{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Limits.BinProduct.More where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma as Ty hiding (_×_)

open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct.More
import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct.Redundant.Base as R
open import Cubical.Categories.Functors.HomFunctor
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Cubical.Categories.Functors.Constant
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Profunctor.General
open import Cubical.Categories.Profunctor.FunctorComprehension
open import Cubical.Categories.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Sets.More
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.BinProduct
open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.Representable
open import Cubical.Categories.Adjoint.UniversalElements
open import Cubical.Categories.Bifunctor.Redundant as R

open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.More
open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.Constructions
open import Cubical.Categories.Yoneda

     ℓ' : Level

  _⊗_ = R._×C_

open Iso
open UniversalElement
open BinProduct
open Category
open Functor
open Bifunctor
open isEquiv

module _ (C : Category  ℓ') where
  BinProduct' = RightAdjointAt' _ _ (Δ C)
  BinProducts' = RightAdjoint' _ _ (Δ C)

    -- This definition looks promising at first, but doesn't give the
    -- right behavior for BinProductWithF ⟪_⟫
    BadBinProductProf : Profunctor (C R.×C C) C ℓ'
    BadBinProductProf =
      (precomposeF _ (Δ C ^opF) ∘F YO) ∘F R.RedundantToProd C C

  BinProductProf : Profunctor (C  C) C ℓ'
  BinProductProf = R.rec _ _ (PshProd ∘Flr (YO , YO))

  -- Product with a fixed object
  ProdWithAProf : C .ob  Profunctor C C ℓ'
  ProdWithAProf a = BinProductProf ∘F R.ob-× C C a

  BinProductToRepresentable :  {a b}  BinProduct C a b
     UniversalElement C (BinProductProf  a , b )
  BinProductToRepresentable bp .vertex = bp .binProdOb
  BinProductToRepresentable bp .element = (bp .binProdPr₁) , (bp .binProdPr₂)
  BinProductToRepresentable bp .universal A .equiv-proof (f1 , f2) .fst .fst =
    bp .univProp f1 f2 .fst .fst
  BinProductToRepresentable bp .universal A .equiv-proof (f1 , f2) .fst .snd =
    cong₂ _,_ (bp .univProp f1 f2 .fst .snd .fst)
              ((bp .univProp f1 f2 .fst .snd .snd))
  BinProductToRepresentable bp .universal A .equiv-proof (f1 , f2) .snd y =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isSet× (isSetHom C) (isSetHom C) _ _)
      (cong fst (bp .univProp f1 f2 .snd ((y .fst) , PathPΣ (y .snd))))

  -- TODO: general principle?
  RepresentableToBinProduct' :  {a b}
     UniversalElement C (BinProductProf  a , b )
     BinProduct' (a , b)
  RepresentableToBinProduct' ue .vertex = ue .vertex
  RepresentableToBinProduct' ue .element = ue .element
  RepresentableToBinProduct' ue .universal = ue .universal

  BinProduct'ToBinProduct :  {a b}
     BinProduct' (a , b)
     BinProduct C a b
  BinProduct'ToBinProduct bp' .binProdOb = bp' .vertex
  BinProduct'ToBinProduct bp' .binProdPr₁ = bp' .element .fst
  BinProduct'ToBinProduct bp' .binProdPr₂ = bp' .element .snd
  BinProduct'ToBinProduct bp' .univProp {z} f₁ f₂ = uniqueExists
    (⟨f₁,f₂⟩-contr .fst .fst)
    (cong fst (⟨f₁,f₂⟩-contr .fst .snd) , cong snd (⟨f₁,f₂⟩-contr .fst .snd))
     _  isProp× (C .isSetHom _ _) (C .isSetHom _ _))
    λ ⟨f₁,f₂⟩' commutes  cong fst (⟨f₁,f₂⟩-contr .snd (⟨f₁,f₂⟩'
      , (ΣPathP commutes)))
      ⟨f₁,f₂⟩-contr = bp' .universal z .equiv-proof (f₁ , f₂)

  BinProductToBinProduct' :  {a b}
     BinProduct C a b
     BinProduct' (a , b)
  BinProductToBinProduct' bp =
    RepresentableToBinProduct' (BinProductToRepresentable bp)

  BinProductsToBinProducts' : BinProducts C  BinProducts'
  BinProductsToBinProducts' bps _ = BinProductToBinProduct' (bps _ _)

  BinProducts'ToBinProducts : BinProducts'  BinProducts C
  BinProducts'ToBinProducts bps a b = BinProduct'ToBinProduct (bps (a , b))

  module _ (bp : BinProducts C) where
    BinProductsToUnivElts : UniversalElements BinProductProf
    BinProductsToUnivElts c = BinProductToRepresentable (bp (c .fst) (c .snd))

    BinProductF : Functor (C R.×C C) C
    BinProductF = FunctorComprehension BinProductsToUnivElts

    BinProductBif : Bifunctor C C C
    BinProductBif = R.Functor→Bifunctor BinProductF

      a b c d : C .ob
      f g h : C [ a , b ]

  module _ {a} (bp :  b  BinProduct C a b) where
    BinProductWithToRepresentable : UniversalElements (ProdWithAProf a)
    BinProductWithToRepresentable b = BinProductToRepresentable (bp b)

