module GpdCont.QuotientContainer.Premorphism where

open import GpdCont.Prelude
open import GpdCont.QuotientContainer.Base

open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
import      Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT

module _ {} (Q R : QCont ) (shape-mor : Q .QCont.Shape  R .QCont.Shape) where
    module Q = QCont Q
    module R = QCont R

  isNaturalFiller : (f :  s  R.Pos (shape-mor s)  Q.Pos s)
      {s} (g : Q.Symm s) (h : R.Symm (shape-mor s))
     Type _
  isNaturalFiller f {s} g h = (f s Q.▷ g)  (h R.◁ f s)

  record Premorphism : Type  where

      pos-mor :  (s : Q.Shape)  R.Pos (shape-mor s)  Q.Pos s

      symm-pres :  (s : Q.Shape) (g : Q.Symm s)  ∃[ h  (R.Symm (shape-mor s)) ] isNaturalFiller pos-mor g h
      -- The morphism of shapes preserves the subgroup of symmetries, naturally:
      --                        pos-mor s
      --  R.Pos (shape-mor s) ------------> Q.Pos s
      --           |                           |
      --           |                           |
      --         h |                           | g
      --           |                           |
      --           v                           v
      --  R.Pos (shape-mor s) ------------> Q.Pos s
      --                        pos-mor s

unquoteDecl PremorphismIsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ PremorphismIsoΣ (quote Premorphism)

  PremorphismToΣ :  {} {Q R : QCont } {shape-mor : Q .QCont.Shape  R .QCont.Shape}  RecordToΣ (Premorphism Q R shape-mor)
  PremorphismToΣ {Q} {R} = toΣ PremorphismIsoΣ

module _ {} {Q R : QCont }  {shape-mor : Q .QCont.Shape  R .QCont.Shape} (f g : Premorphism Q R shape-mor) where
    module Q = QCont Q
    module R = QCont R
    open Premorphism

  record PremorphismEquiv∞ : Type  where
    --                          η(s)
    --  R.Pos (shape-mor s) -----------> R.Pos (shape-mor s)
    --          |                                |
    --     f(s) |                                | g(s)
    --          '-----------> Q.Pos s <----------'
      η : (s : Q.Shape)  R.Symm (shape-mor s)
      η-comm :  s  f .pos-mor s  (η s R.◁ g .pos-mor s)
  PremorphismEquiv : Type 
  PremorphismEquiv =  (s : Q.Shape)  ∃[ ρ  R.Symm (shape-mor s) ] f .pos-mor s  ρ R.◁ g .pos-mor s

     : Level
    Q R S T : QCont 

open QCont

open Premorphism

module _ {} {Q R : QCont } where
    module R = QCont R
  PremorphismEquiv' : {u u′ : Q .Shape  R .Shape}  (f : Premorphism Q R u)  (f′ : Premorphism Q R u′)  Type _
  PremorphismEquiv' {u} {u′} f f′ =
    Σ[ p  u  u′ ]
       s  ∃[ ρ  R.Symm (u s) ] (f .pos-mor s  (ρ R.⁺)  r p  f′ .pos-mor s)
      r : (p : u  u′)   {s}  R .Pos (u s)  R .Pos (u′ s)
      r p = subst (R .Pos) (funExt⁻ p _)

    isPropSymmPres : {shape-mor : Q .Shape  R .Shape} (pos-mor :  s  R .Pos (shape-mor s)  Q .Pos s)  isProp (∀ (s : Q .Shape)  (g : Symm Q s)  ∃[ h  (Symm R (shape-mor s)) ] isNaturalFiller Q R _ pos-mor g h)
    isPropSymmPres pos-mor = isPropΠ2 λ s g  isProp∃ _ _

  isSetPremorphism : {shape-mor : Q .Shape  R .Shape}  isSet (Premorphism Q R shape-mor)
  isSetPremorphism {Q} {R} {shape-mor} = recordIsOfHLevel 2 $
    isSetΣSndProp (isSetΠ2  _ _  Q .is-set-pos _)) $
    isPropSymmPres {Q = Q} {R = R}

