{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Multiset.FMSet.Properties where

open import Multiset.Prelude
open import Multiset.Util.Path using (subst⁻Domain)

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
    ( _∘_
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport

open import Cubical.Data.Unit as 
    ( Unit
    ; tt

open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as 
    ; zero
    ; suc
    ; _+_
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum
    ( _⊎_
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma as Sigma
    ( ΣPathP
    ; ∃-syntax
open import Cubical.Data.SumFin as Fin
    ( Fin
    ; fsuc
    ; fzero

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
  using ()
    ( _/_ to _/₂_
    ; eq/ to eq/₂
    ; [_] to [_]₂
    ; squash/ to squash/₂
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
    ( ∣_∣₁
    ; ∥_∥₁

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base using (module BinaryRelation)

open import Multiset.Util
    ( Path→cong
    ; Π⊥≡elim
open import Multiset.FMSet.Base

open BinaryRelation

     ℓ' : Level
    X : Type 

  isSetSetQuotient : {R : X  X  Type ℓ'}  isSet (X /₂ R)
  isSetSetQuotient = squash/₂

isSetSymmQuot :  {n}  isSet ((Fin n  X) /₂ SymmetricAction n)
isSetSymmQuot = squash/₂

[_]∼ : {n : }  (v : Fin n  X)  (Fin n  X) /₂ SymmetricAction n
[_]∼ = [_]₂ {R = SymmetricAction _}

eq/∼ :  {sz} {v w : Fin sz  X}  v  w  [ v ]∼  [ w ]∼
eq/∼ rel = eq/₂ _ _ rel

module _ {} {X : Type } (n : ) where
  _∼ₙ_ = SymmetricAction {X = X} n

  isRefl-∼ : isRefl _∼ₙ_
  isRefl-∼ v =  idEquiv _ , ua→  k  refl {x = v k}) ∣₁

  isSym-∼ : isSym _∼ₙ_
  isSym-∼ v w = PT.map λ { (σ , rel)  invEquiv σ , ua→ λ k  inv-rel σ (ua→⁻ rel) k } where
    inv-rel :  (σ : Fin n  Fin n)
       (∀ k  v k  w (equivFun σ k))
        k  w k  v (invEq σ k)
    inv-rel σ rel k = cong w (sym $ secEq σ k)  (sym $ rel _)

  isTrans-∼ : isTrans _∼ₙ_
  isTrans-∼ u v w = PT.map2 λ { (σ , u∼v) (ψ , v∼w)  trans-rel σ ψ u∼v v∼w } where
    module _
      (σ ψ : Fin n  Fin n)
      (u∼v : PathP  i  ua σ i  X) u v)
      (v∼w : PathP  i  ua ψ i  X) v w) where

      trans-rel : Σ[ φ  (Fin n  Fin n) ] PathP  i  ua φ i  X) u w
      trans-rel = σ ∙ₑ ψ , ua→ λ k  ua→⁻ u∼v k  ua→⁻ v∼w (equivFun σ k)

  open isEquivRel

  isEquivRel-∼ : isEquivRel _∼ₙ_
  reflexive isEquivRel-∼ = isRefl-∼
  symmetric isEquivRel-∼ = isSym-∼
  transitive isEquivRel-∼ = isTrans-∼

  isPropValued-∼ : isPropValued _∼ₙ_
  isPropValued-∼ v w = PT.isPropPropTrunc

  isEffective-∼ : isEffective _∼ₙ_
  isEffective-∼ = SQ.isEquivRel→isEffective isPropValued-∼ isEquivRel-∼

  effective :  {v w : Fin n  X}  [ v ]∼  [ w ]∼  v ∼ₙ w
  effective {v} {w} = invIsEq (isEffective-∼ v w)

  invariantˡ :  {v : Fin n  X} (σ : Fin n  Fin n)  v  equivFun σ  v
  invariantˡ σ =  σ , ua→  (k : Fin _)  refl) ∣₁

isSubstInvariantˡ :  { n : }
   (v : Fin n  X)
   (p : n  n)
   [ v  subst Fin p ]∼  [ v ]∼
isSubstInvariantˡ {X = X} {n = n} v p = eq/₂ (v  subst Fin p) v  idEquiv _ , ua→ rel ∣₁ where
  open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Properties using (isSetℕ)
  rel : (k : Fin n)  v (subst Fin p k)  v k
  rel k = cong v (isSet-subst {B = Fin} isSetℕ p k)

