{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Multiset.Ordering.Order where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.List as List hiding ([_])
open import Cubical.Data.Nat using (zero ; suc ; _+_ ; +-zero ; +-suc)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open BinaryRelation
open isEquivRel
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum
open import Multiset.ListQuotient.Base hiding (M)

-- ====================================================================

-- Linear orders

record isLinOrder {A : Type} (R : A  A  Type) : Type where
    asymR  : {x y : A}  R x y  R y x  
    transR : {x y z : A}  R x y  R y z  R x z
    propR  : {x y : A}  isProp (R x y)
    totR   : (x y : A)  R x y  (R y x  (x  y))

  irreflR : {x : A}  R x x  
  irreflR r = asymR r r

  totR-case1 : (x y : A) (r : R x y)  totR x y  inl r
  totR-case1 x y r with totR x y
  ... | inl r' = cong inl (propR _ _)
  ... | inr (inl r') = Empty.rec (asymR r r')
  ... | inr (inr eq) = Empty.rec (irreflR (subst (R x) (sym eq) r))

  totR-case2 : (x y : A) (r : R x y)  totR y x  inr (inl r)
  totR-case2 x y r with totR y x
  ... | inl r' = Empty.rec (asymR r' r)
  ... | inr (inl r') = cong inr (cong inl (propR _ _))
  ... | inr (inr eq) = Empty.rec (irreflR (subst (R x) eq r))

  totR-case3 : isSet A  (x y : A) (r : x  y)  totR x y  inr (inr r)
  totR-case3 setA x y eq with totR x y
  ... | inl r = Empty.rec (irreflR (subst (R x) (sym eq) r))
  ... | inr (inl r) = Empty.rec (irreflR (subst (R y) eq r))
  ... | inr (inr eq') = cong inr (cong inr (setA _ _ _ _))

-- Induction principle to prove stuff involving the trichotomy
elimTotR : ∀{ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {x y : A}
   (R : A  A  Type ℓ'')
   (B : (R x y  (R y x  (x  y)))  Type ℓ')
   ((r : R x y)  B (inl r))
   ((r : R y x)  B (inr (inl r)))
   ((eq : x  y)  B (inr (inr eq)))
   (r : R x y  (R y x  (x  y)))  B r
elimTotR R B f g h (inl r) = f r
elimTotR R B f g h (inr (inl r)) = g r
elimTotR R B f g h (inr (inr r)) = h r

recTotR : ∀{ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
   (R : A  A  Type ℓ'')
   {x y : A}
   (R x y  B)
   (R y x  B)
   (x  y  B)
   R x y  (R y x  (x  y))  B
recTotR R f g h = elimTotR R _ f g h

casesTotR : ∀{ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
   (R : A  A  Type ℓ'')
   {x y : A}
   B  B  B
   R x y  (R y x  (x  y))  B
casesTotR R f g h = recTotR R  _  f)  _  g)  _  h)

-- ====================================================================

-- Permutations on lists (there are of course other possible
-- definitions, possibly already in the cubical library, but this one
-- is pretty convenient here)

data Perm {A : Type} : List A  List A  Type where
  stop :  {xs}  Perm xs xs
  perm :  {x y xs ys zs}  Perm (xs ++ y  x  ys) zs
     Perm (xs ++ x  y  ys) zs

transP : {A : Type} {xs ys zs : List A}
   Perm xs ys  Perm ys zs  Perm xs zs
transP stop qs = qs
transP (perm ps) qs = perm (transP ps qs)

infixr 30 _∙ₚ_
_∙ₚ_ = transP

invP : {A : Type} {xs ys : List A}
   Perm xs ys  Perm ys xs
invP stop = stop
invP (perm ps) = transP (invP ps) (perm stop)

infix 40 _⁻ᵖ
_⁻ᵖ = invP

substP : {A : Type} {xs ys : List A}  xs  ys  Perm xs ys
substP {xs = xs} eq = subst (Perm xs) eq stop

congPerm : {A : Type} {x : A} {xs ys : List A}
   Perm xs ys  Perm (x  xs) (x  ys)
congPerm stop = stop
congPerm {x = x} (perm {xs = xs} ps) = perm {xs = x  xs} (congPerm ps)

