open import GpdCont.QuotientContainer.Base

module GpdCont.QuotientContainer.Eval {} (Q : QCont ) where

open import GpdCont.Prelude

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties as Sigma using (map-snd)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ using (_/_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base using (module BinaryRelation)

open BinaryRelation using (isEquivRel ; isTrans ; isSym)

  open module Q = QCont Q

LabelEquiv : (s : Shape) (X : Type )  (v w : Q.Label X s)  Type 
LabelEquiv s X v w = ∃[ σ  Symm s ] PathP  i  ua (σ .fst) i  X) v w

-- TODO: Get rid of mentions of _∼_

_∼*_ :  {s} {X : Type }  (v w : Pos s  X)  Type 
_∼*_ {s} {X} = LabelEquiv s X

-- opaque
  -- isTrans-∼* : ∀ {s} {X : Type ℓ} → isTrans (_∼*_ {s} {X})
  -- isTrans-∼* v w u (σ , σ-label) (τ , τ-label) .fst = σ · τ
  -- isTrans-∼* {s} {X} v w u (σ , σ-label) (τ , τ-label) .snd = ua→ λ (pos : Pos s) →
  --   v pos ≡⟨ ua→⁻ σ-label pos ⟩
  --   w (σ⁺ pos) ≡⟨ ua→⁻ τ-label (σ⁺ pos) ⟩
  --   u (τ⁺ (σ⁺ pos)) ∎ where
  --     σ⁺ : Pos s → Pos s
  --     σ⁺ = equivFun (σ .fst)

  --     τ⁺ : Pos s → Pos s
  --     τ⁺ = equivFun (τ .fst)

  -- isTrans-∼* {s} {X} v w u σ* τ* .snd = λ i → comp (λ j → comp-equiv-square j i → X) (system i) {!isTransSymm  !} where
  --   σ τ σ∙τ : Pos s ≃ Pos s
  --   σ = σ* .fst .fst
  --   τ = τ* .fst .fst
  --   σ∙τ = σ ∙ₑ τ
  --   comp-equiv-square : compSquareFiller (ua σ) (ua τ) (ua σ∙τ)
  --   comp-equiv-square = uaCompEquivSquare (σ* .fst .fst) (τ* .fst .fst)

  --   system : (i j : I) → Partial (i ∨ ~ i) (comp-equiv-square j i → X)
  --   system i j (i = i0) = λ s → {! !}
  --   system i j (i = i1) = {!ua-unglue (σ∙τ) !}

-- ∼*→PosEquiv : ∀ {X} {s} {v w : Pos s → X} → v ∼* w → Pos s ≃ Pos s
-- ∼*→PosEquiv ((σ , is-symm-σ) , _) = σ

-- ∼*→∼ : ∀ {X} {s} {v w : Pos s → X} → v ∼* w → Symm s
-- ∼*→∼ ((σ , is-symm-σ) , _) = σ , is-symm-σ

-- ∼*→PathP* : ∀ {X} {s} {v w : Pos s → X} → (σ : v ∼* w) → PathP (λ i → ua (∼*→PosEquiv σ) i → X) v w
-- ∼*→PathP* ((_ , _) , p) = p

record ⟦_⟧ᵗ (X : Type ) : Type  where
  constructor mk⟦_,_⟧ᵗ
    shape : Shape
    label-class : (Pos shape  X) / LabelEquiv shape X

unquoteDecl ⟦_⟧ᵗ-Iso-Σ = declareRecordIsoΣ ⟦_⟧ᵗ-Iso-Σ (quote ⟦_⟧ᵗ)

  ⟦_⟧-to-Σ :  {X : Type }  RecordToΣ (⟦_⟧ᵗ X)
  ⟦_⟧-to-Σ = toΣ ⟦_⟧ᵗ-Iso-Σ

open ⟦_⟧ᵗ

⟦_⟧Path :  {X : Type } {x y : ⟦_⟧ᵗ X}  (p : x .shape  y .shape)  PathP  i  (Pos (p i)  X) / LabelEquiv (p i) X) (x .label-class) (y .label-class)  x  y
⟦_⟧Path p q i .shape = p i
⟦_⟧Path p q i .label-class = q i

⟦_⟧ᵗ-rec :  {X : Type } {ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ'}
   isSet A
   (on-label :  {s}  (label : Pos s  X)  A)
   (well-defined :  {s}  (l₀ l₁ : Pos s  X)  l₀ ∼* l₁  on-label l₀  on-label l₁)
   ⟦_⟧ᵗ X  A
⟦_⟧ᵗ-rec is-set-A on-label well-defined mk⟦ shape , label-class ⟧ᵗ = SQ.rec is-set-A on-label well-defined label-class

Label→⟦_⟧ᵗ :  {X} {s : Shape}  (v : Pos s  X)  ⟦_⟧ᵗ X
Label→⟦_⟧ᵗ {s} v .shape = s
Label→⟦_⟧ᵗ {s} v .label-class = SQ.[ v ]

