-- Limits.
-- Heavily inspired by https://github.com/UniMath/UniMath/blob/master/UniMath/CategoryTheory/limits/graphs/limits.v
-- (except we're using categories instead of graphs to index limits)

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Limits.Limits where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor

open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Initial

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Base

module _ {ℓJ ℓJ' ℓC ℓC' : Level} {J : Category ℓJ ℓJ'} {C : Category ℓC ℓC'} where
  open Category
  open Functor

     = ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓJ ℓJ') ℓC) ℓC'

  record Cone (D : Functor J C) (c : ob C) : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓJ ℓJ') ℓC') where
    constructor cone

      coneOut : (v : ob J)  C [ c , F-ob D v ]
      coneOutCommutes : {u v : ob J} (e : J [ u , v ]) 
                        coneOut u ⋆⟨ C  D .F-hom e  coneOut v

  open Cone

  cone≡ : {D : Functor J C} {c : ob C}  {c1 c2 : Cone D c}
         ((v : ob J)  coneOut c1 v  coneOut c2 v)  c1  c2
  coneOut (cone≡ h i) v = h v i
  coneOutCommutes (cone≡ {D} {_} {c1} {c2} h i) {u} {v} e =
    isProp→PathP  j  isSetHom C (h u j ⋆⟨ C  D .F-hom e) (h v j))
                 (coneOutCommutes c1 e) (coneOutCommutes c2 e) i

  -- dependent versions
  conePathP : {D₁ D₂ : Functor J C} {c₁ c₂ : ob C} {cc₁ : Cone D₁ c₁} {cc₂ : Cone D₂ c₂}
              {p : D₁  D₂} {q : c₁  c₂}
             (∀ v  PathP  i  C [ q i , p i .F-ob v ]) (cc₁ .coneOut v) (cc₂ .coneOut v))
             PathP  i  Cone (p i) (q i)) cc₁ cc₂
  coneOut (conePathP coneOutPathP i) v = coneOutPathP v i
  coneOutCommutes (conePathP {cc₁ = cc₁} {cc₂ = cc₂} {p = p} coneOutPathP i) {u} {v} e =
    isProp→PathP  j  isSetHom C (coneOutPathP u j ⋆⟨ C  p j .F-hom e)
                                   (coneOutPathP v j))
                 (coneOutCommutes cc₁ e) (coneOutCommutes cc₂ e) i

  conePathPOb : {D : Functor J C} {c c' : ob C} {c1 : Cone D c} {c2 : Cone D c'} {p : c  c'}
             (∀ (v : ob J)  PathP  i  C [ p i , F-ob D v ]) (coneOut c1 v) (coneOut c2 v))
             PathP  i  Cone D (p i)) c1 c2
  conePathPOb coneOutPathP = conePathP {p = refl} coneOutPathP

  conePathPDiag : {D₁ D₂ : Functor J C} {c : ob C} {cc₁ : Cone D₁ c} {cc₂ : Cone D₂ c} {p : D₁  D₂}
                 (∀ v  PathP  i  C [ c , p i .F-ob v ]) (cc₁ .coneOut v) (cc₂ .coneOut v))
                 PathP  i  Cone (p i) c) cc₁ cc₂
  conePathPDiag coneOutPathP = conePathP {q = refl} coneOutPathP

  -- TODO: can we automate this a bit?
  isSetCone : (D : Functor J C) (c : ob C)  isSet (Cone D c)
  isSetCone D c = isSetRetract toConeΣ fromConeΣ  _  refl)
                               (isSetΣSndProp (isSetΠ  _  isSetHom C))
                                               _  isPropImplicitΠ2  _ _  isPropΠ  _  isSetHom C _ _))))
    ConeΣ = Σ[ f  ((v : ob J)  C [ c , F-ob D v ]) ]
               ({u v : ob J} (e : J [ u , v ])  f u ⋆⟨ C  D .F-hom e  f v)

    toConeΣ : Cone D c  ConeΣ
    fst (toConeΣ x) = coneOut x
    snd (toConeΣ x) = coneOutCommutes x

    fromConeΣ : ConeΣ  Cone D c
    coneOut (fromConeΣ x) = fst x
    coneOutCommutes (fromConeΣ x) = snd x