reflP : {A : Type}  (xs : List A)  Perm xs xs
reflP [] = stop
reflP (x  xs) = congPerm {x = x} (reflP xs)

prependP : {A : Type} (xs : List A) {ys zs : List A}
   Perm ys zs  Perm (xs ++ ys) (xs ++ zs)
prependP [] ps = ps
prependP (x  xs) ps = congPerm (prependP xs ps)

appendP : {A : Type} {xs ys zs : List A}
   Perm xs ys  Perm (xs ++ zs) (ys ++ zs)
appendP stop = stop
appendP {zs = zs} (perm {xs = xs}{ys} ps) =
  transP (substP (++-assoc xs _ _))
         (perm {ys = ys ++ zs} (transP (substP (sym (++-assoc xs _ _)))
                                       (appendP ps)))

moveHeadP : {A : Type} (x : A) (xs : List A) {ys : List A}
   Perm (x  xs ++ ys) (xs ++ x  ys)
moveHeadP x [] = stop
moveHeadP x (y  xs) = perm {xs = []} (congPerm (moveHeadP x xs))

commP : {A : Type}  (xs ys : List A)
   Perm (xs ++ ys) (ys ++ xs)
commP xs [] = substP (++-unit-r xs)
commP xs (y  ys) = goal where
  indH : Perm (xs ++ ys) (ys ++ xs)
  indH = commP xs ys

  lem : Perm (y  xs ++ ys) (y  ys ++ xs)
  lem = congPerm indH

  goal : Perm (xs ++ y  ys) (y  ys ++ xs)
  goal = (moveHeadP y xs {ys = ys} ⁻ᵖ) ∙ₚ lem

mapP : {A B : Type} (f : A  B) {xs ys : List A}
   Perm xs ys  Perm (List.map f xs) (List.map f ys)
mapP f stop = stop
mapP f {ys = zs} (perm {xs = xs} ps) =
  transP (substP (mapList++ xs))
         (perm (transP (substP (sym (mapList++ xs)))
                       (mapP f ps)))

-- ====================================================================

-- Yet another definition of finite bags, as quotients of lists

Mset : Type  Type
Mset A = List A / Perm

isSetMset :  {A}  isSet (Mset A)
isSetMset = squash/

elimMset :  {} {A : Type} {B : Mset A  Type }
   (∀ xs  isSet (B xs))
   ([_]* : (as : List A)  B [ as ])
   (∀ xs ys  (p : Perm xs ys)  PathP  i  B (eq/ xs ys p i)) [ xs ]* [ ys ]*)
   (xs : Mset A)  B xs
elimMset {A = A} {B = B} setB [_]* well-defined = go where
  setB' : isOfHLevelDep 2 B
  setB' = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 setB

  go : (xs : Mset A)  B xs
  go [ as ] = [ as ]*
  go (eq/ xs ys r i) = well-defined xs ys r i
  go (squash/ xs ys p q i j) = setB' (go xs) (go ys) (cong go p) (cong go q) (squash/ xs ys p q) i j

elimPropMset :  {} {A : Type} {P : Mset A  Type }
   (∀ xs  isProp (P xs))
   (P[_] : (as : List A)  P [ as ])
   (xs : Mset A)  P xs
elimPropMset {P = P} propP P[_] = elimMset {B = P}
   xs  isProp→isSet (propP xs))
   as bs p  isProp→PathP  i  propP (eq/ as bs p i)) P[ as ] P[ bs ])

elimProp2Mset :  {} {A A' : Type} {P : Mset A  Mset A'  Type }
   (∀ xs ys  isProp (P xs ys))
   (P[_,_] : (as : List A)  (bs : List A')  P [ as ] [ bs ])
   (xs : Mset A)  (ys : Mset A')  P xs ys
elimProp2Mset propP P[_,_] = elimPropMset
   xs  isPropΠ λ ys  propP xs ys)
   as  elimPropMset  bs  propP [ as ] bs) P[ as ,_])

recMset :  {} {A : Type} {B : Type }
   (isSet B)
   ([_]* : List A  B)
   (∀ xs ys  (p : Perm xs ys)  [ xs ]*  [ ys ]*)
   Mset A  B
recMset setB = elimMset  _  setB)