⟦_⟧ᵗ-elimProp :  {X : Type } {ℓ'} {P : ⟦_⟧ᵗ X  Type ℓ'}
   (∀ x  isProp (P x))
   (on-label :  {s} (label : Pos s  X)  P (Label→⟦_⟧ᵗ label))
    x  P x
⟦_⟧ᵗ-elimProp {P} is-prop-P on-label mk⟦ s , label-class ⟧ᵗ =
  SQ.elimProp {P = λ l  P mk⟦ s , l ⟧ᵗ}
     l  is-prop-P mk⟦ s , l ⟧ᵗ)

  isSet-⟦_⟧ᵗ :  X  isSet (⟦_⟧ᵗ X)
  isSet-⟦_⟧ᵗ X = recordIsOfHLevel 2 $ isSetΣ is-set-shape λ s  SQ.squash/

⟦_⟧′ : Type   hSet 
⟦_⟧′ X .fst = ⟦_⟧ᵗ X
⟦_⟧′ X .snd = isSet-⟦_⟧ᵗ X

⟦_⟧ : hSet   hSet 
⟦_⟧ X = ⟦_⟧′  X 

LabelClassPath→⟦_⟧Path :  {X : Type } {s}  {v w : Q.Label X s / _∼*_}  v  w  mk⟦ s , v ⟧ᵗ  mk⟦ s , w ⟧ᵗ
LabelClassPath→⟦_⟧Path {s} p i .shape = s
LabelClassPath→⟦_⟧Path p i .label-class = p i

LabelEquiv→⟦_⟧Path :  {X : Type } {s}  (v w : Q.Label X s)  v ∼* w  Label→⟦ v ⟧ᵗ  Label→⟦ w ⟧ᵗ
LabelEquiv→⟦_⟧Path {s} v w eq i .shape = s
LabelEquiv→⟦_⟧Path {s} v w eq i .label-class = SQ.eq/ v w eq i

⟦_⟧ᵗ-elim :  {X : Type } {ℓ'} {P : ⟦_⟧ᵗ X  Type ℓ'}
   (∀ x  isSet (P x))
   (on-label :  {s} (label : Pos s  X)  P (Label→⟦_⟧ᵗ label))
   (well-defined :  {s}  (l₀ l₁ : Pos s  X)  (r : l₀ ∼* l₁)  PathP  i  P (LabelEquiv→⟦_⟧Path l₀ l₁ r i)) (on-label l₀) (on-label l₁))
    x  P x
⟦_⟧ᵗ-elim {P} is-set-P on-label well-defined mk⟦ s , label-class ⟧ᵗ =
  SQ.elim {P = λ l  P mk⟦ s , l ⟧ᵗ}
     l  is-set-P mk⟦ s , l ⟧ᵗ)

  preComp→⟦_⟧Path :  {X : hSet } {s}  (v : Q.Label  X  s) (σ : Symm s)  Label→⟦ v  σ  ⟧ᵗ  Label→⟦ v ⟧ᵗ
  preComp→⟦_⟧Path {X} v σ = LabelEquiv→⟦_⟧Path {X =  X } (v  σ ) v $ ∃-intro σ $ ua→ λ pos  refl

  module on-labels {X Y : Type } (f : X  Y) where
        s : Shape
        v w : Pos s  X
    well-defined : (v w : Pos s  X)  v ∼* w  Path ((Pos s  Y) / _∼*_) SQ.[ f  v ] SQ.[ f  w ]
    well-defined v w = ∃-rec (SQ.squash/ _ _) λ σ σ-label  SQ.eq/ _ _ $ ∃-intro σ λ i pos  f (σ-label i pos)

    map : (Pos s  X) / _∼*_  (Pos s  Y) / _∼*_
    map = SQ.rec SQ.squash/ (SQ.[_]  (f ∘_)) well-defined

⟦_⟧-map :  {X Y : hSet } (f :  X    Y )   ⟦_⟧ X    ⟦_⟧ Y 
⟦_⟧-map f x .shape = x .shape
⟦_⟧-map f x .label-class = f (x .label-class)

  ⟦_⟧-map-id :  (X : hSet )  ⟦_⟧-map {X = X} {Y = X} (id  X )  id  ⟦_⟧ X 
  ⟦_⟧-map-id X = funExt $ λ x  LabelClassPath→⟦_⟧Path (on-labels-id (x .label-class)) where
    on-labels-id :  {s} (label : (Pos s   X ) / _∼*_) (id  X ) label  label
    on-labels-id = SQ.elimProp  label  SQ.squash/ ( (id _) label) label) λ _  refl

  ⟦_⟧-map-comp :  {X Y Z : hSet }  (f :  X    Y ) (g :  Y    Z )
     ⟦_⟧-map {X} {Z} (g  f)  ⟦_⟧-map {Y} {Z} g  ⟦_⟧-map {X} {Y} f
  ⟦_⟧-map-comp {X} f g = funExt $ λ x  LabelClassPath→⟦_⟧Path $ on-labels-comp _ (x .label-class) where
    on-labels-comp :  s (label : (Pos s   X ) / _∼*_) (g  f) label g ( f label)
    on-labels-comp s = SQ.elimProp  label  SQ.squash/ _ _) λ _  refl