isPermutationInvariantˡ :  {n : }
   (v : Fin n  X)
   (σ : Fin n  Fin n)
   [ v  equivFun σ ]∼  [ v ]∼
isPermutationInvariantˡ {X = X} {n = n} v σ = eq/₂ (v  equivFun σ) v (invariantˡ _ σ)

isPermutationInvariant :  {m n : }
   {v w : Fin m  X}
   (e : Fin n  Fin m)
   [ v ]∼  [ w ]∼
   [ v  equivFun e ]∼  [ w  equivFun e ]∼
isPermutationInvariant {X = X} {m = m} {n = n} {v} {w} e [v]≡[w] = eq/₂ (v  equivFun e) (w  equivFun e) rel' where
  rel : v  w
  rel = effective m [v]≡[w]

  module _ (σ : Fin m  Fin m) (p : PathP  i  ua σ i  X) v w) where

    σ' : Fin n  Fin n
    σ' = e ∙ₑ σ ∙ₑ invEquiv e

    lift-rel : Σ[ σ'  (Fin n  Fin n) ] (PathP  i  ua σ' i  X) (v  equivFun e) (w  equivFun e))
    lift-rel = σ' , ua→ λ (k : Fin n) 
      (v $ equivFun e k) ≡⟨ ua→⁻ p (equivFun e k) 
      (w $ equivFun σ $ equivFun e k) ≡⟨ cong w (sym $ secEq e _) 
      (w $ equivFun e $ (invEq e) $ (equivFun σ) $ (equivFun e) $ k) ≡⟨⟩
      (w $ equivFun e $ equivFun σ' k) 

  rel' : (v  equivFun e)  (w  equivFun e)
  rel' = PT.map  { (σ , p)  lift-rel σ p }) rel

  substCommSlice′ :  { ℓ′ ℓ″} {A : Type }
                     (B : A  Type ℓ′)
                     (C : A  Type ℓ″)
                     (F :  a  B a  C a)
                     {x y : A} (p : x  y) (u : B x)
                     subst C p (F x u)  F y (subst B p u)
  substCommSlice′ B C F p Bx a =
    transport-fillerExt⁻ (cong C p) a (F _ (transport-fillerExt (cong B p) a Bx))

substComm[] :  {m n : }
   (p : m  n)
   (v : Fin m  X)
   subst (PVect X) p [ v ]∼  [ v  subst⁻ Fin p ]∼
substComm[] {X = X} p v = step₁  step₂ where
  step₁ : subst (PVect X) p [ v ]∼  [ subst  sz  Fin sz  X) p v ]∼
  step₁ = substCommSlice′ {A = }  sz  Fin sz  X) (PVect X)  _  [_]∼) p v

  step₂ : [ subst  sz  Fin sz  X) p v ]∼  [ v  subst⁻ Fin p ]∼
  step₂ = cong [_]∼ (subst⁻Domain v (sym p))

fromPathP[] :  {m n : }
   (p : m  n)
   (v : Fin m  X)
   (w : Fin n  X)
   PathP  i  PVect X (p i)) [ v ]∼ [ w ]∼
   [ v ]∼  [ w  (subst Fin p) ]∼
fromPathP[] p v w q = fromPathP⁻ q  substComm[] (sym p) w
effectiveDep :  {m n : }
   (p : m  n)
   (v : Fin m  X)
   (w : Fin n  X)
   PathP  i  PVect X (p i)) [ v ]∼ [ w ]∼
   v  (w  (subst Fin p))
effectiveDep {m = m} p v w q = effective m (fromPathP[] p v w q)

isSetFMSet : isSet (FMSet X)
isSetFMSet = isSetΣ ℕ.isSetℕ  _  isSetSymmQuot)

FMSetPath :  {n}
   (v w : Fin n  X)
   (∃[ σ  (Fin n  Fin n) ] PathP  i  (ua σ i  X)) v w)
   Path (FMSet X) (n , [ v ]₂) (n , [ w ]₂)
FMSetPath v w = PT.elim  _  isSetFMSet _ _)
  λ (σ , p)  ΣPathP (refl , (eq/₂ v w  σ , p ∣₁))