rec2Mset :  {} {A A' : Type} {B : Type }
   (isSet B)
   (_*_ : List A  List A'  B)
   (∀ {zs} xs ys  (p : Perm xs ys)  xs * zs  ys * zs)
   (∀ {zs} xs ys  (p : Perm xs ys)  zs * xs  zs * ys)
   Mset A  Mset A'  B
rec2Mset {A = A} {A' = A'} {B = B} setB _*_ wd₁ wd₂ = recMset (isSetΠ  _  setB)) rec' well-defined where
  rec' : List A  Mset A'  B
  rec' = λ as  recMset setB (as *_) wd₂

  well-defined : (as bs : List A)  Perm as bs  rec' as  rec' bs
  well-defined as bs p = funExt (elimPropMset  xs  setB (rec' as xs) (rec' bs xs)) λ _  wd₁ as bs p)

mapMset : {A B : Type} (f : A  B)  Mset A  Mset B
mapMset f = recMset
  ([_]  List.map f)
   xs ys p  eq/ _ _ (mapP f p))

-- ====================================================================
-- Mset forms a commutative monoid under concatenation.
-- Unitality and associativity of concatenation are lifted from Lists,
-- commutativity follows the permutation of (xs ++ ys) into (ys ++ xs).
module _ {A : Type} where
  emptyMset : Mset A
  emptyMset = [ [] ]

  singleton : A  Mset A
  singleton x = [ x  [] ]

  concat : Mset A  Mset A  Mset A
  concat = rec2Mset isSetMset  as bs  [ as ++ bs ]) wd₁ wd₂ where
    wd₁ :  {cs} as bs  Perm as bs  [ as ++ cs ]  [ bs ++ cs ]
    wd₁ as bs p = eq/ _ _ (appendP p)

    wd₂ :  {cs} as bs  Perm as bs  [ cs ++ as ]  [ cs ++ bs ]
    wd₂ {cs} as bs p = eq/ _ _ (prependP cs p)

  concat-unitˡ : (xs : Mset A)  concat emptyMset xs  xs
  concat-unitˡ = elimPropMset  xs  isSetMset _ xs)  as  refl {x = [ as ]})

  concat-comm : (xs ys : Mset A)  concat xs ys  concat ys xs
  concat-comm = elimProp2Mset  xs ys  isSetMset _ _) comm where
    comm : (as bs : List A)  [ as ++ bs ]  [ bs ++ as ]
    comm as bs = eq/ _ _ (commP as bs)

  concat-assoc : (xs ys zs : Mset A)  concat xs (concat ys zs)  concat (concat xs ys) zs
  concat-assoc = elimPropMset  xs  isPropΠ2 λ ys zs  isSetMset _ _)
    λ as  elimProp2Mset  _ _  isSetMset _ _) λ bs cs  cong [_] (sym (++-assoc as bs cs))

-- ====================================================================

-- Insertion-sort for lists, assuming the carrier is a linear
-- order. This allows to define a section for [_] : List A → Mset A.

module Sorting {A : Type} (setA : isSet A)
  (R : A  A  Type)
  (linR : isLinOrder R) where

  open isLinOrder linR

  insert : A  (xs : List A)  List A
  insert x [] = x  [] 
  insert x (y  xs) =
    casesTotR R
              (x  y  xs)
              (y  insert x xs)
              (x  y  xs)
              (totR x y)

  lengthInsert : (x : A) (xs : List A)  length (insert x xs)  suc (length xs)
  lengthInsert x [] = refl
  lengthInsert x (y  xs) =
    elimTotR R
              z  length (casesTotR R (x  y  xs) (y  insert x xs) (x  y  xs) z)
                       suc (suc (length xs)))
              _  refl)
              _  cong suc (lengthInsert x xs))
              _  refl)
             (totR x y)

