{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Multiset.ListQuotient.LLPO where

open import Multiset.Prelude
open import Multiset.ListQuotient.ListFinality
    ( FunctorΣVec
    ; isSetΣVec^
    ; !^
    ; cut
    ; Tree
    ; isTree
    ; TreePath
    ; fix ; fix⁺ ; fix⁻
    ; pres⁺
open import Multiset.ListQuotient.Bisimilarity as Bisimilarity
    ( Bisim ; _≈_ ; bisim
    ; RelatorLim^
    ; isReflApprox
    ; isTransApprox
    ; isReflBisim
    ; isTransBisim
    ; isPropBisim
    ; BisimRelation
    ; ShBisim ; _≈ˢʰ_ ; shbisim
    ; Approx
    ; Approx-π
    ; Bisim→Approx
open import Multiset.Util.BoolSequence as Seq using (latch-even)
open import Multiset.Util.Vec as Vec using ()
open import Multiset.Util.BundledVec as BVec
    ( ΣVec
    ; []
    ; _#∷_
    ; _∈_
    ; remove
    ; Relator∞ ; Relator
    ; rnil∞ ; rcons∞
    ; isReflRelator
    ; Relator∞-map
    ; Relator-map
    ; RelatorRelation
    ( [_] to #[_]
open import Multiset.Limit.Chain
    ( lim
    ; Limit
open import Multiset.Limit.TerminalChain as TerminalChain
    ( Functor
    ; _^_
open import Multiset.Omniscience using (LLPO)
open import Multiset.Relation.Base as Relation
    ( Relation
    ; ReflectsRel
    ; PreservesRelation
    ; PreservesRel→SectionReflectsRel

open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
    ( Bool ; true ; false
    ; if_then_else_
    ; isSetBool
    ; dichotomyBool
    ; true≢false
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as Nat using ( ; suc ; zero)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Recursive as NatOrder using (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Base using (tt*)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base using (∃-syntax ; _×_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties using (Σ≡Prop)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_ ; inl ; inr)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT using (∥_∥₁)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base using (Dec ; yes ; no ; ¬_)

open BVec.ΣVec
open Limit using (elements ; is-lim)
open Functor ⦃...⦄

module _ (a b : Tree) (cs : ΣVec Tree) where
  ∷-swap-approx : Relator Bisim (a #∷ b #∷ cs) (b #∷ a #∷ cs)
  ∷-swap-approx = BVec.Relator-∷-swap isReflBisim a b

  [_,_] :  {} {A : Type }  A  A  ΣVec A
  [ a , b ] = a #∷ b #∷ []

  [,]-refl : (s t : Tree)  Relator Bisim [ s , t ] [ s , t ]
  [,]-refl s t = isReflRelator isReflBisim [ s , t ]

  [,]-swap : (s t : Tree)  Relator Bisim [ s , t ] [ t , s ]
  [,]-swap s t = ∷-swap-approx s t []

diag : (  Tree)  (n : )  ΣVec ^ n
diag = TerminalChain.diag ΣVec

Complete : Type _
Complete = {x y₁ y₂ : Tree}
   (ys :   Tree)
   (split :  n  (ys n  y₁)  (ys n  y₂))
   (approx :  n  (cut n x)  (diag ys n))
    (x  y₁)  (x  y₂) ∥₁

pres-reflects-≈→Complete : ReflectsRel _≈ˢʰ_ (Relator _≈_) pres⁺  Complete
pres-reflects-≈→Complete reflects {x = x} {y₁} {y₂} ys split approx = goal split where
  open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base as Sum using (_⊎_ ; inl ; inr)
  open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport using (subst⁻)

  open BVec.Reasoning Bisim isReflBisim isTransBisim
    using (_Rel⟨_⟩_ ; _Rel∎)