FMSetPathP :  {n m}
   {v : (Fin m  X) /₂ SymmetricAction m}
   {w : (Fin n  X) /₂ SymmetricAction n}
   (p : m  n)
   (q : PathP  i  (Fin (p i)  X) /₂ SymmetricAction (p i)) v w)
   Path (FMSet X) (m , v) (n , w)
FMSetPathP {n = n} {v} {w} p q = λ i  p i , q i

elimSet :  {ℓ'} {B : FMSet X  Type ℓ'}
   (∀ xs  isSet (B xs))
   (bs :  {sz}  (v : Fin sz  X)  B (sz , [ v ]₂))
   (∀ {sz} (v w : Fin sz  X)  (r : v  w)  PathP  i  B (sz , eq/₂ v w r i)) (bs v) (bs w))
   (xs : FMSet X)  B xs
elimSet {B = B} setB bs bs-rel (sz , v) = SQ.elim {P = λ v  B (sz , v)} (setB  (sz ,_)) bs bs-rel v

elimProp :  {ℓ'} {P : FMSet X  Type ℓ'}
   (∀ xs  isProp (P xs))
   (ps :  {sz}  (xs : Fin sz  X)  P (sz , [ xs ]₂))
   (xs : FMSet X)  P xs
elimProp {P = P} propP ps = elimSet {B = P} (isProp→isSet  propP) ps  {sz} v w r  isProp→PathP  i  propP (sz , eq/₂ v w r i)) (ps v) (ps w))

-- elimProp2 : ∀ {ℓ'} {P : (xs ys : FMSet X) → Type ℓ'}
--   → (∀ xs ys → isProp (P xs ys))
--   → (ps : ∀ {sz₁ sz₂} → (xs : Fin sz₁ → X) (ys : Fin sz₂ → X) → P (sz₁ , [ xs ]₂) (sz₂ , [ ys ]₂))
--   → (xs ys : FMSet X) → P xs ys
-- elimProp2 {P = P} propP ps = elimProp {P = λ xs → ∀ ys → P xs ys} (λ xs → isPropΠ λ ys → propP xs ys) λ {sz} xs → elimProp {P = λ ys → P (sz , [ xs ]₂) ys} (λ ys → propP _ ys) {! !}

rec :  {ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ'}
   isSet A
   (as :  {sz}  (Fin sz  X)  A)
   (∀ {sz} (v w : Fin sz  X)  v  w  as v  as w)
   FMSet X  A
rec setA as as-rel (n , v) = SQ.rec setA as as-rel v

module _ {ℓx ℓy} {X : Type ℓx} {Y : Type ℓy} where
  map-members :  {sz}  (f : X  Y)  PVect X sz  PVect Y sz
  map-members {sz = sz} f = SQ.rec isSetSetQuotient  v  [ f  v ]₂) well-defined where
    well-defined :  v w  _
    well-defined v w =
      PT.elim  _  isSetSetQuotient [ f  v ]₂ [ f  w ]₂)
        ((λ { (σ , p)  eq/₂ _ _  σ , Path→cong f p ∣₁ }))

  map : (f : X  Y)  FMSet X  FMSet Y
  map f (sz , v) = sz , map-members f v

  map-β :  {n} f (v : Fin n  X)  map f (n , [ v ]₂)  (n , [ f  v ]₂)
  map-β v f = refl

mapId : (xs : FMSet { = } X)  map  x  x) xs  xs
mapId = elimProp  xs  isSetFMSet (map  x  x) xs) xs)  v  refl {x = _ , [ v ]₂})

mapComp :  {ℓx ℓy ℓz} {X : Type ℓx} {Y : Type ℓy} {Z : Type ℓz}
   (g : Y  Z)
   (f : X  Y)
    xs  map g (map f xs)  map (g  f) xs
mapComp g f = elimProp  xs  isSetFMSet _ _)  xs  refl)

[] : FMSet X
[] = 0 , [ Empty.elim ]₂

[_] : X  FMSet X
[ x ] = 1 , [  _  x) ]∼

  _∷ᶠ_ :  {n}  (x : X)  (xs : Fin n  X)  Fin (suc n)  X
  x ∷ᶠ xs = Sum.rec  _  x) xs

