{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Multiset.Util.Vec where
open import Multiset.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv using (invEquiv)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Base as Nat using (ℕ ; suc ; zero)
open import Cubical.Data.FinData as Fin using (Fin) renaming (zero to fzero ; suc to fsuc)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Base using (Unit*)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Properties using (isOfHLevelUnit* ; isContrUnit*)
open import Cubical.Data.Vec.Base as Vec using (Vec ; _∷_ ; [])
open import Cubical.Data.Vec.Properties as Vec renaming (module VecPath to VecPath')
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT using (∥_∥₁ ; ∣_∣₁)
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base using (Rel ; PropRel ; module BinaryRelation)
ℓ : Level
A B C : Type ℓ
open import Cubical.Data.Vec.Properties
( FinVec→Vec to lookup⁻¹
; FinVec→Vec→FinVec to lookup-right-inv
; Vec→FinVec→Vec to lookup-left-inv
; module VecPath to VecPath'
) public
isOfHLevelVec : (h : HLevel) (n : ℕ)
→ isOfHLevel (suc (suc h)) A → isOfHLevel (suc (suc h)) (Vec A n)
isOfHLevelVec h zero ofLevelA [] [] =
isOfHLevelRespectEquiv (suc h)
(invEquiv (VecPath'.≡Vec≃codeVec [] []))
(isOfHLevelUnit* (suc h))
isOfHLevelVec h (suc n) ofLevelA (x ∷ v) (x' ∷ v') =
isOfHLevelRespectEquiv (suc h)
(invEquiv (VecPath'.≡Vec≃codeVec _ _))
(isOfHLevelΣ (suc h) (ofLevelA x x') (λ _ → isOfHLevelVec h n ofLevelA v v'))
isSetVec : ∀ {n} → isSet A → isSet (Vec A n)
isSetVec = isOfHLevelVec 0 _
vec-map-id : ∀ {n} → (xs : Vec A n) → Vec.map (λ x → x) xs ≡ xs
vec-map-id [] = refl
vec-map-id (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (vec-map-id xs)
vec-map-comp : (g : B → C) (f : A → B) → ∀ {n} → (xs : Vec A n) → Vec.map (g ∘ f) xs ≡ Vec.map g (Vec.map f xs)
vec-map-comp g f [] = refl
vec-map-comp g f (x ∷ xs) = cong (g (f x) ∷_) (vec-map-comp g f xs)
isInjectiveSingleton : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {x y : A} → x ∷ [] ≡ y ∷ [] → x ≡ y
isInjectiveSingleton singl-path = VecPath'.encode _ _ singl-path .fst
data _∈_ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (a : A) : {n : ℕ} → Vec A n → Type ℓ where
here : ∀ {n} {as : Vec A n} → a ∈ (a ∷ as)
there : ∀{n b} {as : Vec A n} → a ∈ as → a ∈ (b ∷ as)
remove : ∀ {n} {a : A} (as : Vec A (suc n)) → a ∈ as → Vec A n
remove (x ∷ xs) here = xs
remove (y ∷ x ∷ xs) (there m) = y ∷ remove (x ∷ xs) m
remove-less : ∀ {n} {a a' : A} {as : Vec A (suc n)}
→ (a'∈as : a' ∈ as)
→ a ∈ remove as a'∈as → a ∈ as
remove-less {as = _ ∷ _ ∷ as} here p = there p
remove-less {as = _ ∷ _ ∷ as} (there _) here = here
remove-less {n = suc n} {as = _ ∷ _ ∷ as} (there p) (there q) = there (remove-less {n = n} p q)
remove-remove-less : ∀ {n} {a b : A} {as : Vec A (suc n)}
→ (a∈as : a ∈ as)
→ (b∈as-a : b ∈ remove as a∈as)
→ a ∈ remove as (remove-less a∈as b∈as-a)
remove-remove-less (here {as = _ ∷ _}) b∈as-a = here
remove-remove-less (there {as = _ ∷ _} a∈as) here = a∈as
remove-remove-less (there {as = as@(_ ∷ _)} a∈as) (there b∈as-a) = there (remove-remove-less {as = as} a∈as b∈as-a)
remove-there : ∀ {n} {a a' : A} {as : Vec A (suc n)}
→ (a'∈as : a' ∈ as)
→ remove (a ∷ as) (there a'∈as) ≡ a ∷ (remove as a'∈as)
