{-# OPTIONS --no-exact-split #-}
module GpdCont.RecordEquiv where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism hiding (iso)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_$_)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Base
open import Cubical.Data.List.Base as List using (List ; _∷_ ; [])

open import Cubical.Reflection.Base
open import Cubical.Reflection.StrictEquiv public
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv public

import Agda.Builtin.Reflection as R

open Iso

  pattern _hω∷_ a l = harg {q = R.quantity-ω} a  l
  pattern iarg t = R.arg (R.arg-info R.instance′ (R.modality R.relevant R.quantity-ω)) t

  _<$>_ :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}  (A  B)  R.TC A  R.TC B
  f <$> t = t >>= λ x  R.returnTC (f x)

  hideArg :  {} {A : Type }  R.Arg A  R.Arg A
  hideArg (R.arg (R.arg-info _ m) a) = R.arg (R.arg-info R.hidden m) a

  underPi :  {} {A : Type }
     (ty : R.Type)
     (f : (tele : R.Telescope)  (ity : R.Type)  A)
  underPi {A = A} = go [] where
    go : (tele : R.Telescope)
       (ty : R.Type)
       (f : (tele : R.Telescope)  (ity : R.Type)  A)
    go tele (R.pi pi-arg (R.abs name ty)) f = go ((name , pi-arg)  tele) ty f
    go tele ty@(_) f = f (List.rev tele) ty

  getRecordDefinition : (r : R.Term)  R.TC R.Definition
  getRecordDefinition (R.def f _) = R.getDefinition f
  getRecordDefinition r@(_) = R.typeError $ R.strErr "Not a record definition: "  R.termErr r  []

  getRecordΣFormat : (r : R.Term)  R.TC ΣFormat
  getRecordΣFormat (R.def name _) = do
    (R.record-type _ fs)  R.getDefinition name
      where _  R.typeError (R.strErr "Not a record type name:"  R.nameErr name  [])
    R.returnTC $ List→ΣFormat $ List.map  { (R.arg _ name)  name }) fs
  getRecordΣFormat r@(_) = R.typeError $ R.strErr "Not a record definition: "  R.termErr r  []

  inferTypeNormalised : R.Name  R.TC R.Type
  inferTypeNormalised name = do
    ty  R.inferType (R.def name [])
    R.normalise ty

  -- Given the name of a record type, return the ΣFormat of the corresponding right-associated Σ-type
  recordName→ΣFormat : (recordName : R.Name)  R.TC ΣFormat
  recordName→ΣFormat recordName = do
    (R.record-type _ fs)  R.getDefinition recordName
      where _  R.typeError (R.strErr "Not a record type name:"  R.nameErr recordName  [])
    R.returnTC $ List→ΣFormat $ List.map  { (R.arg _ name)  name }) fs

  recordIsoΣTermMacro : (record-term : R.Term)  (hole : R.Term)  R.TC Unit
  recordIsoΣTermMacro record-term hole = do
    σ  getRecordΣFormat record-term
    R.unify (recordIsoΣTerm σ) hole

  equivΣMacro :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}  Iso A B  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  equivΣMacro isoΣ hole = strictEquivMacro (isoΣ .fun) (isoΣ .inv) hole <|> isoToEquivMacro
      isoToEquivMacro : R.TC Unit
      isoToEquivMacro = do
        `isoΣ  R.quoteTC isoΣ
        R.unify (R.def (quote isoToEquiv) (`isoΣ v∷ [])) hole

record RecordToΣ {} (R : Type ) {S : Type } : Type (ℓ-suc ) where
  constructor toΣ
    isoΣ : Iso R S
    @(tactic equivΣMacro isoΣ) {equivΣ} : R  S
defineRecordToΣ' : (id-name : R.Name) (iso-term : R.Term)  R.TC Unit
defineRecordToΣ' id-name iso-term =
  R.defineFun id-name
    $ R.clause [] (R.proj (quote RecordToΣ.isoΣ) v∷ []) iso-term

defineRecordToΣ : (id-name record-name : R.Name)  R.TC Unit
defineRecordToΣ id-name record-name = do
  σ  recordName→ΣFormat record-name
  defineRecordToΣ' id-name $ recordIsoΣTerm σ
declareRecordToΣ' : (id-name record-name : R.Name) (σ : ΣFormat)  R.TC Unit
declareRecordToΣ' id-name record-name σ = do
  record-type  inferTypeNormalised record-name
  decl-type  underPi record-type $ makeRecordToΣTele []
  R.declareDef (iarg id-name) decl-type
    σTy : R.Type
    σTy = ΣFormat→Ty σ

    makeRecordToΣTele : (params : List (R.Arg R.Type))  R.Telescope  R.Type  R.TC R.Term
    makeRecordToΣTele params ((name , pi-arg@(R.arg arg-inf _))  tele) ty = do
      let var = R.arg arg-inf (v (List.length params))
      decl  makeRecordToΣTele (var  params) tele ty
      R.returnTC $ R.pi (hideArg pi-arg) (R.abs name decl)
    makeRecordToΣTele params [] = λ where
      (R.agda-sort _)  R.returnTC $ R.def (quote RecordToΣ) (R.def record-name params v∷ σTy hω∷ [])
      ty@(_)   R.typeError
        $ R.strErr "Failed to declare RecordToΣ instance: '"
         R.nameErr record-name
         R.strErr "' is not a parametrized record.\n"
         R.strErr "Expected a sort, got '"
         R.termErr ty
         R.strErr "'"

deriveRecordToΣ : (id-name record-name : R.Name)  R.TC Unit
deriveRecordToΣ id-name record-name = do
  σ  recordName→ΣFormat record-name
  declareRecordToΣ' id-name record-name σ
  defineRecordToΣ' id-name $ recordIsoΣTerm σ

open RecordToΣ ⦃...⦄

infix 1.5 _asΣ
_asΣ :  {} (R : Type ) {S : Type }   RecordToΣ R {S}   Type 
_asΣ R {S = S} = S

_IsoΣ :  {} (R : Type ) {S : Type }   RecordToΣ R {S}   Iso R S
R IsoΣ = isoΣ

_≃Σ :  {} (R : Type ) {S : Type }   RecordToΣ R {S}   R  S
R ≃Σ = equivΣ

Σ≃_ :  {} (R : Type ) {S : Type }   RecordToΣ R {S}   S  R
Σ≃ R = invEquiv equivΣ

cast→Σ :  {} {R : Type } {S : Type }   RecordToΣ R {S}   R  S
cast→Σ = isoΣ .fun

cast←Σ :  {} {R : Type } {S : Type }   RecordToΣ R {S}   S  R
cast←Σ = isoΣ .inv

recordIsOfHLevel :  {} {R S : Type }   RecordToΣ R {S}   (n : HLevel)  isOfHLevel n S  isOfHLevel n R
recordIsOfHLevel n = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso n isoΣ