{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Multiset.ListQuotient.Fixpoint where

open import Multiset.Prelude
open import Multiset.ListQuotient.Finality
    ( fix⁺-preserves-≈
    ; unfold-unique
open import Multiset.ListQuotient.ListFinality
    ( FunctorΣVec
    ; !^
    ; cut
    ; Tree
    ; fix ; fix⁺ ; fix⁻
    ; step
    ; unfold
    ; isSetTree
    ; isCoalgebraMorphismUnfold
open import Multiset.ListQuotient.Bisimilarity as Bisimilarity
    ( Bisim ; _≈_ ; bisim
    ; isTransApprox
    ; isReflBisim
    ; isTransBisim
    ; isEquivRelBisim
    ; isPropBisim
    ; Approx
open import Multiset.Relation.Base using (PathRelation)
open import Multiset.Util.Relation using (ReflectsRel ; PreservesRel ; isSymTot ; isEquivRelPath)
open import Multiset.Util.Vec as Vec using ()
open import Multiset.Util.BundledVec as BVec
    ( ΣVec
    ; []
    ; _#∷_
    ; Relator∞
    ; Relator
    ; rnil∞ ; rcons∞
    ; isReflRelator
    ; isSymRelator
    ; isTransRelator
    ; isEquivRelRelator
    ; isPropRelator
    ; Relator-map
open import Multiset.Limit.Chain
    ( lim
    ; Limit
open import Multiset.Limit.TerminalChain as TerminalChain
    ( Functor
    ; _^_
open import Multiset.Categories.Coalgebra

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv using (_≃_ ; secEq ; retEq)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism using (Iso ; isoToEquiv)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as Nat using ( ; suc ; zero)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Base using (tt*)
open import Cubical.Data.Vec using (_∷_)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT using (∥_∥₁)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
  using ()
    ( _/_ to _/₂_
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base using (module BinaryRelation)

import Cubical.Categories.Functor as Cat
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Sets

open BVec.ΣVec
open Limit using (elements ; is-lim)
open Iso
open Functor ⦃...⦄

FMSet :  {}  Type   Type 
FMSet X = ΣVec X /₂ (Relator _≡_)

mapFMSet : {X Y : Type} 
   (X  Y)  FMSet X  FMSet Y
mapFMSet f =
  SQ.rec SQ.squash/
          x  SQ.[ map f x ])
         λ x y r  SQ.eq/ _ _ (Relator-map _≡_ _ (cong f) r)  

isSetFMSet :  {} {X : Type }  isSet (FMSet X)
isSetFMSet = SQ.squash/

-- Unordered trees are a fixpoint of FMSet
UnorderedTree : Type _
UnorderedTree = Tree /₂ Bisim

module _ {A : Type} (R : A  A  Type) where

  data ΣVecRel : ΣVec A  ΣVec A  Type where
    rnil∞ : ΣVecRel [] []
    rcons∞ : {a b : A} {as bs : ΣVec A}
       R a b
       ΣVecRel as bs
       ΣVecRel (a #∷ as) (b #∷ bs)

  isReflΣVecRel : (∀ x  R x x)   xs  ΣVecRel xs xs
  isReflΣVecRel reflR [] = rnil∞
  isReflΣVecRel reflR (BVec.# (x  xs)) = rcons∞ (reflR x) (isReflΣVecRel reflR (BVec.# xs))

  ΣVecRel→Relator∞ : ∀{xs ys}  ΣVecRel xs ys  Relator∞ R xs ys
  ΣVecRel→Relator∞ rnil∞ = rnil∞
  ΣVecRel→Relator∞ (rcons∞ r rs) = rcons∞ _ r Vec.here (ΣVecRel→Relator∞ rs)

  ΣVecRel→Relator : ∀{xs ys}  ΣVecRel xs ys  Relator R xs ys
  ΣVecRel→Relator rs = PT.∣ ΣVecRel→Relator∞ rs ∣₁

  ΣVecRel-eq/ : ∀{xs ys}  ΣVecRel xs ys  Path (ΣVec (A /₂ R)) (map SQ.[_] xs) (map SQ.[_] ys)
  ΣVecRel-eq/ rnil∞ = refl
  ΣVecRel-eq/ (rcons∞ r rs) i = SQ.eq/ _ _ r i #∷ ΣVecRel-eq/ rs i