  preCompCone : {c1 c2 : ob C} (f : C [ c1 , c2 ]) {D : Functor J C}
               Cone D c2  Cone D c1
  coneOut (preCompCone f cc) v = f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut cc v
  coneOutCommutes (preCompCone f cc) e = ⋆Assoc C _ _ _
                                        cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  x) (coneOutCommutes cc e)

  syntax preCompCone f cc = f  cc

  isConeMor : {c1 c2 : ob C} {D : Functor J C}
              (cc1 : Cone D c1) (cc2 : Cone D c2)
             C [ c1 , c2 ]  Type (ℓ-max ℓJ ℓC')
  isConeMor cc1 cc2 f = (v : ob J)  f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut cc2 v  coneOut cc1 v

  isPropIsConeMor : {c1 c2 : ob C} {D : Functor J C}
                    (cc1 : Cone D c1) (cc2 : Cone D c2) (f : C [ c1 , c2 ])
                   isProp (isConeMor cc1 cc2 f)
  isPropIsConeMor cc1 cc2 f = isPropΠ  _  isSetHom C _ _)

  isConeMorId : {c : ob C} {D : Functor J C} (cc : Cone D c)
               isConeMor cc cc (id C)
  isConeMorId _ _ = ⋆IdL C _

  isConeMorSeq : {c1 c2 c3 : ob C} {D : Functor J C}
                 (cc1 : Cone D c1) (cc2 : Cone D c2) (cc3  : Cone D c3)
                 {f : C [ c1 , c2 ]} {g : C [ c2 , c3 ]}
                isConeMor cc1 cc2 f  isConeMor cc2 cc3 g  isConeMor cc1 cc3 (f ⋆⟨ C  g)
  isConeMorSeq cc1 cc2 cc3 {f} {g} isConeMorF isConeMorG v =
    ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ ∙∙ cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  x) (isConeMorG v) ∙∙ isConeMorF v

  preCompConeMor : {c1 c2 : ob C} (f : C [ c1 , c2 ]) {D : Functor J C} (cc : Cone D c2)
                  isConeMor (f  cc) cc f
  preCompConeMor f cc v = refl

  isLimCone : (D : Functor J C) (c0 : ob C)  Cone D c0  Type 
  isLimCone D c0 cc0 = (c : ob C)  (cc : Cone D c)
                      ∃![ f  C [ c , c0 ] ] isConeMor cc cc0 f

  isPropIsLimCone : (D : Functor J C) (c0 : ob C) (cc0 : Cone D c0)
                   isProp (isLimCone D c0 cc0)
  isPropIsLimCone D c0 cc0 = isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp∃!

  preCompUnique : {c1 c2 : ob C} (f : C [ c1 , c2 ]) {D : Functor J C} (cc : Cone D c2)
                 isLimCone D c2 cc
                  (g : C [ c1 , c2 ])  isConeMor (f  cc) cc g  g  f
  preCompUnique f cc ccIsLimCone g gIsConeMor =
     cong fst (isContr→isProp (ccIsLimCone _ (f  cc)) (g , gIsConeMor) (f , preCompConeMor f cc))

  record LimCone (D : Functor J C) : Type  where
    constructor climCone

      lim : ob C
      limCone : Cone D lim
      univProp : isLimCone D lim limCone

    limOut : (v : ob J)  C [ lim , D .F-ob v ]
    limOut = coneOut limCone

    limOutCommutes : {u v : ob J} (e : J [ u , v ])
                    limOut u ⋆⟨ C  D .F-hom e  limOut v
    limOutCommutes = coneOutCommutes limCone

    limArrow : (c : ob C)  (cc : Cone D c)  C [ c , lim ]
    limArrow c cc = univProp c cc .fst .fst

    limArrowCommutes : (c : ob C)  (cc : Cone D c) (u : ob J)
                      limArrow c cc ⋆⟨ C  limOut u  coneOut cc u
    limArrowCommutes c cc = univProp c cc .fst .snd

    limArrowUnique : (c : ob C)  (cc : Cone D c) (k : C [ c , lim ])
                    isConeMor cc limCone k  limArrow c cc  k
    limArrowUnique c cc k hk = cong fst (univProp c cc .snd (k , hk))

