{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Multiset.FCM.Limit where

open import Multiset.Prelude
open import Multiset.Util using (!_ ; isInjective)

open import Multiset.FCM.Base as M
open import Multiset.FCM.Properties as M
open import Multiset.FCM.Logic as M using (_∈_)

open import Multiset.Limit.Chain
open import Multiset.Limit.TerminalChain as TerminalChain
  hiding (cut ; pres ; diag)

open import Multiset.Omniscience using (LLPO)

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Unit as Unit using (Unit ; tt)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma as Sigma using (_×_; Σ≡Prop)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_ ; inl ; inr)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_^_; isEven; isOdd)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order renaming (_≤_ to _≤N_; _≟_ to _≟N_) hiding (eq) 
open import Cubical.Data.Bool as Bool
  using (Bool ; if_then_else_ ; true ; false ; _and_ ; not; dichotomyBool; isSetBool; _≟_;
         false≢true; true≢false)

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
    ( ∥_∥₁
    ; ∣_∣₁
    ; squash₁

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ

open import Multiset.Equivalences.FCM-PList
open import Multiset.Ordering.Order
open import Cubical.Data.List hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary

open Limit using (elements ; is-lim)

  FunctorM : Functor {ℓ-zero} M
  FunctorM .Functor.map = map
  FunctorM .Functor.map-id = mapId
  FunctorM .Functor.map-comp = mapComp

!^ :  n  M ^ (suc n)  M ^ n
!^ n = M map-!^ n

shiftedLimitPath :  {shlim₁ shlim₂}  (∀ n  shlim₁ .elements n  shlim₂ .elements n)  shlim₁  shlim₂
shiftedLimitPath = isSet→LimitPathExt (shift (ch M))  k  isSetM)

pres : M (Lim M)  ShLim M
pres = TerminalChain.pres M

infixr 6 _⊎₁_
_⊎₁_ :  { ℓ'}  (A : Type )  (B : Type ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
A ⊎₁ B =  A  B ∥₁

cut : (n : )  Lim M  M ^ n
cut = TerminalChain.cut M

module _ {} {X : Type } where
  ⟅_,_⟆ : X  X  M X
   x , y  = η x  η y

  ⟅_,_⟆≡⟅_,_⟆ : (x y z w : X)  Type _
   x , y ⟆≡⟅ z , w  =  ((x  z) × (y  w))  ((x  w) × (y  z)) ∥₁

  ⟅,⟆-comm :  x y   x , y    y , x 
  ⟅,⟆-comm x y = comm (η x) (η y)

diag : (  Lim M)  (n : )  M ^ n
diag = TerminalChain.diag M

Complete : Type _
Complete = {x y₁ y₂ : Lim M}
   (ys :   Lim M)
   (p :  n  (ys n  y₁)  (ys n  y₂))
   (q :  n  cut n x  diag ys n)
   (x  y₁) ⊎₁ (x  y₂)

isPropComplete : isProp Complete
isPropComplete =
  isPropImplicitΠ2 λ _ _  isPropImplicitΠ λ _  isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  PT.isPropPropTrunc

pres-inj⇒complete : isInjective pres  Complete
pres-inj⇒complete inj {x} {y₁} {y₂} ys p q = goal where

  ysᶜ :   Lim M
  ysᶜ n = Sum.elim  ysₙ≡y₁  y₂)  ysₙ≡y₂  y₁) (p n)

  p∧pᶜ :  n   ys n , ysᶜ n    y₁ , y₂ 
  p∧pᶜ n with p n
  ... | inl ysₙ≡y₁ = cong ⟅_, y₂  ysₙ≡y₁
  ... | inr ysₙ≡y₂ = cong ⟅_, y₁  ysₙ≡y₂  ⟅,⟆-comm y₂ y₁

  diag-ysᶜ-islim :  n  !^ n (diag ysᶜ (suc n))  diag ysᶜ n
  diag-ysᶜ-islim n with (p (suc n)) | (p n)
  ... | inl ysₙ₊₁≡y₁ | inl ysₙ≡y₁ = y₂ .is-lim n
  ... | inl ysₙ₊₁≡y₁ | inr ysₙ≡y₂ =
    !^ n (cut (suc n) y₂)     ≡⟨ cong (!^ n  cut (suc n)) (sym ysₙ≡y₂) 
    !^ n (cut (suc n) (ys n)) ≡⟨ TerminalChain.diag-islim-alternating M x ys q n 
    cut n (ys (suc n))        ≡⟨ cong (cut n) ysₙ₊₁≡y₁ ⟩∎
    cut n y₁ 
  ... | inr ysₙ₊₁≡y₂ | inl ysₙ≡y₁ =
    !^ n (cut (suc n) y₁)     ≡⟨ cong (!^ n  cut (suc n)) (sym ysₙ≡y₁) 
    !^ n (cut (suc n) (ys n)) ≡⟨ TerminalChain.diag-islim-alternating M x ys q n 
    cut n (ys (suc n))        ≡⟨ cong (cut n) ysₙ₊₁≡y₂ ⟩∎
    cut n y₂ 
  ... | inr ysₙ₊₁≡y₂ | inr ysₙ≡y₂ = y₁ .is-lim n