toΣVecRel : {X : Type} {R : X  X  Type}
   (∀ x  R x x)
   ΣVec (X /₂ R)  ΣVec X /₂ ΣVecRel R
toΣVecRel reflR [] = SQ.[ [] ]
toΣVecRel reflR (BVec.# (x  xs)) =
  SQ.rec2 SQ.squash/
           y ys  SQ.[ y #∷ ys ])
           y y' ys r  SQ.eq/ _ _ (rcons∞ r (isReflΣVecRel _ reflR _)))
           y ys ys' rs  SQ.eq/ _ _ (rcons∞ (reflR y) rs))
          (toΣVecRel reflR (BVec.# xs))

fromΣVecRel : {X : Type} {R : X  X  Type}
   ΣVec X /₂ ΣVecRel R  ΣVec (X /₂ R)
fromΣVecRel =
  SQ.rec (BVec.isSetΣVec SQ.squash/)
         (map SQ.[_])
          _ _  ΣVecRel-eq/ _)

toΣVecRelPath : {X : Type} {R : X  X  Type}
   (reflR :  x  R x x)
   (xs : ΣVec X)  toΣVecRel {R = R} reflR (map SQ.[_] xs)  SQ.[ xs ]
toΣVecRelPath reflR [] = refl
toΣVecRelPath reflR (BVec.# (x  xs)) =
  cong (SQ.rec2 SQ.squash/
               y ys  SQ.[ y #∷ ys ])
               y y' ys r  SQ.eq/ (y #∷ ys) (y' #∷ ys) (rcons∞ r (isReflΣVecRel _ reflR ys)))
               y ys ys' rs  SQ.eq/ (y #∷ ys) (y #∷ ys') (rcons∞ (reflR y) rs))
              SQ.[ x ])
       (toΣVecRelPath reflR (BVec.# xs))

fromΣVecRel-toΣVecRel : {X : Type} {R : X  X  Type}
   (reflR :  x  R x x)
    xs  fromΣVecRel {R = R} (toΣVecRel reflR xs)  xs
fromΣVecRel-toΣVecRel reflR [] = refl
fromΣVecRel-toΣVecRel reflR (BVec.# (x  xs)) =
   SQ.elimProp2 {P = λ y ys  fromΣVecRel (SQ.rec2 SQ.squash/
                                                 x xs  SQ.[ x #∷ xs ])
                                                 x x' xs r  SQ.eq/ (x #∷ xs) (x' #∷ xs) (rcons∞ r (isReflΣVecRel _ reflR xs)))
                                                 x xs xs' rs  SQ.eq/ (x #∷ xs) (x #∷ xs') (rcons∞ (reflR x) rs))
                                                y ys)
                               y #∷ fromΣVecRel ys}
               _ _  BVec.isSetΣVec SQ.squash/ _ _)
               _ _  refl)
              x (toΣVecRel reflR (BVec.# xs))
    cong (x #∷_) (fromΣVecRel-toΣVecRel reflR (BVec.# xs))

recΣVec : {X Y : Type}
   {R : X  X  Type}
   isSet Y
   (∀ x  R x x)
   (f : ΣVec X  Y)
   (∀ xs ys  ΣVecRel R xs ys  f xs  f ys)
   ΣVec (X /₂ R)  Y
recΣVec setY reflR f p xs = SQ.rec setY f p (toΣVecRel reflR xs)

recΣVecPath : {X Y : Type}
   {R : X  X  Type}
   (setY : isSet Y)
   (reflR :  x  R x x)
   (f : ΣVec X  Y)
   (p :  xs ys  ΣVecRel R xs ys  f xs  f ys)
   (xs : ΣVec X)  recΣVec setY reflR f p (map SQ.[_] xs)  f xs
recΣVecPath setY reflR f p xs = cong (SQ.rec setY f p) (toΣVecRelPath reflR xs)

elimΣVecProp : {X : Type}
   {R : X  X  Type}
   (Y : ΣVec (X /₂ R)  Type)
   (∀ xs  isProp (Y xs))
   (∀ x  R x x)
   (f : (xs : ΣVec X)  Y (map SQ.[_] xs))
   (xs : ΣVec (X /₂ R))  Y xs
elimΣVecProp Y propY reflR f xs =
  subst Y (fromΣVecRel-toΣVecRel reflR xs) (goal xs)
    goal : (xs : ΣVec _)  Y (fromΣVecRel (toΣVecRel reflR xs))
    goal xs = SQ.elimProp {P = λ xs  Y (fromΣVecRel xs)}
                           _  propY _)
                          (toΣVecRel reflR xs)