  Split :   Type
  Split n = (ys n  y₁)  (ys n  y₂)

  ysᶜ : (n : )  Split n  Tree
  ysᶜ n (inl _) = y₂
  ysᶜ n (inr _) = y₁

  either-≈ : (n : )  (e : Split n)  Relator Bisim [ ys n , ysᶜ n e ] [ y₁ , y₂ ]
  either-≈ n (inl ysₙ≡y₁) =
    [ ys n , y₂ ] Rel⟨ BVec.Relator-cong-∷ isReflBisim ysₙ≡y₁ 
    [ y₁ , y₂ ] Rel∎
  either-≈ n (inr ysₙ≡y₂) =
    [ ys n , y₁ ] Rel⟨ BVec.Relator-cong-∷ isReflBisim ysₙ≡y₂ 
    [ y₂   , y₁ ] Rel⟨ [,]-swap y₂ y₁ 
    [ y₁   , y₂ ] Rel∎

  module _ (e :  n  Split n) where
    approx-xᶜ : (n : )  ΣVec ^ n
    approx-xᶜ n = cut n $ ysᶜ n (e n)

    approx-xᶜ-islim :  n  !^ n (approx-xᶜ (suc n))  approx-xᶜ n
    approx-xᶜ-islim n with (e (suc n)) | (e n)
    ... | inl ysₙ₊₁≡y₁ | inl ysₙ≡y₁ = y₂ .is-lim n
    ... | inl ysₙ₊₁≡y₁ | inr ysₙ≡y₂ =
      !^ n (cut (suc n) y₂)     ≡⟨ cong (!^ n  cut (suc n)) (sym ysₙ≡y₂) 
      !^ n (cut (suc n) (ys n)) ≡⟨ TerminalChain.diag-islim-alternating _ x ys approx n 
      cut n (ys (suc n))        ≡⟨ cong (cut n) ysₙ₊₁≡y₁ ⟩∎
      cut n y₁ 
    ... | inr ysₙ₊₁≡y₂ | inl ysₙ≡y₁ =
      !^ n (cut (suc n) y₁)     ≡⟨ cong (!^ n  cut (suc n)) (sym ysₙ≡y₁) 
      !^ n (cut (suc n) (ys n)) ≡⟨ TerminalChain.diag-islim-alternating _ x ys approx n 
      cut n (ys (suc n))        ≡⟨ cong (cut n) ysₙ₊₁≡y₂ ⟩∎
      cut n y₂ 
    ... | inr ysₙ₊₁≡y₂ | inr ysₙ≡y₂ = y₁ .is-lim n

    xᶜ : Tree
    xᶜ .elements = approx-xᶜ
    xᶜ .is-lim = approx-xᶜ-islim

    approxᶜ :  n  cut n xᶜ  cut n (ysᶜ n (e n))
    approxᶜ n = refl

    pres-pairs : pres⁺ [ x , xᶜ ] ≈ˢʰ pres⁺ [ y₁ , y₂ ]
    pres-pairs = shbisim goal where module _ (n : ) where
      step₁ : Relator (Approx n) [ cut n (ys n) , cut n (ysᶜ n (e n)) ] [ cut n y₁ , cut n y₂ ]
      step₁ = Relator-map _ (Approx n) (Bisim→Approx _ _ n) (either-≈ n (e n))

      goal : Relator (Approx n) [ cut n x , cut n (ysᶜ n (e n)) ] [ cut n y₁ , cut n y₂ ]
      goal = subst⁻  ·  Relator (Approx n) [ · , cut n (ysᶜ n (e n)) ] [ _ , _ ]) (approx n) step₁

    pairs : Relator Bisim [ x , xᶜ ] [ y₁ , y₂ ]
    pairs = reflects pres-pairs

    eq :  {a b x y}  Relator Bisim [ x , y ] [ a , b ]   (x  a)  (x  b) ∥₁
    eq {x = x} = PT.map λ where
      (rcons∞ a x≈a Vec.here _)  inl x≈a
      (rcons∞ b x≈b (Vec.there Vec.here) _)  inr x≈b

    goal :  (x  y₁)  (x  y₂) ∥₁
    goal = eq pairs

-- The sequence corresponding to the infinite tree in which each node
-- has exactly one subtree.
module long where
  node :  n  ΣVec ^ n
  node zero = tt*
  node (suc n) = #[ node n ]

  is-tree : isTree node
  is-tree zero = refl
  is-tree (suc n) = cong #[_] (is-tree n)