  open LimCone
  limOfArrows : (D₁ D₂ : Functor J C)
                (CC₁ : LimCone D₁) (CC₂ : LimCone D₂)
                (f : (u : ob J)  C [ D₁ .F-ob u , D₂ .F-ob u ])
                (fNat : {u v : ob J} (e : J [ u , v ])
                        f u ⋆⟨ C  D₂ .F-hom e  D₁ .F-hom e ⋆⟨ C  f v)
               C [ CC₁ .lim , CC₂ .lim ]
  limOfArrows D₁ D₂ CC₁ CC₂ f fNat = limArrow CC₂ (CC₁ .lim) coneD₂Lim₁
   coneD₂Lim₁ : Cone D₂ (CC₁ .lim)
   coneOut coneD₂Lim₁ v = limOut CC₁ v ⋆⟨ C  f v
   coneOutCommutes coneD₂Lim₁ {u = u} {v = v} e =
     limOut CC₁ u ⋆⟨ C  f u ⋆⟨ C  D₂ .F-hom e   ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
     limOut CC₁ u ⋆⟨ C  (f u ⋆⟨ C  D₂ .F-hom e) ≡⟨ cong  x  seq' C (limOut CC₁ u) x) (fNat e) 
     limOut CC₁ u ⋆⟨ C  (D₁ .F-hom e ⋆⟨ C  f v) ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
     limOut CC₁ u ⋆⟨ C  D₁ .F-hom e ⋆⟨ C  f v   ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  f v) (limOutCommutes CC₁ e) 
     limOut CC₁ v ⋆⟨ C  f v 

  -- any two limits are isomorphic up to a unique cone isomorphism
  open isIso
  LimIso : (D : Functor J C) (L₁ L₂ : LimCone D)
          ∃![ e  CatIso C (lim L₁) (lim L₂) ] isConeMor (limCone L₁) (limCone L₂) (fst e)
  fst (fst (fst (LimIso D L₁ L₂))) = limArrow L₂ _ (limCone L₁)
  inv (snd (fst (fst (LimIso D L₁ L₂)))) = limArrow L₁ _ (limCone L₂)
  sec (snd (fst (fst (LimIso D L₁ L₂)))) = cong fst (isContr→isProp (univProp L₂ _ (limCone L₂))
                                            (_ , isConeMorComp) (id C , isConeMorId (limCone L₂)))
    isConeMorComp : isConeMor (limCone L₂) (limCone L₂)
                      (limArrow L₁ (lim L₂) (limCone L₂) ⋆⟨ C  limArrow L₂ (lim L₁) (limCone L₁))
    isConeMorComp v =
        (limArrow L₁ (lim L₂) (limCone L₂) ⋆⟨ C  limArrow L₂ (lim L₁) (limCone L₁))
                                          ⋆⟨ C  coneOut (limCone L₂) v
      ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
        limArrow L₁ (lim L₂) (limCone L₂)
          ⋆⟨ C  (limArrow L₂ (lim L₁) (limCone L₁) ⋆⟨ C  coneOut (limCone L₂) v)
      ≡⟨ cong  x  limArrow L₁ (lim L₂) (limCone L₂) ⋆⟨ C  x)
              (limArrowCommutes L₂ _ (limCone L₁) v) 
        limArrow L₁ (lim L₂) (limCone L₂)
          ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (limCone L₁) v)
      ≡⟨ limArrowCommutes L₁ _ (limCone L₂) v 
        coneOut (limCone L₂) v 
  ret (snd (fst (fst (LimIso D L₁ L₂)))) = cong fst (isContr→isProp (univProp L₁ _ (limCone L₁))
                                            (_ , isConeMorComp) (id C , isConeMorId (limCone L₁)))
    isConeMorComp : isConeMor (limCone L₁) (limCone L₁)
                      (limArrow L₂ (lim L₁) (limCone L₁) ⋆⟨ C  limArrow L₁ (lim L₂) (limCone L₂))
    isConeMorComp v =
        (limArrow L₂ (lim L₁) (limCone L₁) ⋆⟨ C  limArrow L₁ (lim L₂) (limCone L₂))
                                          ⋆⟨ C  coneOut (limCone L₁) v
      ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
        limArrow L₂ (lim L₁) (limCone L₁)
          ⋆⟨ C  (limArrow L₁ (lim L₂) (limCone L₂) ⋆⟨ C  coneOut (limCone L₁) v)
      ≡⟨ cong  x  limArrow L₂ (lim L₁) (limCone L₁) ⋆⟨ C  x)
              (limArrowCommutes L₁ _ (limCone L₂) v) 
        limArrow L₂ (lim L₁) (limCone L₁)
          ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (limCone L₂) v)
      ≡⟨ limArrowCommutes L₂ _ (limCone L₁) v 
        coneOut (limCone L₁) v 