elimΣVecProp2 : {X : Type}
   {R : X  X  Type}
   (Y : ΣVec (X /₂ R)  ΣVec (X /₂ R)  Type)
   (∀ xs ys  isProp (Y xs ys))
   (∀ x  R x x)
   (f : (xs ys : ΣVec X)  Y (map SQ.[_] xs) (map SQ.[_] ys))
   (xs ys : ΣVec (X /₂ R))  Y xs ys
elimΣVecProp2 {R} Y propY reflR f xs ys =
  subst2 Y (fromΣVecRel-toΣVecRel reflR xs) (fromΣVecRel-toΣVecRel reflR ys) (goal xs ys)
    goal : (xs ys : ΣVec _)  Y (fromΣVecRel (toΣVecRel reflR xs)) (fromΣVecRel (toΣVecRel reflR ys))
    goal xs ys = SQ.elimProp2 {P = λ xs ys  Y (fromΣVecRel xs) (fromΣVecRel ys)}
                               _ _  propY _ _)
                              (toΣVecRel reflR xs) (toΣVecRel reflR ys)

fixQ⁺ : FMSet UnorderedTree  UnorderedTree
fixQ⁺ =
  SQ.rec SQ.squash/
         (recΣVec SQ.squash/  _  isReflBisim _) f fR)
         (elimΣVecProp2 _  _ _  isPropΠ  _  SQ.squash/ _ _) )
                         _  isReflBisim _)
                        λ ts us rs  recΣVecPath SQ.squash/  _  isReflBisim _) f fR ts
                                       SQ.eq/ _ _ (fix⁺-preserves-≈ (BVec.effectiveRelator isPropBisim isEquivRelBisim rs))
                                       sym (recΣVecPath SQ.squash/  _  isReflBisim _) f fR us))
    f : ΣVec Tree  UnorderedTree
    f ts = SQ.[ fix⁺ ts ]

    fR :  xs ys  ΣVecRel Bisim xs ys  f xs  f ys
    fR ts us rs = SQ.eq/ _ _ (fix⁺-preserves-≈ (ΣVecRel→Relator _≈_ rs))

FMSetFunctor : Cat.Functor (SET ℓ-zero) (SET ℓ-zero)
FMSetFunctor .Cat.Functor.F-ob (X , _) = FMSet X , isSetFMSet
FMSetFunctor .Cat.Functor.F-hom f = mapFMSet f
FMSetFunctor .Cat.Functor.F-id = funExt (SQ.elimProp  x  isSetFMSet _ x) λ xs  cong _/₂_.[_] (BVec.map-id xs))
FMSetFunctor .Cat.Functor.F-seq f g = funExt (SQ.elimProp  _  isSetFMSet _ _) λ xs  cong _/₂_.[_] (BVec.map-comp g f xs))

module _ (fix⁻-preserves-≈ : PreservesRel _≈_ (Relator _≈_) fix⁻) where
  fixQ⁻ : UnorderedTree  FMSet UnorderedTree
  fixQ⁻ =
    SQ.rec SQ.squash/
            t  SQ.[ map SQ.[_] (fix⁻ t) ])
           λ t u t≈u  SQ.eq/ _ _ (Relator-map _ _ (SQ.eq/ _ _) (fix⁻-preserves-≈ t≈u))

  inj-fixQ⁻' :  {t u}  Relator (Path UnorderedTree) (map SQ.[_] (fix⁻ t)) (map SQ.[_] (fix⁻ u))
     t  u
  inj-fixQ⁻' {t}{u} rs = subst2 Bisim (secEq fix t) (secEq fix u)
    (fix⁺-preserves-≈ (BVec.effectiveRelator isPropBisim isEquivRelBisim rs))

  inj-fixQ⁻ :  t u  fixQ⁻ t  fixQ⁻ u  t  u
  inj-fixQ⁻ = SQ.elimProp2  _ _  isPropΠ  _  SQ.squash/ _ _)) goal where
    module _ (t u : Tree) (p : fixQ⁻ SQ.[ t ]  fixQ⁻ SQ.[ u ]) where

      t≈u : t  u
      t≈u = inj-fixQ⁻' (BVec.effective  _ _  isPropRelator _) (isEquivRelRelator isEquivRelPath) p)

      goal : SQ.[ t ]  SQ.[ u ]
      goal = SQ.eq/ _ _ t≈u

  fixQ⁻fixQ⁺ :  t  fixQ⁻ (fixQ⁺ t)  t
  fixQ⁻fixQ⁺ =
    SQ.elimProp  _  SQ.squash/ _ _)
      (elimΣVecProp _  _  SQ.squash/ _ _) isReflBisim
          fixQ⁻ (fixQ⁺ SQ.[ map SQ.[_] ts ])                           ≡⟨⟩
          fixQ⁻ (recΣVec SQ.squash/ isReflBisim f fR (map SQ.[_] ts))  ≡⟨ cong fixQ⁻ (recΣVecPath SQ.squash/ isReflBisim f fR ts) 
          fixQ⁻ (SQ.[ fix⁺ ts ])                                       ≡⟨⟩
          SQ.[ map SQ.[_] (fix⁻ (fix⁺ ts)) ]                           ≡⟨  i  SQ.[ map SQ.[_] (retEq fix ts i) ]) 
          SQ.[ map SQ.[_] ts ]                                         ))
      f : ΣVec Tree  UnorderedTree
      f ts = SQ.[ fix⁺ ts ]