  -- Anything that approximates node is already node, up to a path.
  -- NOTE: This only works since (ΣVec ^ n) is a set and bisimilarity is Prop-valued.
  -- If instead we were to define bisimilarity in a proof-relevant vay (i.e. using Relator∞),
  -- this might not be necessary: Extracting the witness of being Relator∞-related to a singleton
  -- can be done without any assumtion of truncation on the relation being lifted.
  approx-node→≡node :  n  (t : ΣVec ^ n)  Approx n t (node n)  t  node n
  approx-node→≡node zero tt* _ = refl
  approx-node→≡node (suc n) t approx = t≡#[nodeₙ] where
    t-is-singleton : Σ[ (t′ , _)  BVec.isSingleton t ] Approx n t′ (node n)
    t-is-singleton = BVec.isSet→Relator-singleton→isSingleton (isSetΣVec^ n) (Bisimilarity.isPropApprox n) approx

    t′ : ΣVec ^ n
    t′ = t-is-singleton .fst .fst

    approx-t′-node : Approx n t′ (node n)
    approx-t′-node = t-is-singleton .snd

    t≡#[nodeₙ] : t  #[ node n ]
    t≡#[nodeₙ] =
      t           ≡⟨ t-is-singleton .fst .snd 
      #[ t′ ]     ≡⟨ cong #[_] (approx-node→≡node n t′ approx-t′-node) 
      #[ node n ] 

long : Tree
long .elements = long.node
long .is-lim = long.is-tree

-- Any tree that is bisimilar to the long tree is already the long tree, up to a path:
≈long→≡long :  {t : Tree}  t  long  t  long
≈long→≡long {t} t≈long = TreePath λ n  long.approx-node→≡node n (cut n t) (t≈long .elements n)

-- Given a sequence a : ℕ → Bool, we define a variant (long? a) of long,
-- which is equal to long if the sequence a contains only value false,
-- but its height stop growing if there is n : ℕ such that (a n) is
-- the first true in a.

module long? where
  node₀ : (a₀ : Bool)  (a :   Bool)   n  ΣVec ^ n
  node₀ _ _ zero = tt*
  node₀ true a (suc n) = []
  node₀ false a (suc n) = #[ node₀ (Seq.head a) (Seq.tail a) n ]

  is-tree₀ : (a₀ : Bool)  (a :   Bool)  isTree (node₀ a₀ a)
  is-tree₀ a₀ a zero = refl
  is-tree₀ true a (suc n) = refl {x = []}
  is-tree₀ false a (suc n) = cong #[_] (is-tree₀ (Seq.head a) (Seq.tail a) n)

  node : (a :   Bool)   n  ΣVec ^ n
  node a = node₀ (Seq.head a) (Seq.tail a)

  is-tree : (a :   Bool)  isTree (node a)
  is-tree a = is-tree₀ (Seq.head a) (Seq.tail a)

  approx-node→≡node : (a :   Bool)   n  (t : ΣVec ^ n)  Approx n t (node a n)  t  node a n
  approx-node→≡node a zero tt* _ = refl
  approx-node→≡node a (suc n) t approx with (a 0)
  ... | true = BVec.isSet→Relator-empty→isEmpty (isSetΣVec^ n) approx
  ... | false = t≡#[nodeₙ] where
    a′ = Seq.tail a

    t-is-singleton : Σ[ (t′ , _)  BVec.isSingleton t ] Approx n t′ (node a′ n)
    t-is-singleton = BVec.isSet→Relator-singleton→isSingleton (isSetΣVec^ n) (Bisimilarity.isPropApprox n) approx

    t′ : ΣVec ^ n
    t′ = t-is-singleton .fst .fst

    approx-t′-node : Approx n t′ (node a′ n)
    approx-t′-node = t-is-singleton .snd

    t≡#[nodeₙ] : t  #[ node a′ n ]
    t≡#[nodeₙ] =
      t               ≡⟨ t-is-singleton .fst .snd 
      #[ t′ ]         ≡⟨ cong #[_] (approx-node→≡node a′ n t′ approx-t′-node) 
      #[ node a′ n ]  

long? : (a :   Bool)  Tree
long? a .elements = long?.node a
long? a .is-lim = long?.is-tree a

