{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Multiset.ListQuotient.ToInjectivity where

open import Multiset.Prelude
open import Multiset.Util using (!_ ; isInjective ; isSurjective)
open import Multiset.ListQuotient.Base

open import Multiset.Limit.Chain using (Limit)
open import Multiset.Limit.TerminalChain as TerminalChain hiding (cut ; pres)

open import Multiset.Omniscience using (LLPO)

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Unit as Unit using (Unit ; tt)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.List as List hiding ([_])
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma as Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_ ; inl ; inr)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Base hiding (_^_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order as NatOrder
open import Cubical.Data.Bool

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
    ( ∥_∥₁
    ; ∣_∣₁

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as ST

  FunctorM : Functor M
  FunctorM .Functor.map = mapM
  FunctorM .Functor.map-id = mapM-id
  FunctorM .Functor.map-comp = mapM-comp

open Limit

decEqM^ : (n : )  Discrete (M ^ n)
decEqM^ zero xs ys = yes refl
decEqM^ (suc n) = decEqM (decEqM^ n) 

dec∈M^ : (n : ) (x : M ^ n) (ys : List (M ^ n))  Dec (x  ys)
dec∈M^ n x ys with dec∈ (decEqM^ n) x ys
... | yes (y , m , p) = yes (subst  z  z  ys) (sym p) m)
... | no ¬p = no  m  ¬p (x , m , refl))

!^ :  n  M ^ (suc n)  M ^ n
!^ n = M map-!^ n

≤-suc-cases :  k n  k NatOrder.≤ suc n
   (k NatOrder.≤ n)  (k  suc n)
≤-suc-cases zero n le = inl zero-≤
≤-suc-cases (suc k) zero le = inr (cong suc (≤0→≡0 (pred-≤-pred le)))
≤-suc-cases (suc k) (suc n) le with ≤-suc-cases k n (pred-≤-pred le)
... | inl p = inl (suc-≤-suc p)
... | inr p = inr (cong suc p)

rep!^ :  n k  NatOrder._≤_ k n  M ^ n  M ^ k
rep!^ zero k k≤n x = J  k _  M ^ k) x (sym (≤0→≡0 k≤n))
rep!^ (suc n) k k≤n x with ≤-suc-cases k n k≤n
... | inl p = rep!^ n k p (!^ n x)
... | inr p = J  k _  M ^ k) x (sym p)

limitPath :  {lim₁ lim₂}  (∀ n  lim₁ .elements n  lim₂ .elements n)  lim₁  lim₂
limitPath = isSet→LimPath M
  λ { 0  Unit.isSetUnit*
    ; (suc n)  isSetM

shiftedLimitPath :  {shlim₁ shlim₂}  (∀ n  shlim₁ .elements n  shlim₂ .elements n)  shlim₁  shlim₂
shiftedLimitPath = isSet→ShLimPath M λ k  isSetM

module _ where
  open Limit

  cut : (n : )  Lim M  M ^ n
  cut = TerminalChain.cut M

pres : M (Lim M)  ShLim M
pres = TerminalChain.pres M

rep!Eq : (x : Lim M)
    n k (le : k NatOrder.≤ n)
   rep!^ n k le (cut n x)  cut k x
rep!Eq x zero k le =
  J  k eq  J  k _  M ^ k) (cut 0 x) eq  cut k x) (JRefl {x = 0}  k _  M ^ k) _) (sym (≤0→≡0 le))
rep!Eq x (suc n) k le with ≤-suc-cases k n le
... | inl p = cong (rep!^ n k p) (x .is-lim n)  rep!Eq x n k p
... | inr p = J  k eq  J  k _  M ^ k) (cut (suc n) x) eq  cut k x) (JRefl {x = suc n}  k _  M ^ k) _) (sym p)

parity : (a :   Bool)  Bool    Bool
parity a b zero = (a 0 and b) or (not (a 0) and (not b))
parity a b (suc n) =
  if (a 0 and b) or (not (a 0) and (not b))
    then false
    else parity (a  suc) (not b) n

