{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Multiset.Coalgebra where

open import Multiset.Prelude
open import Multiset.Functor

open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (idfun ; _∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

     : Level

module _ {} (F : Type   Type ) {{FunctorF : Functor F}} where
  open Functor FunctorF
    renaming (map to F[_])

  isCoalgebraMorphism :  {A B}  (α : A  F A)  (β : B  F B)  (f : A  B)  Type _
  isCoalgebraMorphism α β f = β  f  F[ f ]  α

  isSet→isPropIsCoalgebraMorphism :  {A B}
     (α : A  F A)  (β : B  F B)  (f : A  B)
     isSet (F B)  isProp (isCoalgebraMorphism α β f)
  isSet→isPropIsCoalgebraMorphism {A} {B} α β f setF = setA→FB (β  f) (F[ f ]  α) where
    setA→FB : isSet (A  F B)
    setA→FB = isSet→ setF

  CoalgebraMorphism :  {A B}  (α : A  F A)  (β : B  F B)  Type _
  CoalgebraMorphism α β = Σ[ f  (_  _) ] isCoalgebraMorphism α β f

  isTerminal :  {νF} (out : νF  F νF)  Type _
  isTerminal out =  {B}  (β : B  F B)  isContr (CoalgebraMorphism β out)

  FinalCoalgebra : Type (ℓ-suc )
  FinalCoalgebra = Σ[ νF  (Type ) ] Σ[ out  (νF  F νF) ] (isTerminal out)

  module _ {νF} {out : νF  F νF} (is-terminal : isTerminal out) where
    ana :  {B}  (β : B  F B)  CoalgebraMorphism β out
    ana β = is-terminal β .fst

    anaEq :  {B} {β : B  F B}  (f : CoalgebraMorphism β out)  ana β  f
    anaEq {β = β} f = is-terminal β .snd f

-- Set-valued functors (in the above sense) integrate nicely into to
-- hierarchy of categories defined in the Cubical library:
module _ {}
  (F : Type   Type )
  {{FunctorF : Functor F}}
  (setValued :  {X}  isSet X  isSet (F X))
  open Functor FunctorF

  open import Multiset.Categories.Coalgebra

  import Cubical.Categories.Functor as Cat
  open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Sets as Sets using (SET)

    F' : Cat.Functor (SET ) (SET )
    F' .Cat.Functor.F-ob (X , setX) = F X , setValued setX
    F' .Cat.Functor.F-hom = map
    F' .Cat.Functor.F-id = map-id-ext
    F' .Cat.Functor.F-seq f g = map-comp-ext g f
  isSetValued→CatFunctor : Cat.Functor (SET ) (SET )
  isSetValued→CatFunctor = F'

  module _ {νF} (set-νF : isSet νF) (out : νF  F νF) where
    open Coalgebra
      out' : Coalgebra F'
      out' .carrier = νF , set-νF
      out' .str = out

    isSetValued→Coalgebra : Coalgebra F'
    isSetValued→Coalgebra = out'

    module _ (term : isTerminal F out) where
      ana' :  β  CoalgebraHom F' β out'
      ana' β = CoalgebraHomIsoΣ F' .Iso.inv ana-β where
        ana-β : CoalgebraMorphism F (β .str) out
        ana-β = ana F {out = out} term (β .str)

      anaEq' :  {β}  (f : CoalgebraHom F' β out')  ana' β  f
      anaEq' {β} f = cong (CoalgebraHomIsoΣ F' .Iso.inv) anaEq-f where
        anaEq-f : ana F {out = out} term (β .str)  CoalgebraHomIsoΣ F' .Iso.fun f
        anaEq-f = anaEq F {out = out} term (CoalgebraHomIsoΣ F' .Iso.fun f)

    isSetValued→TerminalCoalgebra : isTerminal F out  TerminalCoalgebra isSetValued→CatFunctor
    isSetValued→TerminalCoalgebra term .fst = out'
    isSetValued→TerminalCoalgebra term .snd β = ana' term β , anaEq' term