-- Like above: If a tree is bisimilar to the potentially finite singleton-tree,
-- they're already the same up to a path:
≈long?→≡long? :  {t : Tree}
   (as :   Bool)
   t  long? as
   t  long? as
≈long?→≡long? {t} as t≈long? = TreePath λ n  long?.approx-node→≡node as n (cut n t) (t≈long? .elements n)

long?≠long : (a :   Bool) (aP : isProp (Σ[ n   ] a n  true))
    n  long? a .elements (suc n)  long .elements (suc n)  a n  false
long?≠long a aP zero p with a 0
... | false = refl
... | true = Empty.rec $ BVec.[]-#∷-disjoint p
long?≠long a aP (suc n) p with a 0
... | false = long?≠long (a  suc)  { (x , q) (y , r)  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetBool _ _) (Nat.injSuc (cong fst (aP (_ , q) (_ , r)))) }) n (BVec.isInjectiveCons p)
... | true = Empty.rec $ BVec.[]-#∷-disjoint p

long?-long-connect : (as :   Bool) (aP : isProp (Σ[ n   ] as n  true))
    n  as (suc n)  true
   !^ n (long?.node as (suc n))  long.node n
long?-long-connect as aP zero _ = refl
long?-long-connect as aP (suc n) asₙ₊₁≡true with dichotomyBool (Seq.head as)
... | inl as₀≡true = Empty.rec (Nat.znots (cong fst (aP (_ , as₀≡true) (_ , asₙ₊₁≡true))))
... | inr as₀≡false =
  !^ (suc n) (long?.node₀ (Seq.head as) (Seq.tail as) (suc (suc n)))  ≡⟨ cong  ·  !^ (suc n) (long?.node₀ · (Seq.tail as) (suc (suc n)))) as₀≡false 
  !^ (suc n) #[ long?.node (Seq.tail as) (suc n) ]                    ≡⟨⟩
  #[ !^ n (long?.node (Seq.tail as) (suc n)) ]                        ≡⟨ cong #[_] (long?-long-connect (Seq.tail as) aP-tail n asₙ₊₁≡true) 
  #[ long.node n ]  where

  aP-tail : isProp (Σ[ k   ] Seq.tail as k  true)
  aP-tail (k , asₖ₊₁≡true) (l , asₗ₊₁≡true) = Σ≡Prop  n  isSetBool (Seq.tail as n) true) (Nat.injSuc goal) where
    goal : suc k  suc l
    goal = cong fst (aP (suc k , asₖ₊₁≡true) (suc l , asₗ₊₁≡true))

complete→llpo : Complete  LLPO
complete→llpo complete as as-true-once = PT.map
  (Sum.map x≈l→as-evens-false x≈long?→as-odds-false)
  (complete {x = x} {y₁ = long} {y₂ = long? as} approx split is-approx)

  approx :   Tree
  approx = latch-even as long (long? as)

    ≤-suc :  m {n}  m  n  m  suc n
    ≤-suc zero _ = _
    ≤-suc (suc m) {suc n} p = ≤-suc m p

    module _ {n : } (¬≤n-true : ¬ (Σ[ k   ] (k  n) × (as k  true))) where
      -- Praise be decidability: The assumtion ²n-true implies
      -- that `as` is constantly `false` for all `k ≤ n`:
      all-≤n-false :  k  k  n  as k  false
      all-≤n-false k k≤n with (dichotomyBool (as k))
      ... | inr asₖ≡false = asₖ≡false
      ... | inl asₖ≡true = Empty.rec (¬≤n-true (k , k≤n , asₖ≡true))

      -- This implies that `latch-even as ...` is `long` for all positions `k ≤ n`:
      latch-even-const-long :  k  k  n  latch-even as long (long? as) k  long
      latch-even-const-long = Seq.latch-even-until as n all-≤n-false

      approxₙ≡long : approx n  long
      approxₙ≡long = latch-even-const-long n (NatOrder.≤-refl n)

      -- We can extend the hypothesis one more step:
      ¬≤false-suc : as (suc n)  false  ¬ (Σ[ k   ] (k  suc n) × (as k  true))
      ¬≤false-suc asₙ₊₁≡false (k , k≤n+1 , asₖ≡true) with NatOrder.≤-split {m = k} {n = suc n} k≤n+1
      ... | inl k≤n = ¬≤n-true (k , k≤n , asₖ≡true)
      ... | inr k≡n+1 = true≢false (sym asₖ≡true ∙∙ cong as k≡n+1 ∙∙ asₙ₊₁≡false)