  xᶜ : Lim M
  xᶜ .elements = diag ysᶜ
  xᶜ .is-lim = diag-ysᶜ-islim

  qᶜ :  n  cut n xᶜ  diag ysᶜ n
  qᶜ n with p n
  ... | inl _ = refl
  ... | inr _ = refl

  pres-diags-pair-path : pres  x , xᶜ   pres  y₁ , y₂ 
  pres-diags-pair-path = shiftedLimitPath λ n 
    map (cut n)  x , xᶜ  ≡⟨⟩
     cut n x , cut n xᶜ  ≡⟨ cong₂ ⟅_,_⟆ (q n) (qᶜ n) 
     diag ys n , diag ysᶜ n  ≡⟨⟩
    map (cut n)  ys n , ysᶜ n  ≡⟨ cong (map (cut n)) (p∧pᶜ n) 
    map (cut n)  y₁   , y₂     

  diags-pair-path :  x , xᶜ    y₁ , y₂ 
  diags-pair-path = inj  x , xᶜ   y₁ , y₂  pres-diags-pair-path

  goal :  (x  y₁)  (x  y₂) ∥₁
  goal = PT.rec PT.isPropPropTrunc (Sum.elim (PT.map inl) (PT.map inr)) x∈⟅y₁,y₂⟆ where
    x∈⟅x,xᶜ⟆ : x   x , xᶜ 
    x∈⟅x,xᶜ⟆ =  inl  refl {x = x} ∣₁ ∣₁

    x∈⟅y₁,y₂⟆ : x   y₁ , y₂ 
    x∈⟅y₁,y₂⟆ = subst (x ∈_) diags-pair-path x∈⟅x,xᶜ⟆

-- From completeness to LLPO

-- The sequence corresponding to the infinite tree in which each node
-- has exactly one subtree.
long :  n  M ^ n
long zero = tt*
long (suc n) = η (long n)

long-isLim : isLimit (ch M) long
long-isLim zero = refl
long-isLim (suc n) = cong η (long-isLim n)

long-ch : Lim M
long-ch = lim long long-isLim

-- Given a sequence a : ℕ → Bool, we a variant (long? a) of long,
-- which is equal to long if the sequence a contains only value false,
-- but its height stop growing if there is n : ℕ such that (a n) is
-- the first true in a.
long? : (a :   Bool)   n  M ^ n
long? a zero = tt*
long? a (suc n) =
  if a 0 then ε else η (long? (a  suc) n)

long?-isLim : (a :   Bool)  isLimit (ch M) (long? a)
long?-isLim a zero = refl
long?-isLim a (suc n) with a 0
... | false = cong η (long?-isLim (a  suc) n)
... | true = refl

long?-ch : (a :   Bool)  Lim M
long?-ch a = lim (long? a) (long?-isLim a)

-- connections between long and (long? a)
long?-isLim' : (a :   Bool) (aP : isProp (Σ[ n   ] a n  true))
    n  a (suc n)  true  !^ n (long? a (suc n))  long n
long?-isLim' a aP zero eq = refl
long?-isLim' a aP (suc n) eq with dichotomyBool (a 0)
... | inl p = Empty.rec (znots (cong fst (aP (_ , p) (_ , eq)))) 
... | inr p = 
  cong  z  map (!^ n) (if z then ε else η (if a 1 then ε else η (long?  x  a (suc (suc x))) n)))) p
   cong η (long?-isLim' (a  suc)  { (x , q) (y , r)  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetBool _ _) (injSuc (cong fst (aP (_ , q) (_ , r)))) }) n eq)