  insert-insert :  x y xs
     insert y (insert x xs)  insert x (insert y xs)
  insert-insert x y [] =
    elimTotR R
              z  casesTotR R (y  x  []) (x  y  []) (y  x  []) (totR y x)
                   casesTotR R (x  y  []) (y  x  []) (x  y  []) z)
              r  cong (casesTotR R (y  x  []) (x  y  []) (y  x  [])) (totR-case2 x y r))
              r  cong (casesTotR R (y  x  []) (x  y  []) (y  x  [])) (totR-case1 y x r))
              eq  cong (casesTotR R (y  x  []) (x  y  []) (y  x  [])) (totR-case3 setA y x (sym eq))  λ i  eq (~ i)  eq i  [])
             (totR x y)
  insert-insert x y (z  xs) =
    elimTotR R
        l  insert y (casesTotR R (x  z  xs) (z  insert x xs) (x  z  xs) l)
           insert x (casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)))
        r  elimTotR R
            l  casesTotR R (y  x  z  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)) (y  x  z  xs) (totR y x)
               insert x (casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) l))
            r'  elimTotR R
                 l  casesTotR R (y  x  z  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)) (y  x  z  xs) (totR y x)
                   casesTotR R (x  y  z  xs) (y  casesTotR R (x  z  xs) (z  insert x xs) (x  z  xs) (totR x z)) (x  y  z  xs) l)
                 r''  cong (casesTotR R (y  x  z  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)) (y  x  z  xs)) (totR-case2 x y r'')
                           cong  l  x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) l) (totR-case1 y z r'))
                 r''  cong (casesTotR R (y  x  z  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)) (y  x  z  xs)) (totR-case1 y x r'')
                           sym (cong  l  y  casesTotR R (x  z  xs) (z  insert x xs) (x  z  xs) l) (totR-case1 x z r)))
                 eq  cong (casesTotR R (y  x  z  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)) (y  x  z  xs)) (totR-case3 setA y x (sym eq))
                         λ i  eq (~ i)  eq i  z  xs)
                (totR x y))
            r'  cong (casesTotR R (y  x  z  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)) (y  x  z  xs)) (totR-case2 x y (transR r r')) 
                 cong  l  x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) l) (totR-case2 z y r')
                 sym (cong (casesTotR R (x  z  insert y xs) (z  insert x (insert y xs)) (x  z  insert y xs)) (totR-case1 x z r)))
            eq  cong (casesTotR R (y  x  z  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)) (y  x  z  xs)) (totR-case2 x y (subst (R x) (sym eq) r))
                 cong  l  x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) l) (totR-case3 setA y z eq)
                 sym (cong (casesTotR R (x  y  z  xs) (y  casesTotR R (x  z  xs) (z  insert x xs) (x  z  xs) (totR x z)) (x  y  z  xs)) (totR-case1 x y (subst (R x) (sym eq) r))))
           (totR y z))
        r  elimTotR R
           l  casesTotR R (y  z  insert x xs) (z  insert y (insert x xs)) (y  z  insert x xs) l
               insert x (casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) l))
           r'  sym (cong (casesTotR R (x  y  z  xs) (y  casesTotR R (x  z  xs) (z  insert x xs) (x  z  xs) (totR x z)) (x  y  z  xs)) (totR-case2 y x (transR r' r))
                        cong  l  y  casesTotR R (x  z  xs) (z  insert x xs) (x  z  xs) l) (totR-case2 z x r)))
           r'  sym (cong (casesTotR R (x  z  insert y xs) (z  insert x (insert y xs)) (x  z  insert y xs)) (totR-case2 z x r)
                        λ i  z  insert-insert y x xs i))
           eq  sym (cong (casesTotR R (x  y  z  xs) (y  casesTotR R (x  z  xs) (z  insert x xs) (x  z  xs) (totR x z)) (x  y  z  xs)) (totR-case2 y x (subst  l  R l x) (sym eq) r))
                        cong  l  y  casesTotR R (x  z  xs) (z  insert x xs) (x  z  xs) l) (totR-case2 z x r)))
          (totR y z))
       (J  z eq  casesTotR R (y  x  z  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)) (y  x  z  xs) (totR y x)
              insert x (casesTotR R (y  z  xs) (z  insert y xs) (y  z  xs) (totR y z)))
          (elimTotR R
              l   casesTotR R (y  x  x  xs) (x  casesTotR R (y  x  xs) (x  insert y xs) (y  x  xs) l) (y  x  x  xs) l
                insert x (casesTotR R (y  x  xs) (x  insert y xs) (y  x  xs) l))
              r  sym (cong (casesTotR R (x  y  x  xs) (y  casesTotR R (x  x  xs) (x  insert x xs) (x  x  xs) (totR x x)) (x  y  x  xs)) (totR-case2 y x r)
                          cong  l  y  casesTotR R (x  x  xs) (x  insert x xs) (x  x  xs) l) (totR-case3 setA x x refl)))
              r  sym (cong (casesTotR R (x  x  insert y xs) (x  insert x (insert y xs)) (x  x  insert y xs)) (totR-case3 setA x x refl)))
              eq  sym (cong (casesTotR R (x  y  x  xs) (y  casesTotR R (x  x  xs) (x  insert x xs) (x  x  xs) (totR x x)) (x  y  x  xs)) (totR-case3 setA x y (sym eq))
                           λ i  eq (~ i)  eq i  x  xs))
             (totR y x)))
       (totR x z)