    -- The proof below (`diag-approx-is-tree`) is done by wild case-bashing,
    -- but all cases factor through the following line of reasoning:
    approx-flip-flop : {n : }  (flip flop : _)
       (approx (suc n)  flip)
      --^ The n+1ˢᵗ approximation is `flip`
       (!^ n (cut (suc n) flip)  cut n flop)
      --^ `flip` and `flop` are related by a triangle in the limit cone
       (approx n  flop)
      --^ The nᵗʰ approximation is `flop`
       !^ n (diag approx (suc n))  diag approx n
    approx-flip-flop {n = n} flip flop step₁ step₂ step₃ =
      !^ n (cut (suc n) $ approx (suc n)) ≡⟨ cong (!^ n  cut (suc n)) step₁ 
      !^ n (cut (suc n) $ flip )          ≡⟨ step₂ 
      cut n flop                          ≡⟨ sym (cong (cut n) step₃) 
      cut n (approx n) 

    diag-approx-is-tree : isTree (diag approx)
    diag-approx-is-tree n with Seq.true-before? as n
    -- `as` is not true for any `k ≤ n`:
    ... | no ²n-true with dichotomyBool (as (suc n))
    ... | inl asₙ₊₁≡true with Nat.evenOrOdd (suc n)
    ... | inl even-n+1 = approx-flip-flop (long? as) long
      (Seq.latch-even-at as (suc n) even-n+1 asₙ₊₁≡true)
      (long?-long-connect as as-true-once n asₙ₊₁≡true)
      (approxₙ≡long ¬≤n-true)
    ... | inr odd-n+1 = approx-flip-flop long long
      (long .is-lim n)
      (approxₙ≡long ¬≤n-true)
        force-odds-false-until-n+1 :  k  k  suc n  Seq.force-odds-false as k  false
        force-odds-false-until-n+1 k k≤n+1 with NatOrder.≤-split {m = k} {n = suc n} k≤n+1
        ... | inl k≤n = Seq.force-odds-false-const-until as n (all-≤n-false ¬≤n-true) k k≤n
        ... | inr k≡n+1 =
          Seq.force-odds-false as k ≡⟨ cong (Seq.force-odds-false as) k≡n+1 
          Seq.force-odds-false as (suc n) ≡⟨ Seq.force-odds-false-at-odd as {suc n} odd-n+1 

        lemma : latch-even as long (long? as) (suc n)  long
        lemma =
          (if as 0 then long? as else Seq.latch long (long? as) (Seq.tail (Seq.force-odds-false as)) n)
            ≡⟨ Seq.if-false (all-≤n-false ¬≤n-true 0 _) 
          (Seq.latch long (long? as) (Seq.tail (Seq.force-odds-false as)) n)
            ≡⟨ Seq.latch-until _ n (Seq.UpTo-tail (_≡ false) n force-odds-false-until-n+1) n (NatOrder.≤-refl n) ⟩∎

    diag-approx-is-tree n | no ¬≤n-true | inr asₙ₊₁≡false = approx-flip-flop long long
      (long .is-lim n)
      (approxₙ≡long ¬≤n-true)
        -- `force-odds-false` is false for all `k ≤ n + 1`, since we assume `as k ≡ false` for all `k ≤ n` and `k = n + 1`.
        force-odds-false-until-n+1 :  k  k  suc n  Seq.force-odds-false as k  false
        force-odds-false-until-n+1 = Seq.force-odds-false-const-until as (suc n) (all-≤n-false (¬≤false-suc ¬≤n-true asₙ₊₁≡false))

        -- A shorthand:
        long′ : Tree
        long′ = Seq.latch long (long? as) (Seq.tail (Seq.force-odds-false as)) n

        -- Knowing that `as₀ ≡ false`, expand the definition of `latch-even` and use the previous observation
        -- to rewrite it into `long`:
        lemma : latch-even as long (long? as) (suc n)  long
        lemma =
          (if as 0 then long? as else long′) ≡⟨ Seq.if-false (all-≤n-false ¬≤n-true 0 _) 
          long′                              ≡⟨ Seq.latch-until _ n (Seq.UpTo-tail (_≡ false) n force-odds-false-until-n+1) n (NatOrder.≤-refl n) ⟩∎