  ∷ᶠ-β :  {n}  (xs : Fin (suc n)  X)  (xs fzero) ∷ᶠ (xs  fsuc)  xs
  ∷ᶠ-β {n = n} xs =
    funExt (
         { tt  refl {x = xs fzero} })
         (k : Fin n)  refl {x = xs (fsuc k)})

  fsuc≃ :  {n}  Fin n  Fin n  Fin (suc n)  Fin (suc n)
  fsuc≃ σ = Sum.⊎-equiv (idEquiv Unit) σ

  infixr 5 _∷ᶠ_

  module _ {n : } where
    [_]∷_ : (x : X)  (v : Fin n  X)  (Fin (suc n)  X) /₂ SymmetricAction (suc n)
    [ x ]∷ v = [ x ∷ᶠ v ]₂

    []∷-well-defined : {x : X}  (v w : Fin n  X)  (v  w)  [ x ]∷ v  [ x ]∷ w
    []∷-well-defined {x = x} v w v∼w = eq/₂ (x ∷ᶠ v) (x ∷ᶠ w) rel
        rel : SymmetricAction (suc n) (x ∷ᶠ v) (x ∷ᶠ w)
        rel = PT.map  (σ , p)  (fsuc≃ σ) , (ua→ (Sum.elim  (_ : Unit)  refl) (ua→⁻ p)))) v∼w

_∷_ : X  FMSet X  FMSet X
_∷_ {X = X} x (n , [v]) = (suc n) , x∷v where
  x∷v : (Fin (suc n)  X) /₂ SymmetricAction (suc n)
  x∷v = SQ.elim  _  isSetSymmQuot {n = suc n}) [ x ]∷_ []∷-well-defined [v]

infixr 5 _∷_

∷-comm :  x y  (xs : FMSet X)
   x  y  xs  y  x  xs
∷-comm {X = X} x y (n , v) = SQ.elimProp
  {P = λ [v]  x  y  (n , [v])  y  x  (n , [v])}
   _  isSetFMSet _ _)
   v  FMSetPath _ _  swap₀₁ , (ua→ (comm v)) ∣₁)
    open Sum

    swap₀₁ : (Fin (2 + n))  (Fin (2 + n))
    swap₀₁ = invEquiv ⊎-assoc-≃ ∙ₑ ⊎-equiv ⊎-swap-≃ (idEquiv (Fin n)) ∙ₑ ⊎-assoc-≃

    module _ (v : Fin n  X) where
      comm : (k : Fin (2 + n))
         (x ∷ᶠ y ∷ᶠ v) k  (y ∷ᶠ x ∷ᶠ v) ((equivFun swap₀₁) k)
      comm (inl x) = refl
      comm (fsuc (inl x)) = refl
      comm (fsuc (fsuc x)) = refl

isContrFMSet₀ : ([v] : (Fin 0  X) /₂ SymmetricAction 0)  []  (0 , [v])
isContrFMSet₀ [v] = ΣPathP
  ( refl
  , ( SQ.elimProp {P = λ [v]  [ Empty.elim ]₂  [v]}
       _  isSetSymmQuot _ _)
       v  cong [_]₂ (Π⊥≡elim v))

FMSetContr≃ℕ : (isContr X)  FMSet X  
FMSetContr≃ℕ {X = X} contrX = Sigma.Σ-contractSnd contrMembers/∼ where
  module _ (sz : ) where
    contrMembers : isContr (Fin sz  X)
    contrMembers = isContrΠ  _  contrX)

    contrMembers/∼ : isContr ((Fin sz  X) /₂ SymmetricAction sz)
    contrMembers/∼ = center , contraction where
      center : (Fin sz  X) /₂ SymmetricAction sz
      center = [ contrMembers .fst ]₂

      contraction :  (y : (Fin sz  X) /₂ SymmetricAction sz)  center  y
      contraction = SQ.elimProp
         _  isSetSetQuotient _ _)
        λ (y : Fin sz  X)  cong [_]₂ (contrMembers .snd y)