  insertP : (x : A) (xs : List A)  Perm (x  xs) (insert x xs)
  insertP x [] = stop
  insertP x (y  xs) =
    elimTotR R
              l  Perm (x  y  xs) (casesTotR R (x  y  xs) (y  insert x xs) (x  y  xs) l))
              _  stop)
              _   perm {xs = []} (congPerm (insertP x xs)))
              _  stop)
             (totR x y)

  sort-acc : List A  List A  List A
  sort-acc [] acc = acc
  sort-acc (x  xs) acc = sort-acc xs (insert x acc)

  sort : List A  List A
  sort xs = sort-acc xs []

  lengthSortAcc : (xs acc : List A)  length (sort-acc xs acc)  length xs + length acc
  lengthSortAcc [] acc = refl
  lengthSortAcc (x  xs) acc =
    length (sort-acc (x  xs) acc)    ≡⟨ lengthSortAcc xs (insert x acc) 
    length xs + length (insert x acc) ≡⟨ cong′ (length xs +_) (lengthInsert x acc) 
    (length xs + suc (length acc))    ≡⟨ +-suc _ _ 
    suc (length xs + length acc)      

  lengthSort : (xs : List A)  length (sort xs)  length xs
  lengthSort xs =
    length (sort-acc xs []) ≡⟨ lengthSortAcc xs [] 
    length xs + 0           ≡⟨ +-zero (length xs) 
    length xs 

  sort-eq/-acc :  {xs ys acc}
     Perm xs ys  sort-acc xs acc  sort-acc ys acc
  sort-eq/-acc stop = refl
  sort-eq/-acc (perm {xs = xs} ps) = perm-eq/ xs  sort-eq/-acc ps where
    perm-eq/ :  xs {ys acc x y}
       sort-acc (xs ++ x  y  ys) acc  sort-acc (xs ++ y  x  ys) acc
    perm-eq/ [] {ys} {acc} = cong (sort-acc ys) (insert-insert _ _ acc)
    perm-eq/ (x  xs) = perm-eq/ xs

  sort-eq/ :  {xs ys}
     Perm xs ys  sort xs  sort ys
  sort-eq/ p = sort-eq/-acc {acc = []} p

  sortMset : Mset A  List A
  sortMset = SQ.rec (isOfHLevelList 0 setA) sort well-defined where
    well-defined :  xs ys  Perm xs ys  sort xs  sort ys
    well-defined _ _ = sort-eq/

  sortP : (xs : List A)  Perm xs (sort xs)
  sortP xs = sortP-acc xs [] where
    sortP-acc : (xs acc : List A)  Perm (acc ++ xs) (sort-acc xs acc)
    sortP-acc [] acc = substP (++-unit-r acc)
    sortP-acc (x  xs) acc =
      (moveHeadP x acc) ⁻ᵖ
        ∙ₚ ((appendP {zs = xs} (insertP x acc))
        ∙ₚ (sortP-acc xs (insert x acc)))

  sortMset-section :  xs  [ sortMset xs ]  xs
  sortMset-section =
    SQ.elimProp  _  squash/ _ _)
       xs  eq/ _ _ (invP (sortP xs)))