parity-prop' :  a b (n1 n2 : )
   parity a b n1  true  parity a b n2  true
   n1  n2
parity-prop' a b zero zero p q = refl
parity-prop' a b zero (suc n2) p q with a 0
parity-prop' a false zero (suc n2) p q | false = Empty.rec (false≢true q) 
parity-prop' a true zero (suc n2) p q | false = Empty.rec (false≢true p) 
parity-prop' a false zero (suc n2) p q | true = Empty.rec (false≢true p) 
parity-prop' a true zero (suc n2) p q | true = Empty.rec (false≢true q) 
parity-prop' a b (suc n1) zero p q with a 0
parity-prop' a false (suc n1) zero p q | false = Empty.rec (false≢true p) 
parity-prop' a true (suc n1) zero p q | false = Empty.rec (false≢true q) 
parity-prop' a false (suc n1) zero p q | true = Empty.rec (false≢true q) 
parity-prop' a true (suc n1) zero p q | true = Empty.rec (false≢true p) 
parity-prop' a b (suc n1) (suc n2) p q with a 0
parity-prop' a false (suc n1) (suc n2) p q | false = Empty.rec (false≢true p) 
parity-prop' a true (suc n1) (suc n2) p q | false =
  cong suc (parity-prop' (a  suc) false n1 n2 p q)
parity-prop' a false (suc n1) (suc n2) p q | true =
    cong suc (parity-prop' (a  suc) true n1 n2 p q)
parity-prop' a true (suc n1) (suc n2) p q | true = Empty.rec (false≢true p)

parity-prop :  a b  isProp (Σ[ n   ] parity a b n  true)
parity-prop a b (n1 , eq1) (n2 , eq2) =
  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetBool _ _) (parity-prop' a b n1 n2 eq1 eq2)

even-not-odd :  n  isEvenT n  isOddT n  
even-not-odd (suc n) p q = even-not-odd n q p

isEven? : Bool    Type
isEven? false n = isOddT n
isEven? true n = isEvenT n

decEven :  n  isEvenT n  isOddT n
decEven zero = inl _
decEven (suc n) = Sum.rec inr inl (decEven n)

parity-even : (a :   Bool) 
    n  isEvenT n
   parity a true n  false  a n  true
   Σ[ k   ] Σ[ b  Bool ] isEven? b k × (k < n) × (a k  b) × (parity a true k  true)
parity-even' : (a :   Bool) 
    n  isOddT n
   parity a false n  false  a n  true
   Σ[ k   ] Σ[ b  Bool ] isEven? b k × (k < n) × (a k  not b) × (parity a false k  true)

parity-even a zero ev eqf eqt =
  Empty.rec (true≢false (sym (cong  b  b and true or not b and false) eqt)   eqf))
parity-even a (suc n) ev eqf eqt with dichotomyBool (a 0)
... | inl q = 0 , true , _ , suc-≤-suc zero-≤ , q , cong  b  b and true or not b and false) q  
... | inr q with parity-even' (a  suc) n ev (sym (cong  b  if b and true or not b and false then false else parity (a  suc) false n) q)  eqf) eqt
... | k , false , p , le , eq' , r = _ , _ , p , suc-≤-suc le , eq' , cong  b  if b and true or not b and false then false else parity (a  suc) false k) q  r
... | k , true , p , le , eq' , r = _  , _ , p , suc-≤-suc le , eq' , cong  b  if b and true or not b and false then false else parity (a  suc) false k) q  r

parity-even' a (suc n) ev eqf eqt with dichotomyBool (a 0)
... | inr q = 0 , true , _ , suc-≤-suc zero-≤ , q , cong  b  b and false or not b and true) q  
... | inl q with parity-even (a  suc) n ev (sym (cong  b  if b and false or not b and true then false else parity (a  suc) true n) q)  eqf) eqt
... | k , false , p , le , eq' , r = _ , _ , p , suc-≤-suc le , eq' , cong  b  if b and false or not b and true then false else parity (a  suc) true k) q  r
... | k , true , p , le , eq' , r = _ , _ , p , suc-≤-suc le , eq' , cong  b  if b and false or not b and true then false else parity (a  suc) true k) q  r

parity-odd : (a :   Bool) 
    n  isOddT n
   parity a true n  false  a n  false
   Σ[ k   ] Σ[ b  Bool ] isEven? b k × (k < n) × (a k  b) × (parity a true k  true)
parity-odd' : (a :   Bool) 
    n  isEvenT n
   parity a false n  false  a n  false
   Σ[ k   ] Σ[ b  Bool ] isEven? b k × (k < n) × (a k  not b) × (parity a false k  true)