    -- There exists some `k ≤ n` such that `as` is true:
    diag-approx-is-tree n | yes (k , k≤n , asₖ≡true) with Nat.evenOrOdd k
    -- If that k is even, `diag approx` is `long? as` at both positions `n` and `suc n`:
    ... | inl even-k = approx-flip-flop (long? as) (long? as)
      (Seq.latch-even-after as (suc n) before-1+n)
      (long? as .is-lim n)
      (Seq.latch-even-after as n before-n)
      before-1+n : Seq.Before as (suc n)  k aₖ  Nat.isEvenT k × (aₖ  true))
      before-1+n = k , ≤-suc k k≤n , even-k , asₖ≡true

      before-n : Seq.Before as n  k aₖ  Nat.isEvenT k × (aₖ  true))
      before-n = k , k≤n , even-k , asₖ≡true
    -- In case the `k` is odd, `diag approx` has to be `long` at every position:
    ... | inr odd-k = approx-flip-flop long long
      (latch-even-const-l (suc n))
      (long .is-lim n)
      (latch-even-const-l n)

      -- latch-even has to be long:
      -- * `as` is true at most once
      -- * it is true at k
      -- * k is odd, and latch-even never returns (long? as) in that case.
      latch-even-const-l :  n  latch-even as long (long? as) n  long
      latch-even-const-l = Seq.latch-even-const-true-once as as-true-once (k , odd-k , asₖ≡true)

  x : Tree
  x .elements = diag approx
  x .is-lim = diag-approx-is-tree

  is-approx :  n  x .elements n  diag approx n
  is-approx n = refl

  split :  n  (approx n  long)  (approx n  (long? as))
  split n = Seq.latch-even-dichotomy as long (long? as) n

  x≈l→as-evens-false : x  long   n  Nat.isEvenT n  as n  false
  x≈l→as-evens-false x≈l n even-n with dichotomyBool (as n)
  ... | inr asₙ≡false = asₙ≡false
  ... | inl asₙ≡true = long?≠long as as-true-once n bad where
    x≡l : x  long
    x≡l = ≈long→≡long x≈l

    bad : long?.node as (suc n)  long.node (suc n)
    bad =
      long?.node as (suc n)   ≡⟨ cong (cut (suc n)) (sym (Seq.latch-even-after as (suc n) (n , ≤-suc n (NatOrder.≤-refl n) , even-n , asₙ≡true))) 
      cut (suc n) x           ≡⟨ cong (cut (suc n)) x≡l 
      cut (suc n) long 

  x≈long?→as-odds-false : x  long? as   n  Nat.isOddT n  as n  false
  x≈long?→as-odds-false x≈long? n odd-n with dichotomyBool (as n)
  ... | inr asₙ≡false = asₙ≡false
  ... | inl asₙ≡true = long?≠long as as-true-once n (sym bad) where
    x≡long? : x  long? as
    x≡long? = ≈long?→≡long? as x≈long?

    bad : long.node (suc n)  long?.node as (suc n)
    bad =
      cut (suc n) long        ≡⟨ cong (cut (suc n)) (sym (Seq.latch-even-const-true-once as as-true-once (n , odd-n , asₙ≡true) (suc n))) 
      cut (suc n) x           ≡⟨ cong (cut (suc n)) x≡long? 
      cut (suc n) (long? as)  

pres-reflects-≈→LLPO : ReflectsRel _≈ˢʰ_ (Relator _≈_) pres⁺  LLPO
pres-reflects-≈→LLPO reflects = complete→llpo (pres-reflects-≈→Complete reflects)

fix⁺-reflects-≈→LLPO : ReflectsRel _≈_ (Relator _≈_) fix⁺  LLPO
fix⁺-reflects-≈→LLPO reflects = pres-reflects-≈→LLPO goal where
  goal : ReflectsRel _≈ˢʰ_ (Relator _≈_) pres⁺
  goal {s} {t} rel = reflects $ bisim λ where
    zero  tt*
    (suc n)  subst2 (Relator (Approx n)) (sym (pres⁺ s .is-lim n)) (sym (pres⁺ t .is-lim n)) (rel .elements n)

fix⁻-preserves-≈→LLPO : PreservesRelation BisimRelation (RelatorRelation BisimRelation) fix⁻  LLPO
fix⁻-preserves-≈→LLPO preserves = fix⁺-reflects-≈→LLPO (PreservesRel→SectionReflectsRel _≈_ (Relator _≈_) fix⁻ fix⁺ (retEq fix) preserves)