
  The "simple" total displayed category, the special case of the
  displayed total category where the base is a product rather than a
  ∫C. With the current definitions, C ×C D is definitionally equal to
  ∫C C (weaken C D) so this is just a type specialization of ∫Cᴰ

  If in the future we add --no-eta-equality to Categories then this
  could instead be defined using reindexing along the equivalence
  between C ×C D and ∫C C (weaken C D) instead, as we have to do with

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Constructions.SimpleTotalCategoryR where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
import      Cubical.Data.Equality as Eq

open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct as BP
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct.More
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor

open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Section.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Reasoning
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Constructions.Reindex.Base as Reindex
  hiding (introS; introF)
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Constructions.Weaken.Base as Wk
  hiding (introS; introF)
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Functor.More
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Instances.Terminal
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.TotalCategory as TotalCat
  hiding (intro)
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Constructions.TotalCategory
  as TotalCatᴰ
  hiding (introS)
    ℓB ℓB' ℓBᴰ ℓBᴰ' ℓC ℓC' ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ' ℓD ℓD' ℓDᴰ ℓDᴰ' ℓE ℓE' ℓEᴰ ℓEᴰ' : Level

open Categoryᴰ

-- Given a displayed category over a product of two categories,
-- we can project out the two categories and
-- then display over them.
module _
  {C : Category ℓC ℓC'} {D : Category ℓD ℓD'}
  (Cᴰ : Categoryᴰ (C ×C D) ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ')
  open Category

    module Cᴰ = Categoryᴰ Cᴰ

  -- s for "simple" because D is not dependent on C
  -- r for "right" because D is on the right of the product
  ∫Cᴰsr : Categoryᴰ C (ℓ-max ℓD ℓCᴰ) (ℓ-max ℓD' ℓCᴰ')
  ∫Cᴰsr = ∫Cᴰ (weaken C D) Cᴰ

  Fstᴰsr : Functorᴰ Id ∫Cᴰsr (weaken C D)
  Fstᴰsr = Fstᴰ Cᴰ

  -- TODO: Sndᴰsr

  module _
    {E : Category ℓE ℓE'}
    (F : Functor E C)
    (Fᴰ : Section F (weaken C D))
    (Gᴰ : Section (TotalCat.intro F Fᴰ) Cᴰ)

    open Functorᴰ

    introS : Section F ∫Cᴰsr
    introS = TotalCatᴰ.introS {C = C}{Cᴰ = weaken C D} Cᴰ F Fᴰ Gᴰ

  -- ∀ c , d . Cᴰ (c , d) → Σ[ d' ] Cᴰ (c , d')
  -- This can be defined more generally for ∫Cᴰ
  -- Assocᴰsr : Functorᴰ (BP.Fst C D) Cᴰ ∫Cᴰsr
  -- Assocᴰsr = intro _ (Wk.intro (BP.Fst C D) (BP.Snd C D))
  --   (reindF' _ Eq.refl Eq.refl TotalCat.Snd)

  -- Σ[ c ] Σ[ d ] Cᴰ (c , d) → Σ[ cd ] Cᴰ cd
  Assoc : Functor (∫C ∫Cᴰsr) (∫C Cᴰ)
  Assoc = Assocᴰ {Cᴰ = weaken C D} Cᴰ