parity-odd a (suc n) odd eqt eqf with dichotomyBool (a 0)
... | inl q = 0 , true , _ , suc-≤-suc zero-≤ , q , cong  b  b and true or not b and false) q
... | inr q with parity-odd' (a  suc) n odd ((sym (cong  b  if b and true or not b and false then false else parity (a  suc) false n) q)  eqt)) eqf
... | k , false , p , le , eq' , r = _ , _ , p , suc-≤-suc le , eq' , cong  b  if b and true or not b and false then false else parity (a  suc) false k) q  r
... | k , true , p , le , eq' , r = _ , _ , p , suc-≤-suc le , eq' , cong  b  if b and true or not b and false then false else parity (a  suc) false k) q  r

parity-odd' a zero _ eqt eqf =
  Empty.rec (true≢false (sym (cong  b  b and false or not b and true) eqf)  eqt))
parity-odd' a (suc n) odd eqt eqf with dichotomyBool (a 0)
... | inr q = 0 , true , _ , suc-≤-suc zero-≤ , q , cong  b  b and false or not b and true) q
... | inl q with parity-odd (a  suc) n odd ((sym (cong  b  if b and false or not b and true then false else parity (a  suc) true n) q)  eqt)) eqf
... | k , false , p , le , eq' , r = _ , _ , p , suc-≤-suc le , eq' , cong  b  if b and false or not b and true then false else parity (a  suc) true k) q  r
... | k , true , p , le , eq' , r = _ , _ , p , suc-≤-suc le , eq' , cong  b  if b and false or not b and true then false else parity (a  suc) true k) q  r

llpo⇒pres-inj : LLPO  isInjective pres
llpo⇒pres-inj llpo =
  elimProp2  _ _  isPropΠ  _  isSetM _ _))
             xs ys pres-eq 
              eq/ _ _ (pres-inj' xs ys
                          n  effective (isPropRelator _≡_)
                                           (isEquivRelRelator isEquivRel≡)
                                           _ _
                                           (funExt⁻ (cong elements pres-eq) n) .fst) ,
                       pres-inj' ys xs
                          n  effective (isPropRelator _≡_)
                                           (isEquivRelRelator isEquivRel≡)
                                           _ _
                                           (funExt⁻ (cong elements (sym pres-eq)) n) .fst)))
    compl :  (x : Lim M) (ys : List (Lim M))
       (∀ n   cut n x  List.map (cut n) ys ∥₁)
        x  ys ∥₁
    compl x [] ms = PT.map  { () }) (ms 0)
    compl x (y  ys) ms =
      PT.rec PT.isPropPropTrunc
             (Sum.rec  r   here (limitPath (case-even-gen r)) ∣₁) 
                      λ r  PT.map there (compl x ys  n   case-odd-gen r n ∣₁))) 
        a :   Bool
        a n with decEven n
        ... | inl _ = not (Dec→Bool (decEqM^ n (cut n x) (cut n y)))
        ... | inr _ = Dec→Bool (dec∈M^ n (cut n x) (List.map (cut n) ys))
        par :   Bool
        par = parity a true

        magic :  ((n : )  isEvenT n  par n  false) 
                  ((n : )  isOddT n  par n  false) ∥₁
        magic = llpo par (parity-prop _ true)

        a-even :  n  isEvenT n
           (cut n x  cut n y  ) 
           a n  true
        a-even n ev mn with decEven n
        ... | inr odd = Empty.rec (even-not-odd n ev odd)
        ... | inl ev' with decEqM^ n (cut n x) (cut n y)
        ... | yes q = Empty.rec (mn q)
        ... | no ¬q = refl

        a-odd :  n  isOddT n
           (cut n x  List.map (cut n) ys  ) 
           a n  false
        a-odd n odd mn with decEven n
        ... | inl ev = Empty.rec (even-not-odd n ev odd)
        ... | inr _ with dec∈M^ n (cut n x) (List.map (cut n) ys)
        ... | yes p = Empty.rec (mn p)
        ... | no ¬p = refl
        ¬¬case-even : (∀ n  isEvenT n  par n  false)
            n  isEvenT n  (cut n x  cut n y  )  
        ¬¬case-even r n evn ¬mn with parity-even a n evn (r n evn) (a-even n evn ¬mn)
        ... | k , true , evk , le , c , eqk = false≢true (sym (r k evk)  eqk)
        ... | k , false , oddk , le , c , eqk with decEven k
        ... | inl evk = Empty.rec (even-not-odd k evk oddk)
        ... | inr _ with dec∈M^ k (cut k x) (List.map (cut k) ys)
        ... | yes mk = Empty.rec (true≢false c)
        ... | no ¬mk =
          PT.rec isProp⊥
                   Sum.rec  mn  ¬mn (mn .fst))
                             let (y , my , eqy) = pre∈mapList (mn .fst) in
                               ¬mk (subst  z  z  List.map (cut k) ys)
                                          (sym (rep!Eq y n k (<-weaken le))
                                             cong (rep!^ n k (<-weaken le)) eqy
                                             rep!Eq x n k (<-weaken le))
                                          (∈mapList my)))
                           (inv∈ msn))
                 (ms n)

