{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

{- The universal category C ⊗ D with a redundant bifunctor C , D → C ⊗ D -}
{- Isomorphic (but not definitionally) to the cartesian product -}
{- Credit to Andreas Nuyts for suggesting this approach -}

module Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct.Redundant.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor.Base hiding (Id)
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Functors
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Cubical.Data.Graph.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum hiding (rec)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Quiver.Base

import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct as BP
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Free.Category.Quiver as Free
  hiding (rec)
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Presented as Presented
open import Cubical.Categories.Bifunctor.Redundant as Bif hiding (Sym)

    ℓb ℓb' ℓc ℓc' ℓd ℓd' ℓe ℓe'  ℓ' : Level

open Category
open Functor
open QuiverOver
open Axioms

module _ (C : Category ℓc ℓc') (D : Category ℓd ℓd') where
    data ProdGenerator : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓc ℓc') (ℓ-max ℓd ℓd')) where
      homR :  (c : C .ob) {d d' : D .ob} (g : D [ d , d' ])  ProdGenerator
      homL :  {c c' : C .ob} (f : C [ c , c' ]) (d : D .ob)  ProdGenerator
      hom× :  {c c' : C .ob}
               {d d' : D .ob}
               (f : C [ c , c' ]) (g : D [ d , d' ])  ProdGenerator

    -- For axioms, we'll use the Parallel action axioms as they're the concicest
    data ProdAx : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓc ℓc') (ℓ-max ℓd ℓd')) where
      ×-id : (c : C .ob)(d : D .ob)  ProdAx
      ×-seq :  {c c' c''}{d d' d''}
             (f : C [ c , c' ])(f' : C [ c' , c'' ])
             (g : D [ d , d' ])(g' : D [ d' , d'' ])  ProdAx
      L×-agree :  {c c'} (f : C [ c , c' ]) (d : D .ob)  ProdAx
      R×-agree :  {d d'} (c : C .ob) (g : D [ d , d' ])  ProdAx

    Q : Quiver (ℓ-max ℓc ℓd) (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓc ℓc') (ℓ-max ℓd ℓd'))
    Q .fst = C .ob × D .ob
    Q .snd .mor = ProdGenerator
    Q .snd .dom (homR c {d = d} g) = c , d
    Q .snd .cod (homR c {d' = d'} g) = c , d'
    Q .snd .dom (homL {c = c} f d) = c , d
    Q .snd .cod (homL {c' = c'} f d) = c' , d
    Q .snd .dom (hom× {c = c}{d = d} f g) = c , d
    Q .snd .cod (hom× {c' = c'}{d' = d'} f g) = c' , d'

    Ax : Axioms (FreeCat Q) (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓc ℓc') (ℓ-max ℓd ℓd'))
    Ax = mkAx (FreeCat Q) ProdAx λ
      { (×-id c d)  _ , _ ,
        η Q <$g> (hom× (C .id {c}) (D .id {d}))
        , FreeCat Q .id
      ; (×-seq f f' g g')  _ , _ ,
        η Q <$g> (hom× (f ⋆⟨ C  f') (g ⋆⟨ D  g'))
        , ((η Q <$g> (hom× f g)) ⋆⟨ FreeCat Q  (η Q <$g> (hom× f' g')))
      ; (L×-agree f d)  _ , _ ,
        η Q <$g> (homL f d) , η Q <$g> (hom× f (D .id {d}))
      ; (R×-agree c g)  _ , _ ,
        η Q <$g> (homR c g) , η Q <$g> (hom× (C .id {c}) g) }

  module ProdCat = QuoByAx (FreeCat Q) Ax
  _×C_ : Category (ℓ-max ℓc ℓd) (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓc ℓc') (ℓ-max ℓd ℓd'))
  _×C_ = ProdCat.PresentedCat

    ηMor :  (e : Q .snd .mor)  _×C_ [ _ , _ ]
    ηMor e = ProdCat.ToPresented  η Q <$g> e 

  open Bifunctor

  -- This provides a much better interface than the raw presented category
  -- The universal bifunctor
  ηBif : Bifunctor C D _×C_
  ηBif = mkBifunctorParAx η' where
      open BifunctorParAx
      η' : BifunctorParAx C D _×C_
      η' .Bif-ob = _,_
      η' .Bif-homL f d = ηMor (homL f d)
      η' .Bif-homR c g = ηMor (homR c g)
      η' .Bif-hom× f g = ηMor (hom× f g)
      η' .Bif-×-id = ProdCat.ηEq (×-id _ _)
      η' .Bif-×-seq f f' g g' = ProdCat.ηEq (×-seq f f' g g')
      η' .Bif-L×-agree f = ProdCat.ηEq (L×-agree f _)
      η' .Bif-R×-agree g = ProdCat.ηEq (R×-agree _ g)

  ob-× : (c : C .ob)  Functor D _×C_
  ob-× c .F-ob d = c , d
  ob-× c .F-hom g = ηBif  g ⟫r
  ob-× c .F-id = ηBif .Bif-R-id
  ob-× c .F-seq g g' = ηBif .Bif-R-seq g g'

  ×-ob : (d : D .ob)  Functor C _×C_
  ×-ob d .F-ob c = c , d
  ×-ob d .F-hom f = ηBif  f ⟫l
  ×-ob d .F-id = ηBif .Bif-L-id
  ×-ob d .F-seq f f' = ηBif .Bif-L-seq f f'