¬cons≡nil' :  {A : Type} {x : A} xs {ys}  ¬ (xs ++ x List.∷ ys  [])
¬cons≡nil' [] = ¬cons≡nil
¬cons≡nil' (x List.∷ xs) = ¬cons≡nil

singletonP : {X : Type} {x y : X} {xs ys : List X}
   Perm xs ys
   xs  x List.∷ []  ys  y List.∷ []
   x  y
singletonP stop eqx eqy = cons-inj₁ (sym eqx  eqy)
singletonP (perm {xs = []} p) eqx eqy = Empty.rec (¬cons≡nil (cons-inj₂ eqx))
singletonP (perm {xs = x List.∷ xs} p) eqx eqy = Empty.rec (¬cons≡nil' xs (cons-inj₂ eqx))

isEquivRel∥Perm∥₁ : {X : Type}
   BinaryRelation.isEquivRel  (xs ys : List X)   Perm xs ys ∥₁)
isEquivRel∥Perm∥₁ =
     xs   stop ∣₁)
     xs ys  PT.map invP)
    λ xs ys zs  PT.rec2 PT.isPropPropTrunc  p q   transP p q ∣₁)

inj-η-set : {X : Type} (setX : isSet X) {x y : X}
   η x  η y  x  y
inj-η-set setX eq =
  PT.rec (setX _ _)
          p  singletonP p refl refl)
         (effective  _ _  PT.isPropPropTrunc)
                    _ _
                    (cong (truncRelIso .Iso.fun  MToPList) eq))

long?≠long : (a :   Bool) (aP : isProp (Σ[ n   ] a n  true))
    n  long? a (suc n)  long (suc n)  a n  false
long?≠long a aP zero eq with a 0
... | false = refl
... | true = Empty.rec (η≢ε (sym eq)) 
long?≠long a aP (suc n) eq with a 0
... | false = long?≠long (a  suc)  { (x , q) (y , r)  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetBool _ _) (injSuc (cong fst (aP (_ , q) (_ , r)))) }) n (inj-η-set isSetM eq) 
... | true = Empty.rec (η≢ε (sym eq))

-- given a sequence (a : ℕ → Bool) and two values x,y : A, the
-- sequence (seq-ch a x y true) is defined as follows: it returns y if
-- there exists an even number (k ≤ n) such that (a k = true) and
-- (a j = false) for all j < k; in all other cases seq-ch a x y true n
-- returns x.
seq-ch : {A : Type} (a :   Bool) (x y : A)  Bool    A
seq-ch a x y b zero = if a 0 and b then y else x
seq-ch a x y b (suc n) = if a 0 and b then y else seq-ch (a  suc) x y (not b) n

-- lemmata about the behaviour of seq-ch
seq-ch-lem1 : {A : Type} (a :   Bool) (x y : A) (b : Bool) (n : )
   (∀ k  k ≤N n  a k  false)  seq-ch a x y b n  x
seq-ch-lem1 a x y b zero p with p 0 zero-≤
... | r with a 0 | b
... | false | false = refl
... | false | true = refl
... | true | false = refl
... | true | true = Empty.rec (true≢false r)
seq-ch-lem1 a x y b (suc n) p with p 0 zero-≤
... | r with a 0 | b
... | false | false = seq-ch-lem1 (a  suc) x y true n λ k le  p (suc k) (suc-≤-suc le)
... | false | true = seq-ch-lem1 (a  suc) x y false n λ k le  p (suc k) (suc-≤-suc le)
... | true | false = seq-ch-lem1 (a  suc) x y true n λ k le  p (suc k) (suc-≤-suc le)
... | true | true = Empty.rec (true≢false r)

isEven? : Bool    Type
isEven? false n = isOddT n
isEven? true n = isEvenT n

seq-ch-lem2 : {A : Type} (a :   Bool) (x y : A) (b : Bool) (n : )
    k  k ≤N n  a k  true  isEven? b k  seq-ch a x y b n  y
seq-ch-lem2 a x y b zero zero le eq ev with a 0
... | false = Empty.rec (false≢true eq)
seq-ch-lem2 a x y true zero zero le eq ev | true = refl
seq-ch-lem2 a x y b (suc n) zero le eq ev with a 0
... | false = Empty.rec (false≢true eq)
seq-ch-lem2 a x y true (suc n) zero le eq ev | true = refl
seq-ch-lem2 a x y b zero (suc k) le eq ev = Empty.rec (¬-<-zero le)
seq-ch-lem2 a x y b (suc n) (suc k) le eq ev with a 0
seq-ch-lem2 a x y false (suc n) (suc k) le eq ev | false = seq-ch-lem2 (a  suc) x y true n k (pred-≤-pred le) eq ev
seq-ch-lem2 a x y true (suc n) (suc k) le eq ev | false = seq-ch-lem2 (a  suc) x y false n k (pred-≤-pred le) eq ev
seq-ch-lem2 a x y false (suc n) (suc k) le eq ev | true = seq-ch-lem2 (a  suc) x y true n k (pred-≤-pred le) eq ev
seq-ch-lem2 a x y true (suc n) (suc k) le eq ev | true = refl