remove-there here = refl
remove-there (there _) = refl
remove-par : ∀ {n} {a b : A} {as : Vec A (suc (suc n))}
→ (a∈as : a ∈ as)
→ (b∈as-a : b ∈ remove as a∈as)
→ let
b∈as = remove-less a∈as b∈as-a
a∈as-b = remove-remove-less a∈as b∈as-a
remove (remove as a∈as) b∈as-a ≡ remove (remove as b∈as) a∈as-b
remove-par (here {as = a ∷ as}) b∈as-a = refl {x = remove (a ∷ as) b∈as-a}
remove-par (there {as = a ∷ as} m) here = refl {x = remove (a ∷ as) m}
remove-par {n = suc n} (there {b = b} {as = as@(_ ∷ _ ∷ _)} m) (there k) =
remove (b ∷ remove as m) (there k) ≡⟨ remove-there {a = b} k ⟩
b ∷ remove (remove as m) k ≡⟨ cong (b ∷_) (remove-par m k) ⟩
b ∷ remove (remove as (remove-less m k)) (remove-remove-less m k) ≡⟨ sym (remove-there (remove-remove-less m k)) ⟩
remove (_ ∷ remove as (remove-less m k)) (there (remove-remove-less m k)) ∎
module _ {A B : Type} where
lookup-map : (f : A → B) → ∀ {n} (xs : Vec A n) k → Vec.lookup k (Vec.map f xs) ≡ f (Vec.lookup k xs)
lookup-map f (x ∷ xs) (fzero) = refl {x = f x}
lookup-map f (x ∷ xs) (fsuc k) = lookup-map f xs k
lookup⁻¹-map : (f : A → B) → ∀ {n} (xs : Fin.FinVec A n) → Vec.map f (lookup⁻¹ xs) ≡ lookup⁻¹ (f ∘ xs)
lookup⁻¹-map f {zero} xs = refl {x = []}
lookup⁻¹-map f {suc n} xs = cong (f (xs fzero) ∷_) (lookup⁻¹-map f (xs ∘ fsuc))
isContrVec : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {n} → isContr A → isContr (Vec A n)
isContrVec {A = A} contrA = center* , contr* where
center* : ∀ {n} → Vec A n
center* = Vec.replicate (contrA .fst)
contr* : ∀ {n} (as : Vec A n) → center* ≡ as
contr* [] = refl
contr* (a ∷ as) = cong₂ _∷_ (contrA .snd a) (contr* as)
isContrVecUnit* : ∀ {ℓ} {n} → isContr (Vec {ℓ} Unit* n)
isContrVecUnit* = isContrVec isContrUnit*
module VecPath {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} where
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Multiset.Util.Square using (kiteFiller)
Code : {n : ℕ} → (v v' : Vec A n) → Type ℓ
Code [] [] = Unit*
Code (a ∷ v) (a' ∷ v') = (a ≡ a') × Code v v'
reflEncode : {n : ℕ} → (v : Vec A n) → Code v v
reflEncode [] = tt*
reflEncode (a ∷ v) = refl , (reflEncode v)
encode : ∀ {n} → (v v' : Vec A n) → v ≡ v' → Code v v'
encode {zero} [] [] _ = tt*
encode {suc n} (a ∷ v) (a' ∷ v') p = (cong Vec.head p) , (encode v v' $ cong Vec.tail p)
encodeRefl : ∀ {n} (v : Vec A n) → encode v v refl ≡ reflEncode v
encodeRefl [] = refl
encodeRefl (a ∷ v) = cong (refl ,_) (encodeRefl v)
decode : {n : ℕ} → (v v' : Vec A n) → (r : Code v v') → (v ≡ v')
decode [] [] _ = refl
decode (a ∷ v) (a' ∷ v') (p , q) = cong₂ Vec._∷_ p (decode v v' q)
decodeRefl : {n : ℕ} → (v : Vec A n) → decode v v (reflEncode v) ≡ refl
decodeRefl [] = refl
decodeRefl (a ∷ v) = cong (cong (a ∷_)) (decodeRefl v)
≡Vec-codeVec-Iso : {n : ℕ} → (v v' : Vec A n) → Iso (v ≡ v') (Code v v')
≡Vec-codeVec-Iso v v' .Iso.fun = encode v v'
≡Vec-codeVec-Iso v v' .Iso.inv = decode v v'
≡Vec-codeVec-Iso v v' .Iso.rightInv = sect v v' where
sect : ∀ {n} (v v' : Vec A n) → section (encode v v') (decode v v')
sect [] [] cnil = refl
sect (a ∷ v) (a' ∷ v') (a≡a' , code-v≡v') = cong (a≡a' ,_) (sect v v' code-v≡v')
≡Vec-codeVec-Iso v v' .Iso.leftInv v≡v' =
J (λ v' v≡v' → decode v v' (encode v v' v≡v') ≡ v≡v') (cong (decode _ _) (encodeRefl v) ∙ decodeRefl v) v≡v'