  snd (fst (LimIso D L₁ L₂)) = limArrowCommutes L₂ _ _
  snd (LimIso D L₁ L₂) (e , isConeMorE) = Σ≡Prop
       _  isPropIsConeMor (limCone L₁) (limCone L₂) _)
      (CatIso≡ _ _ (limArrowUnique L₂ _ _ (fst e) isConeMorE))

  -- if the index category of the diagram has an initial object,
  -- we get a canonical limiting cone
  Initial→LimCone : (D : Functor J C)  Initial J  LimCone D
  lim (Initial→LimCone D (j , isInitJ)) = D .F-ob j
  coneOut (limCone (Initial→LimCone D (j , isInitJ))) k = D .F-hom (isInitJ k .fst)
  coneOutCommutes (limCone (Initial→LimCone D (j , isInitJ))) f =
                      sym (D .F-seq _ _)  cong (D .F-hom) (sym (isInitJ _ .snd _))
  fst (fst (univProp (Initial→LimCone D (j , isInitJ)) c cc)) = cc .coneOut j
                                                                -- canonical arrow c → D(j)
  snd (fst (univProp (Initial→LimCone D (j , isInitJ)) c cc)) k =
                                                         cc .coneOutCommutes (isInitJ k .fst)
                                                         -- is a cone morphism
  snd (univProp (Initial→LimCone D (j , isInitJ)) c cc) (f , isConeMorF) = -- and indeed unique
       _  isPropIsConeMor cc (limCone (Initial→LimCone D (j , isInitJ))) _)
        (sym (isConeMorF j) ∙∙ cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  x) (subst  x  D .F-hom x  id C)
                                                              (sym (isInitJ j .snd _)) (D .F-id))
                            ∙∙ ⋆IdR C f)

  -- cones that respect isomorphisms are limiting cones
  Iso→LimCone : {D : Functor J C} {c₁ c₂ : ob C} (cc₁ : Cone D c₁) (e : CatIso C c₁ c₂)
               isLimCone _ _ cc₁
               (cc₂ : Cone D c₂)
               isConeMor cc₁ cc₂ (e .fst)
               isLimCone _ _ cc₂
  fst (fst (Iso→LimCone cc₁ e isLimConeCC₁ cc₂ isConeMorE d cd)) =
    isLimConeCC₁ d cd .fst .fst ⋆⟨ C  e .fst
  snd (fst (Iso→LimCone cc₁ e isLimConeCC₁ cc₂ isConeMorE d cd)) =
    isConeMorSeq cd cc₁ cc₂ (isLimConeCC₁ d cd .fst .snd) isConeMorE
  snd (Iso→LimCone cc₁ e isLimConeCC₁ cc₂ isConeMorE d cd) (f , isConeMorF) =
    Σ≡Prop (isPropIsConeMor cd cc₂) path
    isConeMorE⁻¹ : isConeMor cc₂ cc₁ (e .snd .inv)
    isConeMorE⁻¹ v =
      e .snd .inv ⋆⟨ C  coneOut cc₁ v ≡⟨ cong  x  e .snd .inv ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (isConeMorE v)) 
      e .snd .inv ⋆⟨ C  (e .fst ⋆⟨ C  coneOut cc₂ v) ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
      (e .snd .inv ⋆⟨ C  e .fst) ⋆⟨ C  coneOut cc₂ v ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  coneOut cc₂ v)
                                                              (e .snd .sec) 
      id C ⋆⟨ C  coneOut cc₂ v ≡⟨ ⋆IdL C _ 
      coneOut cc₂ v 

    p : isLimConeCC₁ d cd .fst .fst  f ⋆⟨ C  e .snd .inv
    p = cong fst (isLimConeCC₁ d cd .snd ( f ⋆⟨ C  e .snd .inv
                                         , isConeMorSeq cd cc₂ cc₁ isConeMorF isConeMorE⁻¹))