  -- Knowing a permutation between xs and ys, we build another one by
  -- first sorting xs and then un-sorting ys. This is a constant function.
  canonPerm : (xs ys : List A)  Perm xs ys  Perm xs ys
  canonPerm xs ys σ = (sortP xs) ∙ₚ substP (sort-eq/ σ) ∙ₚ (sortP ys ⁻ᵖ)

  canonPerm-const : (xs ys : List A) (σ τ : Perm xs ys)
     canonPerm xs ys σ  canonPerm xs ys τ
  canonPerm-const xs ys σ τ =
    canonPerm xs ys σ                                   ≡⟨⟩
    (sortP xs) ∙ₚ substP (sort-eq/ σ) ∙ₚ (sortP ys ⁻ᵖ)  ≡⟨ cong  p  (sortP xs) ∙ₚ substP p ∙ₚ (sortP ys ⁻ᵖ)) lem 
    (sortP xs) ∙ₚ substP (sort-eq/ τ) ∙ₚ (sortP ys ⁻ᵖ)  ≡⟨⟩
    canonPerm xs ys τ  where
      -- Since A is a set, equality of lists is a proposition.
      isPropSorted≡ : isProp (sort xs  sort ys)
      isPropSorted≡ = isOfHLevelList 0 setA (sort xs) (sort ys)

      lem : sort-eq/ σ  sort-eq/ τ
      lem = isPropSorted≡ (sort-eq/ σ) (sort-eq/ τ)

module Example where
  -- =======================================================================
  --  Example: Computing the canonical permutation on lists of units.
  --  For any `p : Perm [ tt , tt ] [ tt , tt ]`, we show that `canonPerm p`
  --  computes to a double braid-like permutation
  --        [ tt , tt ]
  --           \  /
  --            '/
  --            /.
  --           /  \
  --        [ tt , tt ]
  --           \  /
  --            '/
  --            /.
  --           /  \
  --        [ tt , tt ]
  --  This suggests that `Perm [ tt , tt ] [ tt , tt ]` is equivalent to the
  --  braid group on two strands (B₂), which is in turn equivalent to ℤ.
  open import Cubical.Data.Unit

  -- The unit type comes with a trivial linear order — the empty relation:
  _<_ : Unit  Unit  Type
  _<_ tt tt = 

  isLinOrderUnit : isLinOrder {A = Unit} _<_
  isLinOrderUnit .isLinOrder.asymR ()
  isLinOrderUnit .isLinOrder.transR ()
  isLinOrderUnit .isLinOrder.propR ()
  isLinOrderUnit .isLinOrder.totR tt tt = inr (inr refl)

  -- Abbreviation for the unique two-element list of units:
  𝟚 : List Unit
  𝟚 = tt  tt  []

  -- The permutations on 𝟚 are less permutations, more braidings.
  -- In analogy to the braid group on two strands, call them B₂:
  B₂ : Type
  B₂ = Perm 𝟚 𝟚

  -- We have terms for braiding once...
  --          [ tt , tt ]
  --             \  /
  --              '/
  --              /.
  --             /  \
  --          [ tt , tt ]
  braid : B₂
  braid = perm {x = tt} {y = tt} {xs = []} {ys = []} stop

  -- ...and twice:
  braid² : B₂
  braid² = perm {xs = []} braid
  -- Notice that since B₂ is generated freely, braid² ≢ stop.

  module S = Sorting isSetUnit _<_ isLinOrderUnit

  canonPerm𝟚 : B₂  B₂
  canonPerm𝟚 = S.canonPerm _ _

  -- After getting rid of some substitutions over `refl`, we see
  -- that `canonPerm𝟚` computes to `braid²` on `braid`...
  canonPerm𝟚-braid : canonPerm𝟚 braid  braid²
  canonPerm𝟚-braid =
    canonPerm𝟚 braid ≡⟨⟩
    perm (p ∙ₚ (p ∙ₚ ((p ⁻ᵖ) ∙ₚ braid))) ≡⟨ cong  p  perm {xs = []} (p ∙ₚ (p ∙ₚ ((p ⁻ᵖ) ∙ₚ braid)))) p≡stop 
    perm (stop ∙ₚ (stop ∙ₚ ((stop ⁻ᵖ) ∙ₚ braid))) ≡⟨⟩
      p : B₂
      p = subst (Perm 𝟚) refl stop

      p≡stop : p  stop
      p≡stop = substRefl {B = Perm 𝟚} {x = 𝟚} stop

  -- ... and of course on any other value:
  canonPerm𝟚-const-braid² : (p : B₂)  canonPerm𝟚 p  braid²
  canonPerm𝟚-const-braid² p = S.canonPerm-const _ _ p braid  canonPerm𝟚-braid