-- ∷-elim : {B : FMSet X → Type ℓ'}
--   → (setB : ∀ m → isSet (B m))
--   → (nil : B [])
--   → (cons : (x : X) → {xs : FMSet X} → B xs → B (x ∷ xs))
--   → (comm : (x y : X) → {xs : FMSet X} → {b : B xs} → PathP (λ i → B (∷-comm x y xs i)) (cons x (cons y b)) (cons y (cons x b)))
--   → (m : FMSet X) → B m
-- ∷-elim {X = X} {B = B} setB nil cons comm = elimSet {B = B} setB fun well-defined where
--   fun : ∀ {sz} (v : Fin sz → X) → B (sz , [ v ]₂)
--   fun {zero} v = subst (λ v → B (0 , [ v ]₂)) (Π⊥≡elim v) nil
--   fun {suc sz} v = subst (λ v → B (suc sz , [ v ]₂)) p rec₂ where
--     rec₁ : B (sz , [ v ∘ fsuc ]₂)
--     rec₁ = fun (v ∘ fsuc)

--     rec₂ : B (v fzero ∷ (sz , [ v ∘ fsuc ]₂))
--     rec₂ = cons (v fzero) rec₁

--     p : (v fzero ∷ᶠ v ∘ fsuc) ≡ v
--     p = ∷ᶠ-β v

--   well-defined : ∀ {sz} (v w : Fin sz → X) (r : v ∼ w)
--     → PathP (λ i → B (sz , eq/₂ v w r i)) (fun v) (fun w)
--   well-defined {zero} v w = PT.elim (λ r p q → isSet→SquareP (λ i j → setB _) p q _ _) {! subst-filler (λ v → B (0 , [ v ]₂)) (Π⊥≡elim v) nil !}
--   well-defined {suc sz} v w = PT.elim (λ r p q → isSet→SquareP (λ i j → setB _) p q _ _) {! !}

-- ∷-elimProp : ∀ {P : FMSet X → Type ℓ'}
--   → (propP : ∀ xs → isProp (P xs))
--   → (nil : P [])
--   → (cons : (x : X) → {xs : FMSet X} → P xs → P (x ∷ xs))
--   → (m : FMSet X) → P m
-- ∷-elimProp {P = P} propP nil cons = ∷-elim {B = P} (isProp→isSet ∘ propP) nil cons comm where
--   comm = λ x y {xs} {p} → isProp→PathP (λ i → propP _) (cons x (cons y p)) (cons y (cons x p))

-- _++_ : FMSet X → FMSet X → FMSet X
-- _++_ = ∷-elim (λ xs → isSetΠ λ ys → isSetFMSet)
--   (λ ys → ys)
--   (λ x xs++_ ys → x ∷ (xs++ ys))
--   λ x y {xs} {xs++_} → funExt (∷-comm x y ∘ xs++_)

-- map-head : ∀ {ℓ'} {Y : Type ℓ'} {x} {xs}
--   → (f : X → Y)
--   → map f (x ∷ xs) ≡ f x ∷ map f xs
-- map-head {x = x} {xs = xs} f = FMSetPathP (refl {x = suc (size xs)}) {! !}
  -- ∷-elimProp {P = λ xs → map f (x ∷ xs) ≡ f x ∷ map f xs} (λ xs → isSetFMSet _ _) nil* {! !} xs where
  -- nil* : ⟅ [ f ∘ Sum.rec (λ _ → x) Empty.elim ]₂ ⟆ ≡ ⟅ [ Sum.rec (λ _ → f x) (f ∘ Empty.elim) ]₂ ⟆
  -- nil* = FMSetPath _ _ ∣ idEquiv _ , ua→ (Sum.elim (λ _ → refl {x = f x}) Empty.elim) ∣₁

  -- cons* : ∀ y {ys}
  --   → map f (y ∷ ys) ≡ f y ∷ map f ys
  --   → map f (x ∷ y ∷ ys) ≡ f x ∷ map f (y ∷ ys)
  -- cons* y {ys} indH-ys = {! !}

module STInvariance {} {X : Type } where
  open import Multiset.FiniteChoice

  open import Multiset.Util using (ua→PathP)
  open import Multiset.Util.SetTruncation as STExt
    using ( ∣_∣₂∗)

  open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.FiniteChoice as FinSet
    using (choice≃Fin)
  open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ST
    hiding (map ; rec)
  open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST
    hiding (map ; rec)
  open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
    hiding (rec ; elimProp)

