{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Multiset.Limit.Chain where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Base as 
  using ( ; zero ; suc)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base using (Discrete)
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv

open Iso

     ℓA : Level
    A : Type ℓA

-- A Chain is a sequence of types Ob₀, Ob₁, ... connected
-- by functions Ob₀ ←π₀─ Ob₁ ←π₁─ Ob₂ ← ...
record Chain ( : Level) : Type (ℓ-suc ) where
  constructor chain
    Ob : (n : )  Type 
    π :  n  Ob (suc n)  Ob n

shift : Chain   Chain 
shift (chain Ob π) = chain (Ob  suc) (π  suc)

module _ (C : Chain ) where
  open Chain

  isLimit : (x : (n : )  C .Ob n)  Type 
  isLimit x =  n  (C .π n) (x (suc n))  x n

  record Limit : Type  where
    constructor lim
    open Chain
      elements : (n : )  C .Ob n
      is-lim : isLimit elements

  unquoteDecl LimitIsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ LimitIsoΣ (quote Limit)

  open Limit

  isOfHLevelLimit :  n
     (∀ k  isOfHLevel n (C .Ob k))
     isOfHLevel n Limit
  isOfHLevelLimit n hlev = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso n
    (isOfHLevelΣ n
      (isOfHLevelΠ n hlev)
       el  isOfHLevelΠ n λ k  isOfHLevelPath n (hlev k) _ _)

  isSetLimit : (∀ k  isSet (C .Ob k))  isSet Limit
  isSetLimit = isOfHLevelLimit 2

  LimitPathP : {l₀ l₁ : Limit}
     (Σ[ elements≡  ((l₀ .elements)  (l₁ .elements)) ] PathP  i  isLimit (elements≡ i)) (l₀ .is-lim) (l₁ .is-lim))
     l₀  l₁
  LimitPathP (elements≡ , is-lim≡) = λ i  lim (elements≡ i) (is-lim≡ i)

  LimitPathPExt : {l₀ l₁ : Limit}
     (elements≡ :  n  l₀ .elements n  l₁ .elements n)
     (is-lim≡ :  n  PathP  i  C .π n (elements≡ (suc n) i)  elements≡ n i) (l₀ .is-lim n) (l₁ .is-lim n))
     l₀  l₁
  LimitPathPExt elements≡ is-lim≡ = λ i  lim  n  elements≡ n i)  n  is-lim≡ n i)

  isSet→LimitPathExt : (setCh :  k  isSet (C .Ob k))
     {l₀ l₁ : Limit}
     (∀ n  l₀ .elements n  l₁ .elements n)
     l₀  l₁
  isSet→LimitPathExt setCh elements≡ = LimitPathPExt elements≡ set-coh where
    set-coh :  n  Square _ _ _ _
    set-coh n = isSet→isSet' (setCh n) _ _ _ (elements≡ n)

  -- discreteLimit : (∀ k → Discrete (C .Ob k)) → Discrete Limit
  -- discreteLimit disc-ob = {! !}

  record Limit* : Type  where
    constructor lim*
    open Chain
      el₀ : C .Ob 0
      elₛ : (n : )  C .Ob (suc n)
      is-lim₀ : C .π 0 (elₛ 0)  el₀
      is-limₛ :  n  C .π (suc n) (elₛ (suc n))  elₛ n

  unquoteDecl Limit*IsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ Limit*IsoΣ (quote Limit*)

  module _ where
    open Limit*
    Limit→Limit* : Limit  Limit*
    Limit→Limit* l .Limit*.el₀ = l .elements 0
    Limit→Limit* l .Limit*.elₛ = l .elements  suc
    Limit→Limit* l .Limit*.is-lim₀ = l .is-lim 0
    Limit→Limit* l .Limit*.is-limₛ = l .is-lim  suc