      fR :  xs ys  ΣVecRel Bisim xs ys  f xs  f ys
      fR ts us rs = SQ.eq/ _ _ (fix⁺-preserves-≈ (ΣVecRel→Relator _≈_ rs))

  fixQ⁺fixQ⁻ :  ts  fixQ⁺ (fixQ⁻ ts)  ts
  fixQ⁺fixQ⁻ ts = inj-fixQ⁻ _ _ (fixQ⁻fixQ⁺ _)

  fixQ⁺-iso : Iso (FMSet UnorderedTree) UnorderedTree
  fixQ⁺-iso .fun = fixQ⁺
  fixQ⁺-iso .inv = fixQ⁻
  fixQ⁺-iso .rightInv = fixQ⁺fixQ⁻
  fixQ⁺-iso .leftInv = fixQ⁻fixQ⁺

  FMSetFixpointTree/Bisim : (FMSet (Tree /₂ Bisim))  Tree /₂ Bisim
  FMSetFixpointTree/Bisim = isoToEquiv fixQ⁺-iso

  open import Multiset.Axioms.Choice using (AC)
  open import Multiset.Axioms.PointwiseChoice using ([_⇒_]/_ ; AC→PointwiseChoice ; module PWC)

  [_⇒FMSet_] : (A B : Type)  Type
  [ A ⇒FMSet B ] = [ A  (ΣVec B) ]/ Relator _≡_

  [_⇒UTree] : (A : Type)  Type
  [ A ⇒UTree] = [ A  Tree ]/ Bisim
  unfold-preserves-coalg-rel' : {X : Type} {γ γ' : X  ΣVec X}
     (∀ x  Relator _≡_ (γ x) (γ' x))
      x n  Approx n (step γ n x) (step γ' n x)
  unfold-preserves-coalg-rel' rel x zero = tt*
  unfold-preserves-coalg-rel' {γ = γ} {γ'} rel x (suc n) =
    Relator-map _ _
        J  b eq  Approx n (step γ n y) (step γ' n b))
          (unfold-preserves-coalg-rel' rel y n))
      (rel x)
  unfold-preserves-coalg-rel : {X : Type} {γ γ' : X  ΣVec X}
     (∀ x  Relator _≡_ (γ x) (γ' x))
      x  unfold γ x  unfold γ' x
  unfold-preserves-coalg-rel rel x = bisim (unfold-preserves-coalg-rel' rel x)
  unfoldQ' : {X : Type} (γ : [ X ⇒FMSet X ])
     X  UnorderedTree
  unfoldQ' =
    SQ.rec (isSetΠ  _  SQ.squash/))
            γ x  SQ.[ unfold γ x ])
           λ γ γ' rel  funExt  x  SQ.eq/ _ _ (unfold-preserves-coalg-rel rel x))

  module Unfold (ac : AC ℓ-zero ℓ-zero ℓ-zero) (X : Type) (setX : isSet X) where
      pwc = AC→PointwiseChoice {ℓ-zero} {ℓ-zero} {ℓ-zero} ac
    module FMSetC = PWC pwc
      X (ΣVec X) (Relator _≡_)
      setX (BVec.isSetΣVec setX)
       _ _  BVec.isPropRelator _≡_)
      (isEquivRelRelator isEquivRelPath)

    module UTreeC = PWC pwc
      X Tree Bisim
      setX isSetTree

    unfoldQ : (γ : X  FMSet X)  X  UnorderedTree
    unfoldQ γ = unfoldQ' (FMSetC.wrap γ)

    unfoldQ-coalg-morphism' : (γ : [ X ⇒FMSet X ])
        x  fixQ⁻ (unfoldQ' γ x)  mapFMSet (unfoldQ' γ) (FMSetC.unwrap γ x)
    unfoldQ-coalg-morphism' =
      SQ.elimProp  _  isPropΠ  _  SQ.squash/ _ _))
                  γ x  cong SQ.[_] (cong (map SQ.[_]) (funExt⁻ (isCoalgebraMorphismUnfold γ) x)
                            sym (map-comp _ _ _)))