  open Iso

  requot :  {n}  (Fin n   X ∥₂)  ((Fin n  X) /₂ SymmetricAction n)
  requot {n = n} = elimₙ {B = λ _  (Fin n  X) /₂ SymmetricAction n}  _  isSetSetQuotient) [_]₂

  requot-comp :  {n}  (v : Fin n  X)  requot  v ∣₂∗  [ v ]₂
  requot-comp {n = n} = elimₙ-comp {B = λ _  (Fin n  X) /₂ SymmetricAction n}  _  isSetSetQuotient) [_]₂

  requot-pres∼ :  {n} (v w : Fin n   X ∥₂)  v  w  requot v  requot w
  requot-pres∼ = elim2ₙ  _ _  isSetΠ  _  isProp→isSet (isSetSymmQuot _ _)))
      λ v w v∼w 
        requot  v ∣₂∗ ≡⟨ requot-comp v 
        [ v ]₂         ≡⟨ lift[ v∼w ]₂ 
        [ w ]₂         ≡⟨ sym (requot-comp w) 
        requot  w ∣₂∗ 
    where module _ {n} {v w : Fin n  X} where
      module _ {σ : Fin n  Fin n} (p : ua→PathP σ  v ∣₂∗  w ∣₂∗) where
        mereEqPointwise : (k : Fin n)   v k  w (equivFun σ k) ∥₁
        mereEqPointwise k = ST.PathIdTrunc₀Iso .fun (ua→⁻ p k)

        chosenEq :  ((k : Fin n)  v k  w (equivFun σ k)) ∥₁
        chosenEq = equivFun (choice≃Fin _) mereEqPointwise

        chosenPath :  ua→PathP σ v w ∥₁
        chosenPath = PT.map ua→ chosenEq

      liftRel : (Σ[ σ  Fin n  Fin n ] ua→PathP σ  v ∣₂∗  w ∣₂∗)  v  w
      liftRel (σ , p) = PT.map (σ ,_) (chosenPath p)

      lift[_]₂ :  v ∣₂∗   w ∣₂∗  Path ((Fin n  X) /₂ SymmetricAction n) [ v ]₂ [ w ]₂
      lift[_]₂ = PT.rec (isSetSymmQuot _ _) (eq/₂ v w  liftRel)

  toSetTrunc : FMSet X  FMSet  X ∥₂
  toSetTrunc = map ∣_∣₂

  fromSetTrunc : FMSet  X ∥₂  FMSet X
  fromSetTrunc = rec isSetFMSet
     {sz} v  sz , requot v)
     {sz} v w v∼w  cong (sz ,_) (requot-pres∼ v w v∼w))

  sectionFromTo :  xs  fromSetTrunc (toSetTrunc xs)  xs
  sectionFromTo = elimProp {P = λ xs  fromSetTrunc (toSetTrunc xs)  xs}
     xs  isSetFMSet _ xs)
     {sz} v  FMSetPathP (refl {x = sz}) (requot-comp v))

  retractFromTo :  xs  toSetTrunc (fromSetTrunc xs)  xs
  retractFromTo = elimProp {P = λ xs  toSetTrunc (fromSetTrunc xs)  xs}
     xs  isSetFMSet _ xs)
    λ {sz} v  FMSetPathP (refl {x = sz}) (membersPath v) where
    membersPath :  {sz} (v : Fin sz   X ∥₂)  toSetTrunc (fromSetTrunc (sz , [ v ]₂)) .members  [ v ]₂
    membersPath {sz} = elimₙ  _  isProp→isSet (isSetSetQuotient _ _))
      λ v  cong  w  toSetTrunc (sz , w) .members) (requot-comp v)

  STInvarianceIso : Iso (FMSet  X ∥₂) (FMSet X)
  STInvarianceIso .fun = fromSetTrunc
  STInvarianceIso .inv = toSetTrunc
  STInvarianceIso .rightInv = sectionFromTo
  STInvarianceIso .leftInv = retractFromTo

  STInvarianceEquiv : FMSet  X ∥₂  FMSet X
  STInvarianceEquiv = isoToEquiv STInvarianceIso

open STInvariance using (STInvarianceIso ; STInvarianceEquiv) public