seq-ch-lem3 : {A : Type} (a :   Bool) (aP : isProp (Σ[ n   ] a n  true))
   (x y : A) (b : Bool) (n : )
    k  k ≤N n  a k  true  isEven? b k  seq-ch a x y (not b) n  x
seq-ch-lem3 a aP x y true zero zero le eq ev with a 0
... | false = Empty.rec (false≢true eq)
... | true = refl
seq-ch-lem3 a aP x y true (suc n) zero le eq ev with dichotomyBool (a 0)
... | inr q = Empty.rec (false≢true (sym q  eq)) 
... | inl q =
  cong  z  if z and false then y else seq-ch (a  suc) x y true n) q
   seq-ch-lem1 (a  suc) x y true n
       k le'  Sum.rec  p  Empty.rec (snotz (cong fst (aP (_ , p) (_ , eq))) ))  p  p) (dichotomyBool (a (suc k)))) 
seq-ch-lem3 a aP x y b zero (suc k) le eq ev = Empty.rec (¬-<-zero le)
seq-ch-lem3 a aP x y false (suc n) (suc k) le eq ev with dichotomyBool (a 0)
... | inr p =
  cong  z  if z and true then y else seq-ch (a  suc) x y false n) p
   seq-ch-lem3 (a  suc)  { (x , q) (y , r)  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetBool _ _) (injSuc (cong fst (aP (_ , q) (_ , r)))) }) x y true n k (pred-≤-pred le) eq ev
... | inl p = Empty.rec (snotz (cong fst (aP (_ , eq) (_  , p))))
seq-ch-lem3 a aP x y true (suc n) (suc k) le eq ev with dichotomyBool (a 0)
... | inr p = 
  cong  z  if z and false then y else seq-ch (a  suc) x y true n) p
   seq-ch-lem3 (a  suc) ((λ { (x , q) (y , r)  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetBool _ _) (injSuc (cong fst (aP (_ , q) (_ , r)))) })) x y false n k (pred-≤-pred le) eq ev
... | inl p = Empty.rec (snotz (cong fst (aP (_ , eq) (_  , p))))

≤-suc-cases :  k n  k ≤N suc n
   (k ≤N n)  (k  suc n)
≤-suc-cases zero n le = inl zero-≤
≤-suc-cases (suc k) zero le = inr (cong suc (≤0→≡0 (pred-≤-pred le)))
≤-suc-cases (suc k) (suc n) le with ≤-suc-cases k n (pred-≤-pred le)
... | inl p = inl (suc-≤-suc p)
... | inr p = inr (cong suc p)

true-before? : (a :   Bool) (n : )
   Dec (Σ[ k   ] (k ≤N n) × (a k  true))
true-before? a zero with a zero  true
... | yes p = yes (0 , ≤-refl , p)
... | no ¬p = no  { (k , k≤ , eq) 
  ¬p (cong a (sym (≤0→≡0 k≤))  eq) })
true-before? a (suc n) with true-before? a n
... | yes (k , k≤ , eq) = yes (k , ≤-suc k≤ , eq)
... | no ¬ih with a (suc n)  true
... | yes p = yes (suc n , ≤-refl , p)
... | no ¬p = no  { (k , k≤ , eq)  Sum.rec  r  ¬ih (_ , r , eq))  r  ¬p (cong a (sym r)  eq)) (≤-suc-cases k n k≤) }) 

decEven :  n  isEvenT n  isOddT n
decEven zero = inl tt
decEven (suc n) = Sum.rec inr inl (decEven n)