-- ====================================================================

-- Lexicographic order on list, i.e. how to lift a linear order on A
-- to a linear order on List A

module ListLinOrder {A : Type} (setA : isSet A)
  (R : A  A  Type)
  (linR : isLinOrder R) where

  open isLinOrder linR

  data Lex : List A  List A  Type where
    []< :  {y ys}  Lex [] (y  ys)
    R< :  {x y xs ys} (r : R x y)  Lex (x  xs) (y  ys)
    ≡< :  {x y xs ys} (eq : x  y) (ls : Lex xs ys)  Lex (x  xs) (y  ys)

  asymLex :  {xs ys}  Lex xs ys  Lex ys xs  
  asymLex (R< r) (R< r') = asymR r r'
  asymLex (R< r) (≡< eq ls') = irreflR (subst (R _) eq r)
  asymLex (≡< eq ls) (R< r) = irreflR (subst (R _) eq r)
  asymLex (≡< eq ls) (≡< eq' ls') = asymLex ls ls'

  transLex :  {xs ys zs}  Lex xs ys  Lex ys zs  Lex xs zs
  transLex []< (R< r) = []<
  transLex []< (≡< eq ls') = []<
  transLex (R< r) (R< r') = R< (transR r r')
  transLex (R< r) (≡< eq ls') = R< (subst (R _) eq r)
  transLex (≡< eq ls) (R< r) = R< (subst  x  R x _) (sym eq) r)
  transLex (≡< eq ls) (≡< eq' ls') = ≡< (eq  eq') (transLex ls ls')

  propLex :  {xs ys}  isProp (Lex xs ys)
  propLex []< []< = refl
  propLex (R< r) (R< r') = cong R< (propR r r')
  propLex (R< r) (≡< eq ls') = Empty.rec (irreflR (subst (R _) (sym eq) r))
  propLex (≡< eq ls) (R< r) = Empty.rec (irreflR (subst (R _) (sym eq) r))
  propLex (≡< eq ls) (≡< eq' ls') i = ≡< (setA _ _ eq eq' i) (propLex ls ls' i)

  totLex :  xs ys  Lex xs ys  (Lex ys xs  (xs  ys))
  totLex [] [] = inr (inr refl)
  totLex [] (x  ys) = inl []<
  totLex (x  xs) [] = inr (inl []<)
  totLex (x  xs) (y  ys) =
    recTotR R
             r  inl (R< r))
             r  inr (inl (R< r)))
             eq  Sum.map (≡< eq)
                    (Sum.map (≡< (sym eq))
                           eq' i  eq i  eq' i))
                          (totLex xs ys))
            (totR x y)

  linLex : isLinOrder Lex
  linLex =
    record { asymR = asymLex
           ; transR = transLex
           ; propR = propLex
           ; totR = totLex

-- ====================================================================

-- The lexicographic order extends to multisets.

module MsetLinOrder {A : Type} (setA : isSet A)
  (R : A  A  Type)
  (linR : isLinOrder R) where

  open isLinOrder linR
  open ListLinOrder setA R linR
  open Sorting setA R linR

  LexMset : Mset A  Mset A  Type
  LexMset xs ys = Lex (sortMset xs) (sortMset ys)

  totLexMset :  xs ys  LexMset xs ys  (LexMset ys xs  (xs  ys))
  totLexMset xs ys = Sum.map (idfun _) (Sum.map (idfun _) lem) (totLex (sortMset xs) (sortMset ys))
      lem : sortMset xs  sortMset ys  xs  ys
      lem eq =
        xs ≡⟨ sym (sortMset-section xs) 
        [ sortMset xs ] ≡⟨ cong [_] eq 
        [ sortMset ys ] ≡⟨ sortMset-section ys 

  linLexMset : isLinOrder LexMset
  linLexMset =
    record { asymR = asymLex
           ; transR = transLex
           ; propR = propLex
           ; totR = totLexMset