        ¬¬case-odd : (∀ n  isOddT n  par n  false)
            n  isOddT n  (cut n x  List.map (cut n) ys  )  
        ¬¬case-odd r n oddn ¬mn with parity-odd a n oddn (r n oddn) (a-odd n oddn ¬mn)
        ... | k , false , oddk , le , c , eqk = false≢true (sym (r k oddk)  eqk)
        ... | k , true , evk , le , c , eqk with decEven k
        ... | inr oddk = Empty.rec (even-not-odd k evk oddk)
        ... | inl _ with decEqM^ k (cut k x) (cut k y)
        ... | yes mk = Empty.rec (false≢true c)
        ... | no ¬mk =
          PT.rec isProp⊥
                   Sum.rec  mn  ¬mk (sym (rep!Eq x n k (<-weaken le))
                                           cong (rep!^ n k (<-weaken le)) (mn .fst)
                                           rep!Eq y n k (<-weaken le)))
                            mn  ¬mn (mn .fst))
                           (inv∈ msn))
                 (ms n)

        case-even : (∀ n  isEvenT n  par n  false)
            n  isEvenT n  cut n x  cut n y
        case-even r n ev with decEqM^ n (cut n x) (cut n y)
        ... | yes p = p
        ... | no ¬p = Empty.rec (¬¬case-even r n ev ¬p)

        case-even-gen : (∀ n  isEvenT n  par n  false)
            n  cut n x  cut n y
        case-even-gen r n with decEven n
        ... | inl ev = case-even r n ev
        ... | inr odd =
          sym (x .is-lim n)
           cong (!^ n) (case-even r (suc n) odd)
           y .is-lim n

        case-odd : (∀ n  isOddT n  par n  false)
            n  isOddT n  cut n x  List.map (cut n) ys
        case-odd r n ev with dec∈M^ n (cut n x) (List.map (cut n) ys)
        ... | yes p = p
        ... | no ¬p = Empty.rec (¬¬case-odd r n ev ¬p)

        case-odd-gen : (∀ n  isOddT n  par n  false)
            n  cut n x  List.map (cut n) ys
        case-odd-gen r n with decEven n
        ... | inr odd = case-odd r n odd
        ... | inl ev =
          let (y , my , eqy) = pre∈mapList (case-odd r (suc n) ev)
          in subst  z  z  List.map (cut n) ys)
                   (sym (y .is-lim n)
                     cong (!^ n) eqy
                     x .is-lim n)
                   (∈mapList my)

    pres-inj' : (xs ys : List (Lim M))
       (∀ n  DRelator _≡_ (List.map (cut n) xs) (List.map (cut n) ys))
       DRelator _≡_ xs ys
    pres-inj' [] ys drel = nil
    pres-inj' (x  xs) ys drel =
      PT.rec (isPropDRelator _ _ _)
         m  cons  x ,
                      refl ,
                      m ,
                      pres-inj' xs (remove ys m)
                         n  PT.rec (isPropDRelator _ _ _)
                                        d   subst (DRelator _≡_ (map (cut n) xs))
                                                     (sym (remove-mapList m))
                                                     (transDRelator _∙_ (d .snd) (removeDRelator  _  refl) (d .fst) (∈mapList m))) )
                                        (drel∃ n)) ∣₁)
        (compl x ys λ n  PT.map fst (drel∃ n) )
        drel∃ :  n  ∃[ m  (cut n x  List.map (cut n) ys) ]
          DRelator _≡_ (List.map (cut n) xs)  (remove (List.map (cut n) ys) m)
        drel∃ n =
             { (y , p , r) 
              J  z _  Σ (z  map (cut n) ys)  m  DRelator _≡_ (map (cut n) xs) (remove (map (cut n) ys) m))) r (sym p) })
            (consInvDRelator (drel n))