    path : isLimConeCC₁ d cd .fst .fst ⋆⟨ C  e .fst  f
    path = isLimConeCC₁ d cd .fst .fst ⋆⟨ C  e .fst ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  e .fst) p 
           (f ⋆⟨ C  e .snd .inv) ⋆⟨ C  e .fst ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
           f ⋆⟨ C  (e .snd .inv ⋆⟨ C  e .fst) ≡⟨ cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  x) (e .snd .sec) 
           f ⋆⟨ C  id C ≡⟨ ⋆IdR C _ 

-- A category is complete if it has all limits
Limits : {ℓJ ℓJ' ℓC ℓC' : Level}  Category ℓC ℓC'  Type _
Limits {ℓJ} {ℓJ'} C = (J : Category ℓJ ℓJ')  (D : Functor J C)  LimCone D

hasLimits : {ℓJ ℓJ' ℓC ℓC' : Level}  Category ℓC ℓC'  Type _
hasLimits {ℓJ} {ℓJ'} C = (J : Category ℓJ ℓJ')  (D : Functor J C)   LimCone D ∥₁

-- Limits of a specific shape J in a category C
LimitsOfShape : {ℓJ ℓJ' ℓC ℓC' : Level}  Category ℓJ ℓJ'  Category ℓC ℓC'  Type _
LimitsOfShape J C = (D : Functor J C)  LimCone D

-- precomposition with a functor and preservation of limits
module _ {ℓJ ℓJ' ℓC1 ℓC1' ℓC2 ℓC2' : Level}
         {C1 : Category ℓC1 ℓC1'} {C2 : Category ℓC2 ℓC2'}
         (F : Functor C1 C2) where
  open Category
  open Functor
  open Cone

  -- same as F-cone!!!
  F-cone : {J : Category ℓJ ℓJ'} {D : Functor J C1} {x : ob C1}
           Cone D x  Cone (funcComp F D) (F .F-ob x)
  coneOut (F-cone ccx) v = F .F-hom (coneOut ccx v)
  coneOutCommutes (F-cone ccx) e =
    sym (F-seq F (coneOut ccx _) _)  cong (F .F-hom) (coneOutCommutes ccx e)

  preservesLimits : Type _
  preservesLimits =  {J : Category ℓJ ℓJ'} {D : Functor J C1} {L : ob C1}
                      (ccL : Cone D L)
                   isLimCone _ _ ccL  isLimCone (funcComp F D) (F .F-ob L) (F-cone ccL)

  -- characterizing limit preserving functors
  open LimCone

  preservesLimitsChar : (L₁ : Limits {ℓJ} {ℓJ'} C1) (L₂ : Limits {ℓJ} {ℓJ'} C2)
      (e :  J D  CatIso C2 (L₂ J (F ∘F D) .lim) (F .F-ob (L₁ J D .lim)))
      (∀ J D  isConeMor (L₂ J (F ∘F D) .limCone) (F-cone (L₁ J D .limCone)) (e J D .fst))
  preservesLimitsChar L₁ L₂ e isConeMorE {J = J} {D = D} {L = c} cc isLimConeCC =
    Iso→LimCone (L₂ J (F ∘F D) .limCone) f (L₂ J (F ∘F D) .univProp) (F-cone cc) isConeMorF
    theCLimCone : LimCone D
    lim theCLimCone = c
    limCone theCLimCone = cc
    univProp theCLimCone = isLimConeCC

    f : CatIso C2 (lim (L₂ J (funcComp F D))) (F .F-ob c)
    f = ⋆Iso (e J D) (F-Iso {F = F} (LimIso D (L₁ J D) theCLimCone .fst .fst))

    isConeMorF : isConeMor (L₂ J (funcComp F D) .limCone) (F-cone cc) (f .fst)
    isConeMorF = isConeMorSeq (L₂ J (funcComp F D) .limCone)
                              (F-cone (L₁ J D .limCone))
                              (F-cone cc)
                  (isConeMorE J D)
                   v  F-triangle F (limArrowCommutes theCLimCone _ _ _))

  -- TODO: prove that right adjoints preserve limits