module _ (Q : QCont ) where
    module Q = QCont Q

  idPremorphism : Premorphism Q Q (id _)
  idPremorphism .pos-mor = id  Q.Pos
  idPremorphism .symm-pres s g = ∃-intro g refl

isReflPremorphismEquiv :  {shape-mor : Q .Shape  R .Shape}  (f : Premorphism Q R shape-mor)  PremorphismEquiv f f
isReflPremorphismEquiv {Q} {R} {shape-mor} f = λ s  ∃-intro (ρ s) refl where
  module Q = QCont Q
  module R = QCont R
  ρ : (s : Q.Shape)  R.Symm (shape-mor s)
  ρ = R.SymmGroup.1g  shape-mor

PremorphismPath :  {shape-mor : Q .QCont.Shape  R .QCont.Shape} {f g : Premorphism Q R shape-mor}
   (f .pos-mor  g .pos-mor)
   f  g
PremorphismPath {Q} {R} {shape-mor} {f} {g} pos-mor-path = λ
  { i .pos-mor  pos-mor-path i
  ; i .symm-pres  isProp→PathP  i  isPropSymmPres {Q = Q} {R = R} (pos-mor-path i)) (f .symm-pres) (g .symm-pres) i
  where private
    module Q = QCont Q
    module R = QCont R

module Composite
  {u : Q .Shape  R .Shape} {v : R .Shape  S .Shape}
  (f : Premorphism Q R u) (g : Premorphism R S v)
    module Q = QCont Q
    module R = QCont R
    module S = QCont S
  comp-pos-mor :  s  S.Pos (u  v $ s)  Q.Pos s
  comp-pos-mor s = g .pos-mor (u s)  f .pos-mor s

  compPremorphism : Premorphism Q S (u  v)
  compPremorphism .pos-mor = comp-pos-mor
  compPremorphism .symm-pres s ψ = goal where
    open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad using (_>>=_ ; return)

      lem : (ρ : R.Symm _)  isNaturalFiller Q R u (f .pos-mor) ψ ρ
         (σ : S.Symm _)  isNaturalFiller R S v (g .pos-mor) ρ σ
         isNaturalFiller Q S (u  v) comp-pos-mor ψ σ
      lem ρ ρ-nat σ σ-nat =
        g .pos-mor _  f .pos-mor _  (ψ Q.⁺) ≡⟨ cong (g .pos-mor _ ⋆_) ρ-nat 
        g .pos-mor _  (ρ R.⁺)  f .pos-mor _ ≡⟨ cong (_⋆ f .pos-mor _) σ-nat 
        (σ S.⁺)  g .pos-mor _  f .pos-mor _ 

      goal : ∃[ τ  S.Symm _ ] isNaturalFiller Q S (u  v) comp-pos-mor ψ τ
      goal = do
        (ρ , ρ-nat)  (f .symm-pres s ψ)
        (σ , σ-nat)  (g .symm-pres (u s) ρ)
        return $ σ , lem ρ ρ-nat σ σ-nat

open Composite using () renaming (compPremorphism to _⋆-pre_)

  ⋆IdL : (u : Q .Shape  R .Shape) (f : Premorphism Q R u)  (idPremorphism Q) ⋆-pre f  f
  ⋆IdL u f = PremorphismPath refl

  ⋆IdR : (u : Q .Shape  R .Shape) (f : Premorphism Q R u)  f ⋆-pre (idPremorphism R)  f
  ⋆IdR u f = PremorphismPath refl

  ⋆Assoc : (u : Q .Shape  R .Shape) (v : R .Shape  S .Shape) (w : S .Shape  T .Shape)
     (f : Premorphism Q R u)
     (g : Premorphism R S v)
     (h : Premorphism S T w)
     (f ⋆-pre g) ⋆-pre h  f ⋆-pre (g ⋆-pre h)
  ⋆Assoc u v w f g h = PremorphismPath refl