diag-seq-ch :  (a :   Bool) (aP : isProp (Σ[ n   ] a n  true)) (n : ) 
  !^ n (seq-ch a long-ch (long?-ch a) true (suc n) .elements (suc n)) 
    seq-ch a long-ch (long?-ch a) true n .elements n 
diag-seq-ch a aP n with true-before? a n
... | yes (k , le , eq) with decEven k
... | inl p =
  cong  z  !^ n (z .elements (suc n))) (seq-ch-lem2 a long-ch (long?-ch a) true (suc n) k (≤-suc le) eq p)
   long?-isLim a n
   cong  z  z .elements n) (sym (seq-ch-lem2 a long-ch (long?-ch a) true n k le eq p))
... | inr p = 
  cong  z  !^ n (z .elements (suc n))) (seq-ch-lem3 a aP long-ch (long?-ch a) false (suc n) k (≤-suc le) eq p)
   long-isLim n
   cong  z  z .elements n) (sym (seq-ch-lem3 a aP long-ch (long?-ch a) false n k le eq p))
diag-seq-ch a aP n | no ¬p with dichotomyBool (a (suc n))
... | inr q =
  cong  z  !^ n (z .elements (suc n))) (seq-ch-lem1 a long-ch (long?-ch a) true (suc n)
     k le  Sum.rec  r  Empty.rec (Sum.rec  p  ¬p (k , p , r))  p  false≢true (sym q  cong a (sym p)  r)) (≤-suc-cases _ _ le)))
                     r  r)
                    (dichotomyBool (a k))))
   long-isLim n
   cong  z  z .elements n) (sym (seq-ch-lem1 a long-ch (long?-ch a) true n
      λ k le  Sum.rec  r  Empty.rec (¬p (k , le , r)))  r  r) (dichotomyBool (a k))))
... | inl q  with decEven (suc n)
... | inl ev = 
  cong  z  !^ n (z .elements (suc n))) (seq-ch-lem2 a long-ch (long?-ch a) true (suc n) (suc n) ≤-refl q ev)
   long?-isLim' a aP n q
   cong  z  z .elements n) (sym (seq-ch-lem1 a long-ch (long?-ch a) true n
      λ k le  Sum.rec  r  Empty.rec (¬p (k , le , r)))  r  r) (dichotomyBool (a k))))
... | inr odd =
  cong  z  !^ n (z .elements (suc n))) (seq-ch-lem3 a aP long-ch (long?-ch a) false (suc n) (suc n) ≤-refl q odd)
   long-isLim n
   cong  z  z .elements n) (sym (seq-ch-lem1 a long-ch (long?-ch a) true n
      λ k le  Sum.rec  r  Empty.rec (¬p (k , le , r)))  r  r) (dichotomyBool (a k))))

seq-ch-cases : {A : Type} (a :   Bool)
   (x y : A) (b : Bool) (n : )
   (seq-ch a x y b n  x)  (seq-ch a x y b n  y)
seq-ch-cases a x y false zero with a 0
... | false = inl refl
... | true = inl refl
seq-ch-cases a x y true zero with a 0
... | false = inl refl
... | true = inr refl
seq-ch-cases a x y false (suc n) with a 0
... | false = seq-ch-cases (a  suc) x y true n
... | true = seq-ch-cases (a  suc) x y true n
seq-ch-cases a x y true (suc n) with a 0
... | false = seq-ch-cases (a  suc) x y false n
... | true = inr refl

complete⇒llpo : Complete  LLPO
complete⇒llpo complete a aP =
  PT.map (Sum.rec  eq  inl λ n ev  Sum.rec  p  Empty.rec (case1 eq n ev p))
                                                  p  p)
                                                 (dichotomyBool (a n)))
                   eq  inr λ n odd  Sum.rec  p  Empty.rec (case2 eq n odd p))
                                                  p  p)
                                                 (dichotomyBool (a n))))
         (complete {x = x} z lem1 lem2)
    y1 : Lim M
    y1 = long-ch
    y2 : Lim M
    y2 = long?-ch a

    z :   Lim M
    z = seq-ch a y1 y2 true

    x : Lim M
    x = lim  n  cut n (z n)) (diag-seq-ch a aP)

    lem1 :  n  (z n  y1)  (z n  y2)
    lem1 = seq-ch-cases a y1 y2 true

    lem2 :  n  cut n (z n)  cut n x
    lem2 n = refl

    case1 : x  y1   n  isEvenT n  a n  true  
    case1 eqx n ev eq = false≢true (sym (long?≠long a aP n bad)  eq) 
        bad : long? a (suc n)  long (suc n)
        bad =
          sym (funExt⁻ (cong elements (seq-ch-lem2 a long-ch (long?-ch a) true (suc n) n (≤-suc ≤-refl) eq ev)) (suc n))
           funExt⁻ (cong elements eqx) (suc n)

    case2 : x  y2   n  isOddT n  a n  true  
    case2 eqx n ev eq = false≢true (sym (long?≠long a aP n (sym bad))  eq) 
        bad : long (suc n)  long? a (suc n)
        bad =
          sym (funExt⁻ (cong elements (seq-ch-lem3 a aP long-ch (long?-ch a) false (suc n) n (≤-suc ≤-refl) eq ev)) (suc n))
           funExt⁻ (cong elements eqx) (suc n)

pres-inj⇒llpo : isInjective pres  LLPO
pres-inj⇒llpo = complete⇒llpo  pres-inj⇒complete