    BinProductWithF =
      FunctorComprehension BinProductWithToRepresentable

    -- test definitional behavior
    _ :  {b b'}(f : C [ b , b' ]) 
        BinProductWithF  f  
          bp b' .univProp (bp b .binProdPr₁)
            (f ∘⟨ C  bp b .binProdPr₂) .fst .fst
    _ = λ f  refl
    module ProdsWithNotation where
      open UniversalElementNotation {C = C}
        ues = BinProductWithToRepresentable
      a×_ : C .ob  C .ob
       b = ues b .vertex

      π₁ : C [  b , a ]
      π₁ {b} = ues b .element .fst

      π₂ : C [  b , b ]
      π₂ {b} = ues b .element .snd

      _,p_ : C [ c , a ]  C [ c , b ]  C [ c ,  b ]
      f ,p g = ues _ .universal _ .equiv-proof (f , g) .fst .fst

      ×pF = BinProductWithF
      ×p_ : C [ b , c ]  C [  b ,  c ]
      ×p_ = BinProductWithF .F-hom

      ×β₁ : π₁ ∘⟨ C  (f ,p g)  f
      ×β₁ = cong fst (ues _ .universal _ .equiv-proof _ .fst .snd)

      ×β₂ : π₂ ∘⟨ C  (f ,p g)  g
      ×β₂ = cong snd (ues _ .universal _ .equiv-proof _ .fst .snd)

      ×η : f  ((π₁ ∘⟨ C  f) ,p (π₂ ∘⟨ C  f))
      ×η = η (ues _)

      ×η' : C .id {x =  b}  (π₁ ,p π₂)
      ×η' = weak-η (ues _)

      ,p-natural : ( f ,p g ) ∘⟨ C  h  ((f ∘⟨ C  h) ,p (g ∘⟨ C  h))
      ,p-natural = intro-natural (ues _)

      ×-extensionality : π₁ ∘⟨ C  f 
                         π₁ ∘⟨ C  g  π₂ ∘⟨ C  f  π₂ ∘⟨ C  g  f  g
      ×-extensionality p1 p2 = extensionality (ues _) (ΣPathP (p1 , p2))

  module NotationAt {a b : C .ob} (bp : BinProduct C a b) where
      ue = BinProductToRepresentable bp
    open UniversalElementNotation {C = C}

    vert : C .ob
    vert = bp .binProdOb

    π₁ : C [ vert , a ]
    π₁ = bp .binProdPr₁

    π₂ : C [ vert , b ]
    π₂ = bp .binProdPr₂

    _,p_ : C [ c , a ]  C [ c , b ]  C [ c , vert ]
    f ,p g = bp .univProp f g .fst .fst

    ×β₁ : π₁ ∘⟨ C  (f ,p g)  f
    ×β₁ {f = f}{g = g} = cong fst (β ue)

    ×β₂ : π₂ ∘⟨ C  (f ,p g)  g
    ×β₂ {f = f}{g = g} = cong snd (β ue)

    ×η : f  ((π₁ ∘⟨ C  f) ,p (π₂ ∘⟨ C  f))
    ×η {f = f} = η ue

    ×η' : C .id {vert}  (π₁ ,p π₂)
    ×η' = weak-η ue

    ,p-natural : ( f ,p g ) ∘⟨ C  h  ((f ∘⟨ C  h) ,p (g ∘⟨ C  h))
    ,p-natural {f = f}{g = g}{h = h} = intro-natural ue

    -- this has the benefit of always applying
    ×-extensionality : π₁ ∘⟨ C  f  π₁ ∘⟨ C  g
                      π₂ ∘⟨ C  f  π₂ ∘⟨ C  g
                      f  g
    ×-extensionality p1 p2 = extensionality ue (ΣPathP (p1 , p2))

  module Notation (bp : BinProducts C) where
      ues = BinProductsToUnivElts bp

    module _ (a b : C .ob) where
      open NotationAt (bp a b)
      _×_ = vert

    module _ {a b : C .ob} where
      -- TODO: π₁, π₂ are natural transformations as well,
      -- which should follow by general fact that universal elements are natural
      open NotationAt (bp a b) using
        ( π₁ ; π₂
        ; _,p_
        ; ×β₁ ; ×β₂
        ; ×η ; ×η'
        ; ,p-natural
        ; ×-extensionality) public

    ×pF = BinProductF bp

    ×Bif : R.Bifunctor C C C
    ×Bif = BinProductBif bp

    _×p_ : C [ a , b ]  C [ c , d ]  C [ a × c , b × d ]
    f ×p g = ×Bif  f , g ⟫×
      open R.Bifunctor
      -- Demonstrating the definitional behavior of ×Bif
      _ : ((f ∘⟨ C  π₁) ,p (g ∘⟨ C  π₂))  (×Bif  f , g ⟫×)
      _ = refl

      _ : ((f ∘⟨ C  π₁) ,p π₂)  (Bif-homL ×Bif f d)
      _ = refl

      _ : (π₁ ,p (g ∘⟨ C  π₂))  (Bif-homR ×Bif c g)
      _ = refl

    module _ (Γ : C .ob) where
      module PWN = ProdsWithNotation (bp Γ)
      ×pF-with-agrees : ×Bif  C .id , f ⟫×  PWN.×pF  f 
      ×pF-with-agrees = sym (×Bif .Bif-R×-agree _)

module _ {C : Category  ℓ'} where
  module BinProduct'Notation {c c' : C .ob} (bp : BinProduct' C (c , c')) =
    NotationAt C (BinProduct'ToBinProduct C bp)

  module BinProducts'Notation (bp : BinProducts' C) =
    Notation C (BinProducts'ToBinProducts C bp)