  q₁
          p =
            q₀  invEq (g .fst) ≡[ i ]⟨ q i  invEq (g .fst) 
            q₁  equivFun (g .fst)  invEq (g .fst) ≡[ i ]⟨ q₁   x  secEq (g .fst) x i) 

          pᴰ : PathP  i  ua (preCompEquiv (invEquiv (g .fst))) i) q₀ q₁
          pᴰ = UA.ua-gluePath g* p

      -- The bundles associated to σ and σ* are related in the expected way:
      -- pointwise, the latter consists of sets of functions into X.
      assoc-bundle-equiv' :  x  ( associatedBundle (σ s) x    X )   associatedBundle σ* x 
      assoc-bundle-equiv' x .fst = assoc-bundle-fun x
      assoc-bundle-equiv' x .snd = 𝔹Symm.elimProp  x  isPropIsEquiv $ assoc-bundle-fun x) (idIsEquiv _) x

      assoc-bundle-equiv : _  _
      assoc-bundle-equiv = setTruncEquiv $ Σ₂≃ assoc-bundle-equiv'

      -- The type of orbits of σ* and labels up to permutations are equivalent.
      -- In particular, both are set-quotients of the type `Q.Pos s → ⟨ X ⟩`.
      -- The relations `v ∼ w` (v and w are in the same orbit) and `LabelEquiv Q v w`
      -- (v and w are labels up to a permutation of their domain) are equivalent:
      rel-equiv :  {v w}  _∼_ σ* v w  LabelEquiv Q s  X  v w
      rel-equiv {v} {w} = PT.propTrunc≃ $ Σ₂≃ λ g  comm-equiv (g .fst) ∙ₑ ActionProperties.uaExtEquiv (σ s) g where
        comm-equiv :  g  (v  invEq g  w)  (v  w  equivFun g)
        comm-equiv g = equivAdjointEquivExtDomain g w v

      quotients-equiv : Orbits σ*  ((Q.Pos s   X ) / LabelEquiv Q s  X )
      quotients-equiv = isoToEquiv $ relBiimpl→QuotIso idIso (equivFun rel-equiv) (invEq rel-equiv)