module GpdCont.WildCat.TypeOfHLevel where

open import GpdCont.Prelude renaming (id to idfun)
open import GpdCont.WildCat.Subtype
open import GpdCont.WildCat.NatTrans
open import GpdCont.WildCat.FunctorCategory public

open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (flip) renaming (_∘_ to _∘fun_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.WildCat.Base using (WildCat ; _[_,_] ; concatMor)
open import Cubical.WildCat.Functor hiding (_$_)
open import Cubical.WildCat.Instances.Types using (TypeCat)
import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws as GL

module _ ( : Level) where
  open WildCat hiding (_⋆_)

  TypeOfHLevelCat : (n : HLevel)  WildCat (ℓ-suc ) 
  TypeOfHLevelCat n = SubtypeCat (TypeCat ) (isOfHLevel n)

  hGroupoidCat : WildCat (ℓ-suc ) 
  hGroupoidCat = TypeOfHLevelCat 3

    𝕋 = TypeCat 
    module 𝕋 = WildCat 𝕋
    𝔾 = hGroupoidCat
    module 𝔾 = WildCat 𝔾

    Nat : (F G : WildFunctor hGroupoidCat hGroupoidCat)  Type _
    Nat F G = WildNatTrans _ _ F G

  idNat : (F : WildFunctor hGroupoidCat hGroupoidCat)  Nat F F
  idNat F .WildNatTrans.N-ob x = idfun (F .WildFunctor.F-ob x .fst)
  idNat F .WildNatTrans.N-hom f = refl

  module composite {F G H : WildFunctor hGroupoidCat hGroupoidCat} (α : Nat F G) (β : Nat G H) where
    module G = WildFunctor G
    module F = WildFunctor F
    module H = WildFunctor H
    module α = WildNatTrans α
    module β = WildNatTrans β

    composite-ob : (x : hGroupoidCat .ob)  hGroupoidCat [ F.F-ob x , H.F-ob x ]
    composite-ob x = (β.N-ob x) ∘fun (α.N-ob x)

    composite-hom :  (x y : hGroupoidCat .ob) (f : hGroupoidCat [ x , y ])
       (composite-ob y) ∘fun (F.F-hom f)  H.F-hom f ∘fun (composite-ob x)
    composite-hom x y f = congS ((β.N-ob y) ∘fun_) (α.N-hom f)  congS (_∘fun α.N-ob x) (β.N-hom f)

    composite : Nat F H
    composite .WildNatTrans.N-ob = composite-ob
    composite .WildNatTrans.N-hom {x} {y} = composite-hom x y

  open composite using () renaming (composite to _⊛_ ; composite-hom to ⊛-hom) public

  idNatTransₗ :  {F G : WildFunctor hGroupoidCat hGroupoidCat} (α : Nat F G)  (idNat F)  α  α
  idNatTransₗ {F} {G} α = WildNatTransPath
     x  refl)
     {x} {y} f  sym (GL.lUnit $ α .WildNatTrans.N-hom f))

  idNatTransᵣ :  {F G : WildFunctor hGroupoidCat hGroupoidCat} (α : Nat F G)  α  (idNat G)  α
  idNatTransᵣ {F} {G} α = WildNatTransPath
     x  refl)
     {x} {y} f  sym (GL.rUnit $ α .WildNatTrans.N-hom f))

  assocNatTrans :  {F G H K : WildFunctor hGroupoidCat hGroupoidCat} (α : Nat F G) (β : Nat G H) (γ : Nat H K) 
    (α  β)  γ
    α  (β  γ)
  assocNatTrans {F} {G} {H} {K} α β γ = WildNatTransPath  x  refl) assoc where
    module F = WildFunctor F
    module G = WildFunctor G
    module H = WildFunctor H
    module K = WildFunctor K

    open WildNatTrans

    assoc :  {x y} f  composite.composite-hom (α  β) γ x y f  composite.composite-hom α (β  γ) x y f
    assoc {x} {y} f =
      congS ((γ .N-ob y) ∘fun_) ((α  β) .N-hom f)  congS (_∘fun (α  β) .N-ob x) (γ .N-hom f)
        ≡⟨ cong (_∙ cong (_∘fun (α  β) .N-ob x) (γ .N-hom f)) (GL.cong-∙ (γ .N-ob y ∘fun_) _ _) 
      (_  _)  cong (_∘fun (α  β) .N-ob x) (γ .N-hom f)
        ≡⟨ sym (GL.assoc _ _ _) 
      congS (((β  γ) .N-ob y) ∘fun_) (α .N-hom f)  _
        ≡⟨ cong (cong (((β  γ) .N-ob y) ∘fun_) (α .N-hom f) ∙_) (sym (GL.cong-∙ (_∘fun α .N-ob x) (congS ((γ .N-ob _) ∘fun_) (β .N-hom f)) (congS (_∘fun β .N-ob _) (γ .N-hom f))) )
      congS (((β  γ) .N-ob y) ∘fun_) (α .N-hom f)
         congS (_∘fun α .N-ob x) (
          congS ((γ .N-ob _) ∘fun_) (β .N-hom f)
           congS (_∘fun β .N-ob _) (γ .N-hom f)

