module GpdCont.ActionContainer.Constant where

open import GpdCont.Prelude
open import GpdCont.HomotopySet
open import GpdCont.Group.DirProd using (module DirProd) renaming (DirProd to _×Group_)

open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Base using (Action)
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Trivial using (trivialAction)
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Pi using (ΠActionΣ)
open import GpdCont.ActionContainer.Base
open import GpdCont.ActionContainer.Morphism
open import GpdCont.ActionContainer.Category
open import GpdCont.ActionContainer.DirectProduct using (_⊗_ ; binProducts)

open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (flip)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv using (funExt₂)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty using (⊥*)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties using (GroupIso→GroupHom ; invGroupIso ; makeIsGroupHom) renaming (compGroupHom to _⋆Group_)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Unit using (UnitGroup ; lUnitGroupIso^)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Pi using (ΠGroup)

open import Cubical.Categories.Exponentials
open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.Representable using (UniversalElement)

     : Level

  projΠGroupHom :  {ℓK} {K : Type ℓK} (G : K  Group )   k  GroupHom (ΠGroup G) (G k)
  projΠGroupHom G k .fst = _$ k
  projΠGroupHom G k .snd .IsGroupHom.pres· _ _ = refl
  projΠGroupHom G k .snd .IsGroupHom.pres1 = refl
  projΠGroupHom G k .snd .IsGroupHom.presinv _ = refl

  lUnitHom : (G : Group )  GroupHom (UnitGroup {} ×Group G) G
  lUnitHom G = GroupIso→GroupHom lUnitGroupIso^

  lUnitInv : (G : Group )  GroupHom G (UnitGroup {} ×Group G)
  lUnitInv G = GroupIso→GroupHom $ invGroupIso lUnitGroupIso^

  pointwise :  {ℓK} (K : Type ℓK) (H : Group )  Group (ℓ-max ℓK )
  pointwise K H = ind where
    module H = GroupStr (str H)

    ind : Group _
    ind .fst = K   H 
    ind .snd .GroupStr.1g = const H.1g
    ind .snd .GroupStr._·_ = λ f g k  f k H.· g k
    ind .snd .GroupStr.inv = λ f k  H.inv (f k)
    ind .snd .GroupStr.isGroup = makeIsGroup {! !} {! !} {! !} {! !} {! !} {! !}

konst : (S : hSet )  ActionContainer 
konst {} S = mkActionContainer S 𝟘 𝟙 triv where
  𝟘 :  S   hSet 
  𝟘 _ = EmptySet 

  𝟙 :  S   Group 
  𝟙 _ = UnitGroup

  triv :  s  Action (𝟙 s) (𝟘 s)
  triv s = trivialAction (𝟙 s) (𝟘 s)

[konst_,_] : (K : hSet )  (C : ActionContainer )  ActionContainer 
[konst K , C ] using (S , P , G , σ)unbundleContainer C
  = mkActionContainer S* P* G* σ* where

  S* : hSet _
  S* = K →Set S

  P* :  S*   hSet _
  P* f = ΣSet K (P  f)

  G* :  S*   Group _
  G* f = ΠGroup (G  f)

  σ* :  f  Action (G* f) (P* f)
  σ* f = ΠActionΣ K (P  f) (σ  f)

eval : {K : hSet } {C : ActionContainer }
   Morphism (konst K  [konst K , C ]) C
eval {K} {C} using (S , P , G , σ)unbundleContainer C =
  mkMorphismBundled _ _ eval-shape eval-hom (eval-pos , eval-pos-is-eqva) where
  module C = ActionContainer C
  Thunk =  K  × ( K    S )

  eval-shape : Thunk   S 
  eval-shape (k , f) = f k

  eval-hom :  ((k , f) : Thunk)  GroupHom (UnitGroup ×Group ΠGroup (G  f)) (G (f k))
  eval-hom (k , f) = lUnitHom (ΠGroup (G  f)) ⋆Group (projΠGroupHom (G  f) k)

  eval-pos : ((k , f) : Thunk)  C.Pos (f k)  ⊥*  (Σ[ k   K  ]  P (f k) )
  eval-pos (k , f) p = Sum.inr (k , p)

  eval-pos-is-eqva : isEquivariantPosMap (konst K  [konst K , C ]) C eval-pos (fst  eval-hom)
  eval-pos-is-eqva (f , k) g* = refl

module _ (K : hSet ) (C Z : ActionContainer ) where
    module C = ActionContainer C
    module Z = ActionContainer Z

    open Morphism
    open Morphismᴰ

    ⊥-⊎-Pos-Iso :  z  Iso (⊥* { = }  Z.Pos z) (Z.Pos z)
    ⊥-⊎-Pos-Iso z = Sum.⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso

  konst-uncurry : Morphism Z [konst K , C ]  Morphism (konst K  Z) C
  konst-uncurry f = go where
    module f = Morphism f

    uncurry-shape :  K  × Z.Shape  C.Shape
    uncurry-shape = uncurry $ flip f.shape-map

    uncurry-hom' :  ((k , z) :  K  × Z.Shape)  GroupHom (Z.SymmGroup z) (C.SymmGroup (f.shape-map z k))
    uncurry-hom' (k , z) = f.symm-hom z ⋆Group projΠGroupHom (C.SymmGroup  f.shape-map z) k