  ProdToRedundant : Functor (C BP.×C D) _×C_
  ProdToRedundant .F-ob (c , d) = c , d
  ProdToRedundant .F-hom (f , g) = ηBif  f , g ⟫×
  ProdToRedundant .F-id = ηBif .Bif-×-id
  ProdToRedundant .F-seq (f , g) (f' , g') = ηBif .Bif-×-seq f f' g g'

  -- | TODO: Is it possible to define an elimination principle?
  rec : {E : Category  ℓ'}
         Bifunctor C D E
         Functor _×C_ E
  rec {E = E} G = ProdCat.rec E (Free.rec Q ı) λ
      { (×-id c d)  G .Bif-×-id
      ; (×-seq f f' g g')  G .Bif-×-seq f f' g g'
      ; (L×-agree f d)  G .Bif-L×-agree f
      ; (R×-agree c g)  G .Bif-R×-agree g } where
      ı : Interp Q E
      ı $g (c , d) = G  c , d ⟆b
      ı <$g> homR c g = G  g ⟫r
      ı <$g> homL f d = G  f ⟫l
      ı <$g> hom× f g = G  f , g ⟫×

  RedundantToProd : Functor _×C_ (C BP.×C D)
  RedundantToProd =
    rec (mkBifunctorParAx G1) BP.,F rec (mkBifunctorParAx G2) where
      open BifunctorParAx
      G1 : BifunctorParAx C D C
      G1 .Bif-ob c d = c
      G1 .Bif-homL f d = f
      G1 .Bif-homR c g = C .id
      G1 .Bif-hom× f g = f
      G1 .Bif-×-id = refl
      G1 .Bif-×-seq _ _ _ _ = refl
      G1 .Bif-L×-agree _ = refl
      G1 .Bif-R×-agree _ = refl

      G2 : BifunctorParAx C D D
      G2 .Bif-ob c d = d
      G2 .Bif-homL f d = D .id
      G2 .Bif-homR c g = g
      G2 .Bif-hom× f g = g
      G2 .Bif-×-id = refl
      G2 .Bif-×-seq _ _ _ _ = refl
      G2 .Bif-L×-agree _ = refl
      G2 .Bif-R×-agree _ = refl

Functor→Bifunctor : {C : Category ℓc ℓc'}
                    {D : Category ℓd ℓd'}{E : Category ℓe ℓe'}
                     Functor (C ×C D) E  Bifunctor C D E
Functor→Bifunctor G = G ∘Fb ηBif _ _

×-op-commute : {C : Category ℓc ℓc'}{D : Category ℓd ℓd'}
              Functor ((C ×C D) ^op) ((C ^op) ×C (D ^op))
×-op-commute {C = C}{D = D} = rec C D (mkBifunctorParAx G) ^opF where
  open Bifunctor
  open BifunctorParAx
  G : BifunctorParAx C D (((C ^op) ×C (D ^op)) ^op)
  G .Bif-ob c d = c , d
  G .Bif-homL f d = ηBif (C ^op) (D ^op)  f ⟫l
  G .Bif-homR c g = ηBif (C ^op) (D ^op)  g ⟫r
  G .Bif-hom× f g = ηBif (C ^op) (D ^op)  f , g ⟫×
  G .Bif-×-id = ηBif (C ^op) (D ^op) .Bif-×-id
  G .Bif-×-seq f f' g g' = ηBif (C ^op) (D ^op) .Bif-×-seq f' f g' g
  G .Bif-L×-agree f = ηBif (C ^op) (D ^op) .Bif-L×-agree f
  G .Bif-R×-agree g = ηBif (C ^op) (D ^op) .Bif-R×-agree g

×-op-commute⁻ : {C : Category ℓc ℓc'}{D : Category ℓd ℓd'}
              Functor ((C ^op) ×C (D ^op)) ((C ×C D) ^op)
×-op-commute⁻ {C = C}{D = D} = rec (C ^op) (D ^op) (mkBifunctorParAx G) where
  open Bifunctor
  open BifunctorParAx
  G : BifunctorParAx (C ^op) (D ^op) ((C ×C D) ^op)
  G .Bif-ob c d = c , d
  G .Bif-homL f d = ηBif C D  f ⟫l
  G .Bif-homR c g = ηBif C D  g ⟫r
  G .Bif-hom× f g = ηBif C D  f , g ⟫×
  G .Bif-×-id = ηBif C D .Bif-×-id
  G .Bif-×-seq f f' g g' = ηBif C D .Bif-×-seq f' f g' g
  G .Bif-L×-agree f = ηBif C D .Bif-L×-agree f
  G .Bif-R×-agree g = ηBif C D .Bif-R×-agree g

Sym : {C : Category ℓc ℓc'}{D : Category ℓd ℓd'}
     Functor (C ×C D) (D ×C C)
Sym {C = C}{D = D} = rec C D (Bif.Sym (ηBif D C))

module _ {B : Category ℓb ℓb'}{C : Category ℓc ℓc'}
         {D : Category ℓd ℓd'}{E : Category ℓe ℓe'}
  _,⊗F_ : (F : Functor B D)(G : Functor C E)
        Bifunctor B C (D ×C E)
  F ,⊗F G = ηBif D E ∘Flr (F , G)

  _⊗F_ : (F : Functor B D)(G : Functor C E)
        Functor (B ×C C) (D ×C E)
  F ⊗F G = rec B C (F ,⊗F G)