    Limit*→Limit : Limit*  Limit
    Limit*→Limit l* .elements zero = l* .el₀
    Limit*→Limit l* .elements (suc n) = l* .elₛ n
    Limit*→Limit l* .is-lim zero = l* .is-lim₀
    Limit*→Limit l* .is-lim (suc n) = l* .is-limₛ n

    Limit-Limit*-Iso : Iso Limit Limit*
    Limit-Limit*-Iso .fun = Limit→Limit*
    Limit-Limit*-Iso .inv = Limit*→Limit
    Limit-Limit*-Iso .rightInv l* = refl
    Limit-Limit*-Iso .leftInv l = LimitPathPExt
       { zero  refl ; (suc n)  refl })
       { zero  refl ; (suc n)  refl })

    Limit≃Limit* : Limit  Limit*
    Limit≃Limit* = isoToEquiv Limit-Limit*-Iso

  record Cone (A : Type ℓA) : Type (ℓ-max  ℓA) where
    constructor cone
      leg : (n : )  A  C .Ob n
      commutes : (n : )  (C .π n)  (leg (suc n))  leg n

  toCone : (f : A  Limit)  Cone A
  toCone {A = A} f = cone
     n a  (f a) .elements n)
     n  funExt (aux n)) where

    aux :  n a  (C .π n (f a .elements (suc n)))  f a .elements n
    aux n a = (f a) .is-lim n

  ofCone : Cone A  A  Limit
  ofCone (cone leg commutes) a = lim  n  leg n a) λ n  funExt⁻ (commutes n) a

  isPropChain→Limit : (∀ n  isProp (C .Ob n))  (e : (n : )  C .Ob n)  Limit
  isPropChain→Limit propC e .elements = e
  isPropChain→Limit propC e .is-lim n = propC n (C .π n (e (suc n))) (e n)

universalPropertyIso : {C : Chain }  Iso (A  Limit C) (Cone C A)
universalPropertyIso .fun = toCone _
universalPropertyIso .inv = ofCone _
universalPropertyIso .rightInv _ = refl
universalPropertyIso .leftInv _ = refl

universalProperty : {C : Chain }  (A  Limit C)  Cone C A
universalProperty = isoToEquiv universalPropertyIso

-- Equivalence of chains C and C'
record ChainEquiv {} (C C' : Chain ) : Type  where
  constructor chain-equiv
  open Chain
    α : (n : )  C .Ob n  C' .Ob n
    α-nat :  n x  C' .π n (α (suc n) x)  α n (C .π n x)
    α-eq :  n  isEquiv (α n)

-- Half-adjoint equivalence of chains C and C'
record ChainHAEquiv {} (C C' : Chain ) : Type  where
  constructor chain-ha
  open Chain
  open isHAEquiv
    α : (n : )  C .Ob n  C' .Ob n
    α-nat :  n x  C' .π n (α (suc n) x)  α n (C .π n x)
    α-ha :  n  isHAEquiv (α n)

  α-inv : (n : )  C' .Ob n  C .Ob n
  α-inv n = α-ha n .g

ChainEquiv→ChainHAEquiv :  {} {C C' : Chain }
   ChainEquiv C C'  ChainHAEquiv C C'
ChainEquiv→ChainHAEquiv (chain-equiv α α-nat α-eq) =
  chain-ha α α-nat  n  equiv→HAEquiv (α n , α-eq n) .snd)

module Completeness {} (C : Chain ) where
  open import Cubical.Data.Sum using (_⊎_)
  open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT using (∥_∥₁)
  open import Multiset.Omniscience

  open Limit

  Complete : Type 
  Complete =  {x y₁ y₂ : Limit C}
     (ys :   Limit C)
     (split :  n  (ys n  y₁)  (ys n  y₂))
     (approx :  n  x .elements n  ys n .elements n)
      (x  y₁)  (x  y₂) ∥₁

  -- LLPO→Complete : LLPO → Complete
  -- LLPO→Complete llpo ys split approx = {! ys !}