    uncurry-hom :  ((k , z) :  K  × Z.Shape)  GroupHom (UnitGroup ×Group (Z.SymmGroup z)) (C.SymmGroup (f.shape-map z k))
    uncurry-hom (k , z) = lUnitHom _ ⋆Group uncurry-hom' (k , z)

    uncurry-pos :  ((k , z) :  K  × Z.Shape)  C.Pos (f.shape-map z k)  ⊥*  Z.Pos z
    uncurry-pos (k , z) p = ⊥-⊎-Pos-Iso z .Iso.inv (f.pos-map z (k , p))

    uncurry-pos-is-equivariant : isEquivariantPosMap (konst K  Z) C uncurry-pos (fst  uncurry-hom)
    uncurry-pos-is-equivariant (k , z) (_ , g) = funExt λ p  cong (⊥-⊎-Pos-Iso z .Iso.inv) $ funExt⁻ ( z g) (k , p)

    go : Morphism (konst K  Z) C
    go = mkMorphismBundled (konst K  Z) C
      (uncurry-pos , uncurry-pos-is-equivariant)

  konst-curry : Morphism (konst K  Z) C  Morphism Z [konst K , C ]
  konst-curry f = mkMorphismBundled Z [konst K , C ] curry-shape curry-hom (curry-pos , curry-pos-is-equivariant) where
    module f = Morphism f

    curry-shape : Z.Shape   K   C.Shape
    curry-shape = flip $ curry f.shape-map

    module Gᶻ {z} = GroupStr (str (Z.SymmGroup z))
    module Gᶜ {c} = GroupStr (str (C.SymmGroup c))

    curry-hom :  z  GroupHom (Z.SymmGroup z) (ΠGroup (C.SymmGroup  curry-shape z))
    curry-hom z .fst gᶻ k = f.symm-map (k , z) (tt* , gᶻ)
    curry-hom z .snd = makeIsGroupHom λ gᶻ hᶻ  funExt λ k 
      let φ = f.symm-map (k , z) in
      φ (tt* , gᶻ Gᶻ.· hᶻ) ≡⟨ (k , z) .IsGroupHom.pres· (tt* , gᶻ) (tt* , hᶻ) 
      (φ (tt* , gᶻ)) Gᶜ.· (φ (tt* , hᶻ)) 

    curry-pos :  z  Σ[ k   K  ] C.Pos (f.shape-map (k , z))  Z.Pos z
    curry-pos z (k , p) = del-⊥ (f.pos-map (k , z) p) where
      del-⊥ : ⊥*  Z.Pos z  Z.Pos z
      del-⊥ = Sum.⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso

    curry-pos-is-equivariant : isEquivariantPosMap Z [konst K , C ] curry-pos (fst  curry-hom)
    curry-pos-is-equivariant z gᶻ = funExt λ where
      (k , c-pos) 
        equivFun (Z.action gᶻ) (curry-pos z (k , c-pos)) ≡[ i ]⟨ {! !} 
        curry-pos z (k , equivFun (C.action (f.symm-map (k , z) (tt* , gᶻ))) c-pos) 

  konst-curry-Iso : Iso (Morphism Z [konst K , C ]) (Morphism (konst K  Z) C)
  konst-curry-Iso = konst-uncurry
  konst-curry-Iso .Iso.inv = konst-curry
  konst-curry-Iso .Iso.rightInv  = Morphism≡ _ _ refl (funExt₂ pos-path) refl where
    pos-path :  ((k , z) :  K  ×  Z.ShapeSet ) (c-pos : C.Pos (shape-map  (k , z)))  Sum.inr (pos-map (konst-curry ) z (k , c-pos))  pos-map  (k , z) c-pos
    pos-path (k , z) c-pos = Sum.⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso .Iso.leftInv (pos-map (mor-str ) (k , z) c-pos)
  konst-curry-Iso .Iso.leftInv f→ = Morphism≡ _ _ refl refl refl

konst-exponential : (K : hSet ) (C : ActionContainer )  Exponential (Act {}) (konst K) C (binProducts $ konst K)
konst-exponential K C = K⇒C where
  uncurry' :  Z  Morphism Z [konst K , C ]  Morphism (konst K  Z) C
  uncurry' Z f .Morphism.shape-map = λ z  Morphism.shape-map f (z .snd) (z .fst)
  uncurry' Z f .Morphism.mor-str .Morphismᴰ.pos-map = λ s z  Sum.inr ((Morphism.pos-map f) (snd s) (fst s , z))
  uncurry' Z f .Morphism.mor-str .Morphismᴰ.symm-map = λ s z  Morphism.symm-map f (snd s) (snd z) (fst s)
  uncurry' Z f .Morphism.mor-str .Morphismᴰ.is-group-hom-symm-map = _
  uncurry' Z f .Morphism.mor-str .Morphismᴰ.is-equivariant-pos-map = _

  konst-universal :  (Z : ActionContainer _)  isEquiv (konst-uncurry K C Z)
  konst-universal Z = isoToIsEquiv (konst-curry-Iso K C Z)

    p :  Z  konst-uncurry K C Z  uncurry' Z
    p Z = funExt λ f  Morphism≡ _ _ refl refl refl

  universal :  (Z : ActionContainer _)  isEquiv (uncurry' Z)
  universal Z = subst isEquiv (p Z) (konst-universal Z)

  K⇒C : Exponential Act (konst K) C (binProducts $ konst K)
  K⇒C .UniversalElement.vertex = [konst K , C ]
  K⇒C .UniversalElement.element = eval {K = K} {C = C}
  K⇒C .UniversalElement.universal = universal