    unfoldQ-coalg-morphism : (γ : X  FMSet X)
        x  fixQ⁻ (unfoldQ γ x)  mapFMSet (unfoldQ γ) (γ x)
    unfoldQ-coalg-morphism γ x =
      unfoldQ-coalg-morphism' (FMSetC.wrap γ) x
       cong  f  mapFMSet (unfoldQ γ) (f x)) (FMSetC.unwrap-section γ)

    unfoldQ-unique'' : (γ : X  ΣVec X)
       (f : [ X ⇒UTree])
       (∀ x  fixQ⁻ (UTreeC.unwrap f x)  mapFMSet (UTreeC.unwrap f) SQ.[ γ x ])
        x  UTreeC.unwrap f x  unfoldQ' SQ.[ γ ] x
    unfoldQ-unique'' γ = SQ.elimProp  _  isPropΠ  _  isPropΠ  _  SQ.squash/ _ _))) goal
      where module _ (f : X  Tree) (feq :  x  fixQ⁻ (UTreeC.unwrap SQ.[ f ] x)  mapFMSet (UTreeC.unwrap SQ.[ f ]) SQ.[ γ x ]) (x : X) where
        open import Multiset.Relation.Base
        by-effectiveness :  x  Relator _≈_ (fix⁻ (f x)) (map f (γ x))
        by-effectiveness x = BVec.effectiveRelator
          (subst (Relator _≡_ (BVec.map SQ.[_] (fix⁻ (f x))))
            (map-comp _ _ _)
            (SQ.effective  _ _  isPropRelator _≡_)
              (isEquivRelRelator isEquivRelPath)
              _ _ (feq x)

        bisim-f-unfold : Bisim (f x) (unfold γ x)
        bisim-f-unfold = unfold-unique γ f by-effectiveness x

        goal : UTreeC.unwrap SQ.[ f ] x  unfoldQ' SQ.[ γ ] x
        goal = SQ.eq/ _ _ bisim-f-unfold

    unfoldQ-unique' : (γ : [ X ⇒FMSet X ])
       (f : X  UnorderedTree)
       (feq :  x  fixQ⁻ (f x)  mapFMSet f (FMSetC.unwrap γ x))
        x  f x  unfoldQ' γ x
    unfoldQ-unique' =
         _  isPropΠ  _  isPropΠ  _  isPropΠ  _  SQ.squash/ _ _))))
         γ f feq x 
            i  sym (UTreeC.unwrap-section f) i x)
            unfoldQ-unique'' γ
                              (UTreeC.wrap f)
                               y   i  fixQ⁻ (UTreeC.unwrap-section f i y))
                                       feq y
                                       cong  g  SQ.[ map g (γ y) ]) (sym (UTreeC.unwrap-section f)))

    unfoldQ-unique : (γ : X  FMSet X)
       (f : X  UnorderedTree)
       (feq :  x  fixQ⁻ (f x)  mapFMSet f (γ x))
       f  unfoldQ γ
    unfoldQ-unique γ f feq =
      funExt (unfoldQ-unique' (FMSetC.wrap γ) f  y  feq y  λ i  mapFMSet f (FMSetC.unwrap-section γ (~ i) y)))

  module _ (ac : AC ℓ-zero ℓ-zero ℓ-zero) where
    unfoldCoalgebra : Coalgebra FMSetFunctor
    unfoldCoalgebra .Coalgebra.carrier = (Tree /₂ Bisim) , SQ.squash/
    unfoldCoalgebra .Coalgebra.str = fixQ⁻

    isTerminalFixQ⁻ : isTerminalCoalgebra FMSetFunctor unfoldCoalgebra
    isTerminalFixQ⁻ γ-coalg@(coalgebra {(C , setC)} γ) = anaQ , anaEq where
      open Unfold ac C setC
      anaQ : CoalgebraHom FMSetFunctor γ-coalg unfoldCoalgebra
      anaQ .CoalgebraHom.carrierHom = unfoldQ γ
      anaQ .CoalgebraHom.strHom = funExt (unfoldQ-coalg-morphism γ)

      anaEq : (f : CoalgebraHom FMSetFunctor γ-coalg unfoldCoalgebra)  anaQ  f
      anaEq f-hom@(coalgebraHom f f-γ-unfold-sq) = CoalgebraHom≡ FMSetFunctor (sym (unfoldQ-unique γ f (funExt⁻ f-γ-unfold-sq)))

    TerminalfixQ⁻ : TerminalCoalgebra FMSetFunctor
    TerminalfixQ⁻ .fst = unfoldCoalgebra
    TerminalfixQ⁻ .snd = isTerminalFixQ⁻