module GpdCont.ActionContainer.DirectProduct where
open import GpdCont.Prelude hiding (_⋆_)
open import GpdCont.Univalence
open import GpdCont.ActionContainer.Base
open import GpdCont.ActionContainer.Morphism
open import GpdCont.ActionContainer.Transformation
open import GpdCont.ActionContainer.Category using (Act)
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Base
open import GpdCont.GroupAction.Sum
open import GpdCont.HomotopySet using (ΠSet ; _×Set_ ; _⊎Set_)
open import GpdCont.Group.DirProd using (DirProd ; module DirProd)
open import GpdCont.Equiv using (equivΠCodComp)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma as Sigma using (_×_ ; ∃!-syntax)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base using (Category)
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.BinProduct
ℓ : Level
module DirectProduct (C D : ActionContainer ℓ) where
module C = ActionContainer C
module D = ActionContainer D
S×T : hSet _
S×T = C.ShapeSet ×Set D.ShapeSet
P⊎Q : ⟨ S×T ⟩ → hSet _
P⊎Q (s , t) = C.PosSet s ⊎Set D.PosSet t
G×H : ⟨ S×T ⟩ → Group _
G×H (s , t) = DirProd (C.SymmGroup s) (D.SymmGroup t)
module G×H {s,t : ⟨ S×T ⟩} = DirProd (C.SymmGroup (s,t .fst)) (D.SymmGroup (s,t .snd))
σ⊎τ : (x : ⟨ S×T ⟩) → Action (G×H x) (P⊎Q x)
σ⊎τ (s , t) = C.symmAction s ⊎Action D.symmAction t
self : ActionContainer ℓ
self = mkActionContainer S×T P⊎Q G×H σ⊎τ
fst-hom : ∀ {x} → GroupHom (G×H x) (C.SymmGroup (fst x))
fst-hom = G×H.fstHom
snd-hom : ∀ {x} → GroupHom (G×H x) (D.SymmGroup (snd x))
snd-hom = G×H.sndHom
fstMorphism : Morphism self C
fstMorphism = mkMorphism self C
(λ _ → Sum.inl)
(λ _ → fst fst-hom)
(λ _ _ → refl)
λ _ → snd fst-hom
sndMorphism : Morphism self D
sndMorphism = mkMorphism self D
(λ _ → Sum.inr)
(λ _ → fst snd-hom)
(λ _ _ → refl)
λ _ → snd snd-hom
open Category (Act {ℓ}) using (_⋆_)
open Morphism
open Morphismᴰ
pairingMorphism : ∀ {Z : ActionContainer ℓ} → Morphism Z C → Morphism Z D → Morphism Z self
pairingMorphism {Z} f g = mkMorphismBundled _ _ pair-shape pair-hom (pair-pos , pair-pos-equivariant) where
module Z = ActionContainer Z
module f = Morphism f
module g = Morphism g
pair-shape : Z.Shape → C.Shape × D.Shape
pair-shape = λ s → f.shape-map s , g.shape-map s
pair-hom : ∀ z → GroupHom (Z.SymmGroup z) (G×H $ pair-shape z)
pair-hom z = DirProd.pairingHom _ _ (f.symm-hom z) (g.symm-hom z)
pair-pos : ∀ z → ⟨ P⊎Q (pair-shape z) ⟩ → Z.Pos z
pair-pos z = Sum.rec (f.pos-map z) (g.pos-map z)
pair-pos-equivariant : isEquivariantPosMap Z self pair-pos (fst ∘ pair-hom)
pair-pos-equivariant z k = funExt $ Sum.elim
(funExt⁻ $ z k)
(funExt⁻ $ z k)
module UniversalProperty {Z} (f₁ : Morphism Z C) (f₂ : Morphism Z D) where
module Z = ActionContainer Z
pairingFst : pairingMorphism f₁ f₂ ⋆ fstMorphism ≡ f₁
pairingFst = Morphism≡ _ _ refl refl refl
pairingSnd : pairingMorphism f₁ f₂ ⋆ sndMorphism ≡ f₂
pairingSnd = Morphism≡ _ _ refl refl refl
UP : ∃![ f₁×f₂ ∈ Morphism Z self ] (f₁×f₂ ⋆ fstMorphism ≡ f₁) × (f₁×f₂ ⋆ sndMorphism ≡ f₂)
UP .fst = pairingMorphism f₁ f₂ , pairingFst , pairingSnd
UP .snd (f , p₁ , p₂) = Sigma.Σ≡Prop
(λ f → isProp× (isSetMorphism _ _ _ f₁) (isSetMorphism _ _ _ f₂))
$ sym $ Morphism≡ _ _ shape-map-path pos-map-path symm-map-path where
shape-map-path : f .shape-map ≡ pairingMorphism f₁ f₂ .shape-map
shape-map-path i z .fst = p₁ i .shape-map z
shape-map-path i z .snd = p₂ i .shape-map z
pos-map-path : PathP (λ i → ∀ z → C.Pos (shape-map (p₁ i) z) ⊎ D.Pos (shape-map (p₂ i) z) → Z.Pos z)
(f .pos-map) (pairingMorphism f₁ f₂ .pos-map)
pos-map-path i z (Sum.inl p) = p₁ i .pos-map z p
pos-map-path i z (Sum.inr q) = p₂ i .pos-map z q
symm-map-path : PathP (λ i → ∀ z → Z.Symm z → C.Symm (shape-map (p₁ i) z) × D.Symm (shape-map (p₂ i) z))
(f .symm-map)
(λ z k → f₁ .symm-map z k , f₂ .symm-map z k)
symm-map-path i z k .fst = p₁ i .symm-map z k
symm-map-path i z k .snd = p₂ i .symm-map z k
UP₁ : ∀ {Z : ActionContainer ℓ} (f : Morphism Z C) (g : Morphism Z D) → TransformationP (pairingMorphism f g ⋆ fstMorphism) f × TransformationP (pairingMorphism f g ⋆ sndMorphism) g
UP₁ f g .fst = mkTransformationP refl {conjugator₀ = λ _ → C.symm-id} refl {! !} λ s → ua→ {! !}
UP₁ f g .snd = mkTransformationP refl {conjugator₀ = λ _ → D.symm-id} refl {! !} λ s → ua→ {! !}
UP₂ : {! !}
UP₂ = {! !}
binProduct : BinProduct (Act {ℓ}) C D
binProduct = C×D where
open BinProduct
C×D : BinProduct _ C D
C×D .binProdOb = self
C×D .binProdPr₁ = fstMorphism
C×D .binProdPr₂ = sndMorphism
C×D .univProp = UniversalProperty.UP
open DirectProduct using () renaming (self to _⊗_ ; binProduct to binProducts) public