  hGroupoidEndo : WildCat (ℓ-suc ) (ℓ-suc )
  hGroupoidEndo .ob = WildFunctor hGroupoidCat hGroupoidCat
  hGroupoidEndo .Hom[_,_] = WildNatTrans hGroupoidCat hGroupoidCat
  hGroupoidEndo .id = idNat _
  hGroupoidEndo .WildCat._⋆_ = _⊛_
  hGroupoidEndo .⋆IdL = idNatTransₗ
  hGroupoidEndo .⋆IdR = idNatTransᵣ
  hGroupoidEndo .⋆Assoc = assocNatTrans

  open WildFunctor
  open WildNatTrans

  isGroupoidEndoNatTrans :  F G  isGroupoid (hGroupoidEndo [ F , G ])
  isGroupoidEndoNatTrans F G = isGroupoidRetract {B = NatTrans′} toNatTrans′ fromNatTrans′ retr isGroupoidNatTrans′ where
    NatTrans′ = Σ[ α  (∀ X   F .F-ob X    G .F-ob X ) ]  X Y (H :  X    Y )  F .F-hom H  α Y  α X  G .F-hom H

    isGroupoidNatTrans′ : isGroupoid NatTrans′
    isGroupoidNatTrans′ = isGroupoidΣ
      (isGroupoidΠ2 λ X _  str (G .F-ob X))
       α  isGroupoidΠ3 λ X Y H  isOfHLevelPath 3 (isGroupoidΠ λ _  str (G .F-ob Y)) _ _)

    toNatTrans′ : hGroupoidEndo [ F , G ]  NatTrans′
    toNatTrans′ α .fst = α .N-ob
    toNatTrans′ α .snd _ _ = α .N-hom

    fromNatTrans′ : NatTrans′  hGroupoidEndo [ F , G ]
    fromNatTrans′ (α , α-hom) .N-ob = α
    fromNatTrans′ (α , α-hom) .N-hom = α-hom _ _

    retr :  α  fromNatTrans′ (toNatTrans′ α)  α
    retr α i .N-ob = α .N-ob
    retr α i .N-hom = α .N-hom

  hGroupoidNatTransPath :  {F G} {α β : hGroupoidEndo [ F , G ]}
     (ob-path :  X  α .N-ob X  β .N-ob X)
     (∀ {x} {y} (f : hGroupoidCat [ x , y ])  PathP  i  F .F-hom f  (ob-path y i)  (ob-path x i)  G .F-hom f) _ _)
     α  β
  hGroupoidNatTransPath = WildNatTransPath

  hGroupoidNatTransSquare :  {F G}
     {α₀₀ α₀₁ : hGroupoidEndo [ F , G ]}
     {α₀₋ : α₀₀  α₀₁}
     {α₁₀ α₁₁ : hGroupoidEndo [ F , G ]}
     {α₁₋ : α₁₀  α₁₁}
     {α₋₀ : α₀₀  α₁₀}
     {α₋₁ : α₀₁  α₁₁}
     (ob-square :  X  Square (cong N-ob α₀₋ ≡$ X) (cong N-ob α₁₋ ≡$ X) (cong N-ob α₋₀ ≡$ X) (cong N-ob α₋₁ ≡$ X))
     Square α₀₋ α₁₋ α₋₀ α₋₁
  hGroupoidNatTransSquare = isGroupoidHom→WildNatTransSquare  {x} {y}  isGroupoidΠ λ _  str y)

open WildCat hiding (_⋆_)
hseq' :  {} (x y z : hGroupoidCat  .ob) (f : hGroupoidCat  [ x , y ]) (g : hGroupoidCat  [ y , z ])  hGroupoidCat  [ x , z ]
hseq' x y z = concatMor (hGroupoidCat _) {x = x} {y = y} {z = z}
syntax hseq' x y z f g = f ⋆⟨hGpd[ x , y , z ]⟩ g