  A Magmoidᴰ is a Categoryᴰ without the equations

  TODO: most of the stuff in this file doesn't actually have anything
  to do with Magmoids

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Magmoid where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Section.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Functor

    ℓC ℓC' ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ' ℓD ℓD' ℓDᴰ ℓDᴰ' : Level

-- Displayed categories with hom-sets
record Magmoidᴰ (C : Category ℓC ℓC') ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ'
       : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓC ℓC') (ℓ-max ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ'))) where
  open Category C
    ob[_] : ob  Type ℓCᴰ
    Hom[_][_,_] : {x y : ob}  Hom[ x , y ]  ob[ x ]  ob[ y ]  Type ℓCᴰ'
    idᴰ :  {x} {p : ob[ x ]}  Hom[ id ][ p , p ]
    _⋆ᴰ_ :  {x y z} {f : Hom[ x , y ]} {g : Hom[ y , z ]} {xᴰ yᴰ zᴰ}
       Hom[ f ][ xᴰ , yᴰ ]  Hom[ g ][ yᴰ , zᴰ ]  Hom[ f  g ][ xᴰ , zᴰ ]

  infixr 9 _⋆ᴰ_
module _ {C : Category ℓC ℓC'}
         (Cᴰ : Categoryᴰ C ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ')
    module C = Category C
    module Cᴰ = Categoryᴰ Cᴰ

  module _ (idᴰ' : singl {A =  {x} {p : Cᴰ.ob[ x ]}  Cᴰ.Hom[ C.id ][ p , p ]}
           (⋆ᴰ' : singl {A =  {x y z} {f : C.Hom[ x , y ]} {g : C.Hom[ y , z ]}
             {xᴰ yᴰ zᴰ}  Cᴰ.Hom[ f ][ xᴰ , yᴰ ]  Cᴰ.Hom[ g ][ yᴰ , zᴰ ]
              Cᴰ.Hom[ f C.⋆ g ][ xᴰ , zᴰ ]}
      import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Reasoning as HomᴰReasoning
      module R = HomᴰReasoning Cᴰ

    redefine-id⋆ : Categoryᴰ C ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ'
    redefine-id⋆ .Categoryᴰ.ob[_] = Cᴰ.ob[_]
    redefine-id⋆ .Categoryᴰ.Hom[_][_,_] = Cᴰ.Hom[_][_,_]
    redefine-id⋆ .Categoryᴰ.isSetHomᴰ = Cᴰ.isSetHomᴰ
    redefine-id⋆ .Categoryᴰ.idᴰ = idᴰ' .fst
    redefine-id⋆ .Categoryᴰ._⋆ᴰ_ = ⋆ᴰ' .fst
    redefine-id⋆ .Categoryᴰ.⋆IdLᴰ {f = f}{xᴰ = xᴰ}{yᴰ = yᴰ} fᴰ =
      subst  gᴰ  PathP  i  Cᴰ.Hom[ C .Category.⋆IdL f i ][ xᴰ , yᴰ ])
        gᴰ fᴰ )
        -- todo: couldn't get congP₂ to work
        (R.rectify λ i  ⋆ᴰ' .snd i (idᴰ' .snd i) fᴰ)
        (Cᴰ.⋆IdLᴰ fᴰ)
    redefine-id⋆ .Categoryᴰ.⋆IdRᴰ {f = f}{xᴰ}{yᴰ} fᴰ =
      subst  gᴰ  PathP  i  Cᴰ.Hom[ C .Category.⋆IdR f i ][ xᴰ , yᴰ ])
        gᴰ fᴰ)
        (R.rectify λ i  ⋆ᴰ' .snd i fᴰ (idᴰ' .snd i))
        (Cᴰ.⋆IdRᴰ fᴰ)
    redefine-id⋆ .Categoryᴰ.⋆Assocᴰ {x}{y}{z}{w}{f}{g}{h}{xᴰ}{yᴰ}{zᴰ}{wᴰ}
      fᴰ gᴰ hᴰ =
      subst2 (PathP  i  Cᴰ.Hom[ C .Category.⋆Assoc f g h i ][ xᴰ , wᴰ ]))
        (R.rectify  i  ⋆ᴰ' .snd i (⋆ᴰ' .snd i fᴰ gᴰ) hᴰ))
        (R.rectify  i  ⋆ᴰ' .snd i fᴰ (⋆ᴰ' .snd i gᴰ hᴰ)))
        (Cᴰ.⋆Assocᴰ fᴰ gᴰ hᴰ)

      module RID = Categoryᴰ redefine-id⋆

    module _ {D : Category ℓD ℓD'}
             {F : Functor D C}
             (s : Section F Cᴰ)
      open Section
      open Functor
        module D = Category D

      redefine-id⋆S : Section F redefine-id⋆
      redefine-id⋆S .F-obᴰ = s .F-obᴰ
      redefine-id⋆S .F-homᴰ = s .F-homᴰ
      redefine-id⋆S .F-idᴰ =
        subst  idᴰ  (s .F-homᴰ D.id) RID.≡[ F .F-id ] idᴰ)
           i  idᴰ' .snd i)
          (s .F-idᴰ)
      redefine-id⋆S .F-seqᴰ f g =
        subst  _⋆ᴰ_ 
              s .F-homᴰ (f D.⋆ g)
              RID.≡[ F .F-seq f g ]
              s .F-homᴰ f ⋆ᴰ s .F-homᴰ g)
           i  ⋆ᴰ' .snd i)
          (s .F-seqᴰ f g)

    module _ {D : Category ℓD ℓD'}{Dᴰ : Categoryᴰ D ℓDᴰ ℓDᴰ'}
             {F : Functor D C}
             (Fᴰ : Functorᴰ F Dᴰ Cᴰ)
      open Functorᴰ
      open Functor
        module Dᴰ = Categoryᴰ Dᴰ
      redefine-id⋆F : Functorᴰ F Dᴰ redefine-id⋆
      redefine-id⋆F .F-obᴰ  = Fᴰ .F-obᴰ
      redefine-id⋆F .F-homᴰ = Fᴰ .F-homᴰ
      redefine-id⋆F .F-idᴰ {x}{xᴰ}  =
        subst  idᴰ  (Fᴰ .F-homᴰ (Dᴰ .Categoryᴰ.idᴰ)) RID.≡[ F .F-id ] idᴰ)
           i  idᴰ' .snd i)
          (Fᴰ .F-idᴰ)
      redefine-id⋆F .F-seqᴰ {x} {y} {z} {f} {g} {xᴰ} {yᴰ} {zᴰ} fᴰ gᴰ =
        subst  _⋆ᴰ_ 
              Fᴰ .F-homᴰ (fᴰ Dᴰ.⋆ᴰ gᴰ)
              RID.≡[ F .F-seq f g ]
              Fᴰ .F-homᴰ fᴰ ⋆ᴰ Fᴰ .F-homᴰ gᴰ)
           i  ⋆ᴰ' .snd i)
          (Fᴰ .F-seqᴰ fᴰ gᴰ)